8 ideas for giving spied in Scandinavian houses


Scandinavian style is concise and elegant, simple and sophisticated. Finnish designers can watch many interesting ideas that will help make any country house more comfortable and more interesting.

8 ideas for giving spied in Scandinavian houses

The second life of old things

Usually, a huge number of old things accumulates at the cottage. No need to hurry to throw them out, you should give them a second chance. If you experiment, do not be afraid to include fantasy, you can find a new application for almost any thing.

8 ideas for giving spied in Scandinavian houses

For example, the old kettle will become an excellent pot for flowers, and the grater is a beautiful pencil stand.

8 ideas for giving spied in Scandinavian houses

Decorations on the wall

Scandinavia appreciate the comfort and warmth of their native home. You can turn a boring gray room in a pretty corner using photos of loved ones, favorite paintings or colors.

8 ideas for giving spied in Scandinavian houses

By the way, plants on the walls will perform not only the decorative function, but also create a comfortable microclimate indoor. Flowers can be simply put on the shelf, but even the winning will look at the Wine Pots.

8 ideas for giving spied in Scandinavian houses

Dark facade of the house

Give the house magic charm, rigor and extraordinary refinement is capable of a dark color facade. It looks very stylish and unusual, and also looks great on the background of green plants. But it must be borne in mind that such houses in the sun will quickly heat up, so it is better to paint in the dark tone of only the buildings in the shade.

8 ideas for giving spied in Scandinavian houses

Color floor or ceiling

In the countries of Scandinavia, there is little sun, so often locals paint ceilings in rooms in bright solar colors. Especially harmonious will look a yellow ceiling in combination with white walls.

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8 ideas for giving spied in Scandinavian houses

The floor is also painted sometimes in bright colors. With the help of different shades, you can zonate space. Rooms with such color accents do not even need additional decoration.

8 ideas for giving spied in Scandinavian houses

8 ideas for giving spied in Scandinavian houses

Wall partition instead of wall

Make a room visually wider and lighter will help the spreading partition. This is a very original and stylish solution. Especially relevant, the use of rush partitions instead of conventional solid walls will be for the attic, because there almost always lacks lighting.

8 ideas for giving spied in Scandinavian houses

In Scandinavian countries, wooden rails typically use, as it is natural and environmentally friendly material.

8 ideas for giving spied in Scandinavian houses

Trolley as a shelf or stand

Trolley - universal and multifunctional piece of furniture. In the bedroom, the trolley will serve as a good bedside table, and in the kitchen and in the bathroom will replace lockers for storing accessories.

8 ideas for giving spied in Scandinavian houses

Snow-white veranda

White color is very concise, it always looks expensive and elegant, allows you to relax and enjoy the rest, harmony with the outside world. So that the snow-white veranda does not look boring or empty worth adding interesting details to the interior. For example, elements retro: old armchair, player or radio, even a normal copper basin.

8 ideas for giving spied in Scandinavian houses

Tip! The veranda can be decorated with garlands. And then you will get into the real fairy tale at night.

Many pillows

The favorite reception of the Swedish designers is to use a large number of pillows, sometimes their amount comes to 9-10 pieces. Designers combine pillows of different colors, completely different texture, with unusual prints . Pillows usually in this case perform a purely decorative function.

8 ideas for giving spied in Scandinavian houses

The main thing to create an interior in the Scandinavian style is not to overdo it with details, decorations, decorative elements. Everything should be harmoniously combined. In the design of the room you need some kind of accent, but it should be only one. Do not be afraid to experiment - even old things can become a highlight of your interior.

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8 ideas for giving spied in Scandinavian houses

8 ideas for giving spied in Scandinavian houses

8 ideas for giving spied in Scandinavian houses

8 ideas for giving spied in Scandinavian houses

8 ideas for giving spied in Scandinavian houses

8 ideas for giving spied in Scandinavian houses

8 ideas for giving spied in Scandinavian houses

8 ideas for giving spied in Scandinavian houses

8 ideas for giving spied in Scandinavian houses

8 ideas for giving spied in Scandinavian houses

8 ideas for giving spied in Scandinavian houses

8 ideas for giving spied in Scandinavian houses

8 ideas for giving spied in Scandinavian houses

8 ideas for giving spied in Scandinavian houses

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