Kitchen interior in a private house: how to issue an interior in the country with your own hands


It is possible to argue and reason about who is easier to argue: residents of their own house or apartment in a high-rise building can be infinity. But, as nor sad, moving to the apartment, many still have to put up with the planning already created. In this regard, definitely, its own home has a huge advantage, because it can be sophisticated to design and build it, taking into account all his wishes.

Kitchen interior in a private house: how to issue an interior in the country with your own hands

Interior of the kitchen in a private house do it yourself

Since each woman dreams of a beautiful, large and functional room for cooking, then we will tell about the intricacies that will help correctly issue the kitchen design in a wooden house.

In which styles you can beat the room with a rustic house?

Kitchen interior in a private house: how to issue an interior in the country with your own hands

Cuisine interior in a private house

The kitchen in a wooden house should be placed only after the owners will definitively define with the stylistics of the room. The most popular with the arrangement of the country house enjoy such styles as:

  • Country;
  • Provence;
  • classic;
  • in eco and rustic style;
  • kitsch;
  • Rustic and PR.

When the house is located on the seashore, it is very often decorated in the marine theme.

If you remember more modern directions, such as minimalism, techno and loft, the kitchen in a private house with their help is played much less frequently than in the apartment.

Permissible styles for kitchen arrangement are shown in the table.

ClassicWhite and cream shades, modeling, niches, minimum of bright details, a lot of light
ModernFunctionality, nothing superfluous, smoothed corners, smooth lines, asymmetry
CountryNatural muted shades, main material - wood, many decorative elements, extractor, stained glass windows, fireplace
RetroSolidity, high cost, rich decor, strict geometry, bright lighting, "aged" furniture
High techRationality and simplicity, minimum decor, straight lines, large windows and many additional lighting, modern kitchen devices
ScandinavianLight color palette with bright splashes, strict shapes and natural materials, functionality, minimum decor, maximum free space
LoftOpen layout, rough, functional furniture, creativity, abundance of lighting, maximum similarity similarities
ColonialBright color palette, natural materials, authentic decor

Considering the fact that the kitchen in a private house is as close as possible to nature, it will appropriate to use natural materials in a rustic style:

  • Wood:
  • woven rattan furniture;
  • a rock;
  • clay;
  • Ceramics.

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The same can be said about the elements of the decor. The kitchen interior in a private house can be decorated:

  • dryweights;
  • onion or garlic ligaments;
  • embroidered napkins and towers;
  • patches;
  • shutters and handmade tablecloth;
  • clay pots;
  • kitchen utensils;
  • other bright details.

How to separate a small room?

Kitchen interior in a private house: how to issue an interior in the country with your own hands

Independent interior decoration in the kitchen

Despite the fact that all kitchenettes in high-rise buildings are distinguished by a small area, a kitchen in a wooden house or in the country can have absolutely different dimensions.

If your room is limited in the area, with special attention to the choice of furniture and technology items, so as the most compact and conveniently arrange them, because small rooms with competently placed furniture are not inferior to a large and spacious room.

This can also be said about the choice of colors. Use light shades of warm colors that will help to visually increase the space.

Also, experienced designers are also resorted to the use of glossy surfaces, on which the reflection allows you to visually increase the room. The same manipulations can be done with the ceiling, which will give the place of the spaciousness.

According to experienced designers, if your room is too stretched, install the technique and furniture along the entire length of the wall in the M-shaped form. If the width of the room allows you to install interior items in the P-shaped form. Of course, use islands and peninsions on narrow kitchens inappropriate.

For registration of a small and narrow kitchen, it is better to pick out lockers with space doors, and not with opening, because when opening, they will block the space. I also want to note if you have the opportunity to order furniture in your own sketch, give up standard cabinets with a depth of 60cm. For your narrow kitchen room, there will be more relevant furniture with a depth of a tumb of about 40 cm.

If there is a square room at your country or in a country village house, there will be less questions with it. Most often in this room, the furniture is placed in the form of an island, which is located in the center of the kitchen.

If the kitchen room is square, but very small, the dining table is not fit here. In such a situation, it is worth thinking about his "eviction" in the dining room. If you do not have it, install the bar counter or the national team, which in use can be addressed and not clutching such a precious space.

