How it is better to make a working area in the kitchen


No one will become the news that the kitchen without a workplace cannot exist and absolutely no matter how it is framed.

How it is better to make a working area in the kitchen

Working area in the kitchen

The working area of ​​the kitchen is a territory where cooking is being prepared, and gastronomic delights are created.

As a rule, in the working area, install the necessary technique and the kitchen set, so that there is order: the cabinets hang, set the cabinets, gas tiles, washing, etc., all that should be at hand at any hostess.

Basically, the "kitchen set" is quite small, so you can beat the working surface like this:

  • Change the order of the furniture items Lee to transfer the work surface to the center of the room;
  • Give the kitchen of originality and exclusivity with your own hands using different decorative elements and furniture items.

Well, let's start?

We decorate apron

How it is better to make a working area in the kitchen

Independent decoration of the kitchen

The kitchen apron is the most bright zone that modern building materials transform and increase its reliability, functionality and beauty. What is only worth a decorative design, which in the field of the apron performs not only a decorative function, but also protects the walls from fire, water, fat, etc. made from durable refractory glass, which can cope with elevated temperatures near the plates turned on, and with mechanical Damage. Also, the panel is not afraid of moisture.

Another feature is that some image can be transferred to the surface. Thanks to modern technologies, the image is applied on the turnover of glass, and the ends are closed firmly so that the moisture does not penetrate, and the image did not deteriorate.

Such panels are superior to the tile, because this is a monolithic surface from a whole piece of glass that does not have seams. Its perfect surface also surpasses the tile on the simplicity of washing.

Glass panels can reach 3m in length, and if you need to arrange a large area, you will need to combine several plates and process all the joints with sealant.

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Niche, designed in this way, looks very original and effectively, and if you decorate it with LEDs, the image seems to come to your eyes.

So obsessively we got to the kitchen lighting.


How it is better to make a working area in the kitchen

Kitchen interier

Lighting the workspace has 2 functions:

  1. is both lighting and decor;
  2. At night, the role of the lamp is performed, because this lighting will be enough to have a cup of tea.

No one will argue that the chandelier in the center of the kitchen does not cope in a sufficient amount with the task of lighting, because its capacity is not enough, and the working surface falls into the shadow.

Today to highlight the kitchen in different ways. Practical lamps are considered very practical, which are mounted on the ceiling throughout the perimeter of the workspace. You can also install a plasterboard frame, which will be mounted around the perimeter of mounted bedside tables, and to install lighting devices.

Particularities are increasingly popular, so-called directional light fixtures. They can be installed both on the cabinets and under them. Thus, the illuminated niche allows you to easily prepare dinner, not including the main lighting. If you manage to purchase rotary lamps, they will help to highlight not only the area for cooking dishes, but also the entire area of ​​the room.

Well, where without LEDs, because they provide us with many opportunities. Today, standard white LEDs go to the background, and they came to shift colored. Such light bulbs can emit one color or overflow and smoothly move from one color to another.

Thanks to this illumination, you can light up:

  • apron;
  • surface for cooking;
  • mounted stands;
  • base;
  • The entire area of ​​the kitchen (if you install the tape over the entire area of ​​the room).

Modern suspension lamps are very original, which are installed straight over the table or kitchen island. They do not interfere with the free movement in the kitchen and in a sufficient amount illuminate the necessary space.

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Countertop in the kitchen interior

How it is better to make a working area in the kitchen

Working area in the kitchen with your own hands

The table is an indispensable element without which it is impossible to equip the work area.

If finances are limited and you do not have the opportunity to arrange a tabletop from natural materials or glass, just a bright color of this indispensable kitchen headset.

An unusually looks a tabletop from a dark material, especially if the whole kitchen is made in bright, pastel colors. For example, a black material countertop is unique and refined in combination with an ivory color head.

Also beautiful and harmoniously looks like a blue countertop and black kitchen furniture; Violet working fabric with white couches, etc. Do not be afraid of experiments, combine the various colors that you taste.

Also highly popular with tabletops of unusual shades that mimic a tree or stone masonry.

Well, of course, countertops from marble, granite, as well as artificial or natural stone are always popular. These materials are distinguished by an increased level of impact resistance, they are not scary to change temperatures, no damage - they even near the plate retain a presentable look.

The newest achievement is a chainfront of tempered glass. This finish combines strength and sophistication. Cookop color can be done at your request, which will make the most harmoniously join the new table top in the old kitchen set.

Install the tabletop can be in different place:

  • in a deaf wall;
  • change the order between gas tiles and washing;
  • Near the window, etc.

How it is better to make a working area in the kitchen

Cuisine Finish

If you want to cook dishes and admire the view from the window, install the tabletop in the opening will not be difficult. To do this, it will be enough to observe such an order: to remove the windowsill, and install the working facility in a niche. Also, for convenience, it will be possible to move there and move the washing or slab by changing the usual order and location of kitchen furniture. So you can beat the workspace not only in the small kitchen, but also the owners of houses outside the city that will not melts the chance and transform the territory in front of the window in a rosary or a small garden.

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Varieties and cost of the most popular worktops are shown in the table.




for p / m

Chipboard and mdfFrom 800 rubles.
Panel lined with tiles800-900 rub.
Stainless steelFrom 2000 rubles.
Fake diamondFrom 8000 rubles.
A natural stoneFrom 10,000 rubles.

How to bring order in the kitchen niche?

How it is better to make a working area in the kitchen

Working area in the kitchen

In our country there are a lot of apartments in which the kitchen is very small, and there is also such an inconvenience as a niche in the wall.

Niche is a slight deepening in the wall. But, it is possible to arrange such an inappropriate space further with a small benefit.

If you do not want to bother with a choice of kitchen headset - a niche can simply sew a plasterboard.

But, do not rush to get rid of such a "golden" space like a niche. There are even some owners of apartments that Niche in the kitchen need is very necessary, and she is ready to do it independently.

Here are a few ideas following which Niche can convert original hand:

  • Niche can accommodate the refrigerator;
  • put the cabinet (extra shelves will help to clean up, for example, in spices);
  • Install drying for dishes;
  • transfer the gas stove to deepening in the wall and hang out the hood over it;
  • Install the organizer for storing recipes that will quickly lead all the papers in order;
  • Niche can accomplish the aquarium and pr.

As you can see, despite the fact that the work area is present in any kitchen, it is possible to arrange it absolutely differently. The main thing is not to be afraid to experiment and connect all your fantasy to this process.

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