Shower cabin instead of bath: all "for" and "against"


Counting a bathroom with "zero". Many people have a question: what is better a bath or cheap cabin? What to give preference to practicality or comfort, aesthetic appearance or compact location? Answer these questions will help detailed information about all positive and negative points of operation of the bath and shower.

Shower cabin instead of bath: all

General selection criteria

The following factors affect the purchase of a shower cabin or bath.

  • The total area of ​​the bathroom;
  • the presence of animals in the house;
  • The presence of small children and the elderly in the family;
  • Financial capabilities (showers are expensive);
  • implementation of the water saving project;
  • The need for rest and relax in water (in shower cabins the implementation of such desires is limited).

Shower cabin instead of bath: all

Choose bath

Fragrant foam and salt, leisurely immersion in the bathroom or eternal mold and the difficulty of care for cumbersome design. Everyone considers the functionality of the bathroom in its own way.

Bath for children

In a family where children will appreciate all the advantages of a large bath. This small pool will help not only buy a child, but also take it for a while. Bathing in the bathroom is very useful for strengthening the muscles and the nervous system of the kid.

Shower cabin instead of bath: all

Romance in the bathroom

Pleasant music, candles, champagne and rose petals in the bathroom. What could be better for a romantic evening. Few will refuse such pleasure.

Bath selection hostesses

Wash the dog after a walk, a very large saucepan after cooking or wrapping the bedspread, the down jacket is only in the bathroom. Of course, it is not worth turning the bathroom in the Hozblok, but for such emergency events, the bath is suitable as it is impossible.

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Shower cabin instead of bath: all

Bath is good for health

Only in the bathroom can be equipped with an ideal place for relax.

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Fragrant herbs, salts, essential oils added to the water help to relax, remove the load of the past day, restore strength and good mood.

Cons Baths:

  • It takes most of the area of ​​the toilet room;
  • water consumption when filling the bath at times more than when operating the soul;
  • Repair or replacement of the bath requires considerable time and money;
  • For old men and people with disabilities, the bathing can be a problem.

Choose a shower cabin

A convenient solution to the arrangement of the bathroom of a modern man is a shower.

Shower cabin instead of bath: all

Consider what attracts and what can be a problem when choosing a shower.

Shower cabin and speed

Quickly turn on the water, wash and wash off the foam: hygiene procedures in the shower cabin takes a minimum of time.

Shower cabin instead of bath: all

Shower cabin is the perfect option for those who appreciate their time.

Shower cabin and modern technology

Equipped as a spacecraft shower cabins are able to satisfy any wishes of a person. Radio, telephone, sensory feed soap and water, pressure control, various ways of water supply: everything is done so that a person spending the minimum of energy, he received a maximum of pleasure.

Shower cabin instead of bath: all

Shower cabin and saving space

For apartments, shower cabin can be salvation. A shower cabin, and a washing machine, and a shelter for linen quietly stand on the liberated place occupied by the cumbersome bath.

Shower cabin instead of bath: all

Shower cabin for older people

The people of old age, which, due to their physical possibilities, cannot take a bath for appreciation the possibilities of the shower cabin. Lack of barriers, the possibility of an additional installation of the seat beamer facilitate bath procedures to old men and people with disabilities.

Shower cabin instead of bath: all

Cons of the shower:

  • Complex care (maintaining the purity of the pallet and glass walls of the shower cabin takes time and strength);
  • Complex installation (only an experienced master can be installed correctly);
  • High cost (high-quality shower cabins are more expensive than traditional baths);
  • There is no possibility of relaxation and restoration of forces.

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Shower cabin instead of bath: all

Information on the positive and negative points of operation of the bath and the shower will help make the right choice to each.

Bath or shower? Useful tips (1 video)

Shower cabin in the interior (12 photos)

Shower cabin instead of bath: all

Shower cabin instead of bath: all

Shower cabin instead of bath: all

Shower cabin instead of bath: all

Shower cabin instead of bath: all

Shower cabin instead of bath: all

Shower cabin instead of bath: all

Shower cabin instead of bath: all

Shower cabin instead of bath: all

Shower cabin instead of bath: all

Shower cabin instead of bath: all

Shower cabin instead of bath: all

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