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We connect a room for cooking with a living room

Kitchen interior in a private house: how to issue an interior in the country with your own hands

Finishing the interior in the kitchen with their own hands

Connect the kitchen together with the living room is not a bad solution, especially if your kitchen is not rich in square meters. Such a connection has many positive:

  • The hostess may spend time with their households;
  • Visitally not only a kitchen, but the living room is transformed into a larger room.

But, pay attention to what daring to such a move, you must comply with a single style, both for the kitchen and for the living room, so that the image was a weathered and concise.

There are such situations that such a connection of the room with a kitchen allows you to get more light if the window in the kitchen was not provided.

Connecting a kitchen with a room, immediately get a good hood, which will not allow during cooking, smells will spread all over the apartment. Otherwise, all third-party smells are absorbed into furniture, textiles and in the room all the time will be a shaft smell.

Nuances when creating a passing outdoor kitchen zone

Kitchen interior in a private house: how to issue an interior in the country with your own hands

Decorating a kitchen in a private house

If the design of the kitchen in a private house is beaten so that there is free access to the terrace - a summer playground can become an unusual solution for the location of the dining area on it.

In order to separate the workplace from the passage zone, install the kitchen island or a bar stand on the border, which smoothly and harmoniously can become a continuation of the working surface. Also with this mission to easily cope the kitchen table.

If the kitchen area and dining room are connected, the design of the kitchen in a private house gets a huge space for imagination. At the same time, some stands can be moved to the dining room, freeing more space for cooking. Your main task when designing an open passing kitchenette is to adhere to the same stylistry, in which the dining room and summer platform is framed.

Kitchen in Mansard

Kitchen interior in a private house: how to issue an interior in the country with your own hands

We are interior with the kitchen yourself

The location of the kitchen room in a rustic house outside the city under the roof is an unexpected, but spectacular and unusual solution. It is especially profitable if it looks if there are large roof slopes on the attic and is equipped at least one window, which will allow you to get a source of natural light.

In order to separate such a kitchen with your own hands, pick up the bottling furniture, as well as mounted stands with a bevelled top.

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For registration it is worth choosing light furniture. The kitchen design in a wooden house can be played by rails that will help all the time to have the necessary kitchen devices at hand, without clutching the space of excess furniture.

Summer kitchen

Kitchen interior in a private house: how to issue an interior in the country with your own hands

Interior in the kitchen

When summer on the street, spending time on hot kitchen painfully for any mistress. Especially difficult it is necessary when summer heat coincides with the conservation season. But, the way out of the situation is quite simple - summer kitchen.

In private homes or at dacha, summer kitchen can be represented:

  1. in the form of an open-air island;
  2. In closed form.

As you understand, summer kitchen without a roof will not be able to save your dishes and kitchen furniture from an unexpectedly stunned rain. To do this, you need to acquire utensils and furniture, which is not afraid of rain or to build some cover. It would not be bad that an open summer kitchen was equipped with a canopy, sliding removable partitions or, on an extreme case, dense cloth.

The summer kitchen of the closed type has more advantages, because the roof and walls will be able to protect you, both from unexpected rain and from scoring sunlight.

Several tips for designing cuisines in a rustic country house

Kitchen interior in a private house: how to issue an interior in the country with your own hands

Kitchen interior do it yourself

Be careful when choosing a curtain into the kitchen. If the room has a large area - hang function curtains made of dense material. But, if the area is small, it has a difficult form or work surface is installed near the window - reduce the amount of tissues used, and better give your preference to the Roman curtain or blinds. Such analogue of Tulle will be much more practical and will retain natural lighting, which is so important on small kitchens.

Provide free access to all working surfaces, especially if the kitchen is not rich in square meters. Take care of the functionality of the furniture, pick up the retractable stands, a corner with hidden compartments in which you can hide the things in the kitchen.

As you can see, when applying for a kitchen in a private rustic house, you need to know about some nuances that will help correctly arrange furniture and choose decorative elements.

As we said earlier, try to pick up the maximum amount of natural material for finishing, which will help you feel unity with nature.

Do not be afraid to experiment, everything is in your hands!

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