What are the options for laying tiles on the floor


When laying tiles, it is not enough to correctly calculate its quantity and conduct preparatory work on the floor purification and its alignment. You need to put the tile in the correct order. Bathroom Pattern on the floor is not so critical, but, if in the kitchen or in the living room, a tile is chosen, without a thoughtful layout, cannot do, because such a choice involves the use of all the capabilities of the tile from the point of view of design.

The choice of a layout method depends not only from the design room of the room, but also from the geometry of the room, the selected type of tile and the repair budget, as professionals take large amounts for complex ways. However, with due patience and attentiveness, this work can be performed with your own hands.

Before the direct laying, you need to calculate the exact number of tiles, without forgetting to add surplus on trimming, because it may not be possible to purchase an additional batch. Also, all the necessary works are also carried out: cleaning the floor from the previous tile or other coating, replacement of the screed or simply alignment. Only after that you can safely begin tiled creativity.

What are the options for laying tiles on the floor

In order for the tiled floor to make an impression, it is not necessary to try to post it as striking as possible, sometimes it is enough to choose the color and tile pattern. However, the assessed types of styling include the following:

  • Base.
  • Chess.
  • In the dispersion.
  • Modular.
  • Christmas tree.
  • Carpet.
  • Combined.

Square tiles: basic, chess

What are the options for laying tiles on the floor

Each of them needs to be stopped in more detail. Basic tile layout is the most common type. In addition to residential premises, it is used in public institutions, offices, hospitals, at train stations, because it is cheap and fast. Usually it is laid out with the same square tiles, and such a floor looks neutral and neatly.

By changing the size of the tile, you can influence the visual perception of the room. If you put a large tile in the small room, it will seem more than actually there is, and, on the contrary. The disadvantages of this method include monotony and the fact that all coating defects will be rushed into the eyes if it is absolutely the same in the entire area.

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This also includes the basic layout of the tile at an angle. It looks more effectively than the even rows of squares, but also harder in execution, since more incomplete tiles are formed along the edges, and it is more difficult to do the alignment, since the rows are not parallel to the walls.

In conditions, when the entire purchased tile is the same, it is a very aesthetic way to diversify the impression. Squares look like a rhombus, and can hide the placement defects due to unusual geometry of the floor, including sex defects. It is believed that for basic locations it is better to take one-picture options than multicolored. With angular methods, you need to buy 10% more tiles, as a large amount goes on trimming.

What are the options for laying tiles on the floor

Chess method comes from imitation of a chessboard with black and white square cells. Contrast colors produce the greatest impression, but not for all design solutions they are suitable. However, even with a small difference in tone, chess laying looks spectacular. The main thing here is to avoid the drawing that will divert attention.

Chess laying at an angle is made in the same way as chess, but the tile is not parallel to the walls, but at an angle of 45 degrees. These methods are not very expensive and make up most of the stacking.

Imitation of parquet and carpet

What are the options for laying tiles on the floor

For the method of laying into the dispersion, not square, but a rectangular tile, more often - wood and brown shades. Its task is to imitate the floor, folded from the board, although the basic principle is to place the tiles like the perfect brickwork - with a great displacement in each next row.

This method is possible for a rectangular tile without a pattern or with a non-rigid wood texture. Square tiles can also be put into disperse, but then the initial similarity with the parquet or brick is lost, and they look like another variation of the base method.

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The layout of the tiles in the disintegration at an angle, respectively, is located at an angle relative to the walls and not only costly, but also emphasizes the irregularities of the walls if they are. But for some premises this option is quite suitable. The displacement with these methods is not arbitrary, but exactly half the length of the tile.

If there is a breakdown and reminds about the floor, then the laying of a Christmas tree is exactly reproduced. The Christmas tree can be laid with simple parquet rows, and you can dilute in small square inserts, in this case it is called the Christmas tree with an attachment.

In any case, the complexity is to start at the right angle. The second subtlety of this method is the choice of invoice. Imitation of parquet involves imitation of wood, but not a stone texture.

What are the options for laying tiles on the floor

The modular layout of the tile is already on artistic ways and is made according to a predetermined sketch. Sometimes when buying a tile, you can buy samples of patterns. Perform such a drawing is much more complicated than to lay a Christmas tree similar to parquet, but the result looks very interesting, as it allows the use of a tile of different colors and sizes.

You can lay a tile with small shifts and to move it with tiny inserts of contrasting colors. Any of complex drawings will force guests or visitors to look at the floor, forgetting about time.

The method called the carpet is as follows. First, several rows of fuses are performed, usually from square tiles of different colors and sizes. Then the central part is filled at an angle or by a specific pattern.

The carpet is good in that the extreme areas of the room in which the furniture and other items are usually located are finished in a simple way, and the central on which everyone pays attention is more interesting. The carpet can be attributed to the combined methods.

With the correctly selected tile, the floor will be harmonized with the rest of the room and it is advantageous to hide its disadvantages. Depending on the complexity of the pattern, the cost of laying will increase, if you charge it professionals, however, if you define everything and follow the level of rows with the help of threads, this work can be done yourself.

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After the installation is completed, it is necessary to wait for a complete drying of the glue. It usually takes at least two days. Only after that you can walk along the laid floor and you need to make the stamps of the seams. It will be best to have several tiles of each color in case of possible minor repairs, which can also be conducted independently.

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