What balconies are better, plastic or aluminum: detailed overview


What balconies are better, plastic or aluminum: detailed overview

At the moment, the most popular materials for window profiles - aluminum and plaquesli eyes in humans are a mirror of the soul, the balcony windows are the eyes of the house. It is for this reason that the balcony should be beautiful, practical, convenient to use. It is possible to achieve this combination, if applied to glazing plastic or aluminum profiles.

What profiles are better

In order to determine what type of glazing is suitable for the balcony - plastic or aluminum, you need to know some subtleties. Warm glazing at a price is a bit more expensive. This is explained by the use of more expensive materials. Conduct installation can be even independently. Everything is simple and easy. Aluminum profiles are much stronger, so the design will last longer, undead plastic.

What balconies are better, plastic or aluminum: detailed overview

Plastic windows are cheaper: at the same time, they have many advantages and minimum deficiencies.

Plastic structures are massive, so they can not be installed on all balconies. Used only if the balcony has a standard and more size, and the house is not over 20 years old.

In Khrushchev, the warm glazing is not performed due to the strong load on the base of the balcony, because after a while it can just fall under the weight of the glass packs.

Another prerequisite for the installation of plastic windows when installing on the balconies is the presence of parapet and concrete roof. Specialists are not recommended to install PVC on the balcony, which is located on the top floor. Thus, plastic warm glazing is used more often for loggias.

Unlike warm, cold glazing allows without much effort to glare balcony without roofs, a single balcony, expand designs from the outside.

What balconies are better, plastic or aluminum: detailed overview

You can combine several types of windows: for example, combine sliding and swivel windows

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Cold systems do not protect against frosts. Windows is protected by balconies from the negative manifestation of nature - rain, wind, snow. In addition, street noise will not be heard. But the temperature in the balcony will differ from the street just a few degrees. Cold glazing allows you to make an excellent place from the balcony to preserve the conservation in the winter. In the summer heat, the glazing will prevent high air temperature not only in the balcony, but also apartments.

Designs like aluminum so plastic can be:

  • Sliding;
  • Swivels;
  • Swivel-folding;
  • Deaf.

What does the process of installing plastic windows on the balcony looks like (video)

Sliding windows on the balconies

This species has a design that allows sash to push on the parties, while they overlap each other. This saves additional useful space. Sliding systems are perfectly coping with their main function - protection against seasonal precipitation, street garbage and noise. The perfect option for narrow balconies.

What balconies are better, plastic or aluminum: detailed overview

One of the minuses of sliding structures - the mechanism can quickly break

The disadvantages include the fact that there are precipitation and moisture, which is condensed to the lower guide, which is condensed when the balcony is disappeared into the balcony. This can lead to glaciation and to bring aluminum structures for a while. But this happens only with aluminum profiles, consumer reviews say that there is no vague in the plastic sliding windows.

Rotary plastic and aluminum windows on the balconies

Are the easiest design. In this case, the flaps open when they are turned. For such windows, it is enough just to care for. It is necessary at least once a week to carry out wet cleaning, and they will serve a long service life.

What balconies are better, plastic or aluminum: detailed overview

Rotary mechanism The most common balcony owners

Not suitable for narrow balcony premises, because the sash simply will have nowhere to open. But if necessary, specialists can install such windows on a narrow balcony, whose sash will be opened out. The swivel axis can move the windows in the vertical or horizontal plane.

Rotary-folding plastic windows

One of the most popular systems. Allows you to open the shutters or set them to the ventilating position. Such a mechanism is characteristic of plastic profiles, aluminum systems are installed only under the order.

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Folded plastic and aluminum windows

In these windows, the flaps are folded into the inner part of the air balcony. Almost always, such windows resemble the window. I can have different sizes.

Deaf Aluminum and Plastic Window Blocks on Balconies

Such windows are durable and reliable, but their distinctive feature - they do not have the ability to open. Disadvantage - design it is impossible to wash on the outside, for this you need to call a special technique, and this is again extra costs. Deaf plastic and aluminum systems in private houses are widespread, in industrial buildings.

What balconies are better, plastic or aluminum: detailed overview

Specialists do not recommend using deaf windows on high floors

It is recommended to install 2-3 deaf glass windows, no more to be able to care for them from the outside.

What is better aluminum or plastic balcony

Such a question is tormented by many people, as it is clear that really better aluminum or plastic windows, who does not have a very difficult person. First of all, you need to decide for what purpose the balcony is glazed. If it is provided to make a warm room in which it will be possible to drink coffee in the morning even in winter or to make a gym in this space, it is certainly better to give preference to aluminum profiles.

What balconies are better, plastic or aluminum: detailed overview

The choice of windows for the balcony depends on the climate and financial position

If you just need to protect the balconies from street dirt, and the gusts of strong wind, rain, then a plastic profile is quite suitable.

Aluminum profiles

Aluminum windows on the balconies have advantages.

What balconies are better, plastic or aluminum: detailed overview

Aluminum windows are more durable: their service life is noticeable longer than plastic windows

Main them:

  1. Aluminum profile makes the appearance of the balcony, the loggia is stylish;
  2. Fortress and strength of the structure;
  3. Excellent specifications;
  4. Long service life;
  5. Compared to the plastic, the cost of aluminum windows is cheaper;
  6. With the right installation do not let moisture, that is, precipitation is not terrible for the design;
  7. Windows can be different shades, due to this you can choose them for any interior;
  8. It is installed on concrete, brick, metal parapets.

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The disadvantages include the possibility of glaciation. Even no passing moisture on the outside, steam condensation, settling on the glasses, turns with ice. If you do not care for structures, the guides are covered with a layer of dirt and dust that can derive the system.

Plastic profiles

Plastic windows are sufficient today, and you can see them in almost all apartments and on the balconies. Benefits include a long service life, system strength, the ability to wash and clean the glass without problems. Windows can imitate wood.

What balconies are better, plastic or aluminum: detailed overview

Plastic windows in winter are able to warm the balcony, and in the summer it is maintained optimal, not a hot temperature

Many experts suggest that there is no difference between plastic and aluminum profiles. Both those and others do not make balconies with hot and warm without additional selection.

Only when installing heaters, radiators, the room will be warm.

This type of windows also has its drawbacks - it is not possible to install plastic windows on all parapets. And if the measurer came, which reports that it can be installed on a rusty metal parapet two-chamber glazing with a size of 7 cm, from its services can be safely refused.

Lite windows like

It is similar to each other aluminum or plastic profile with its diversity. Manufacturers make their various shapes - rectangular, square, trapezoidal, round, arched.

What balconies are better, plastic or aluminum: detailed overview

Plastic profiles look more stylish and modern

In the selection of the shade, too, there will be no difficulty - their sufficiently large number. The most common producers of aluminum, plastic profiles - Russia, Germany, Italy and Belgium.

What is better for the Russian climate

According to statistics on the territory of Russia, due to a specific climate, plastic windows are most often installed, because the cost is cheaper, they have excellent hermetic, sound insulation and heat-shielding properties.

Which PVC profile for the balcony is better (video)

Any windows are established depending on the wishes, tastes and the preferences of the owner of the apartment. If a person cannot decide on the choice, you need to contact a specialist who will tell you what better windows are plastic or aluminum.

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