Glass doors for baths - Secrets of high quality selection


To choose the right door to the bath, you need to have a complete picture of the minuses and the advantages of the products that the market offers. Our article will be told about the glass doors, and after reading it, you can decide for ourselves - whether such an option is suitable for you, or it is still better to find another.

Glass doors for bath and sauna:

Glass doors for baths - Secrets of high quality selection

Why should you choose a glass door for a bath?

If you plan to build a bath (no matter what kind - Hamam, a Russian bathhouse, or a sauna), you will certainly need to pay attention to the issue of choosing the door. Moreover, not one, you will need at least 2 doors - one as the entrance and the second for the steam room. If the sauna consists of more rooms, then the doors will need to install more.

Modern construction stores are pleased to offer our customers a wide variety of doors. 3 types of door structures are successfully sold:

  • Glass door to bath, sauna or bathroom;
  • Wooden;
  • Combined (combination of wood and glass).

It is about a glass door in a bath and sauna we will talk in our article, since, in our opinion, it is more preferable than wooden. Why? - We will tell about it below.


Glass doors for baths - Secrets of high quality selection

Some people think that the glass doors are always put in the sauna, and here are made of wood (or combined, in the manufacture of which glass and wood used) - to the Russian bath. However, it is more myth, and with reality it has little in common. The glass door is perfect and in the bath and in the sauna.

There we visually expand the room, make it more comfortable, and give a more modern, thoughtful appearance. However, this is not all! It's no secret that glass doors for the sauna are more durable than their wooden competitors. Therefore, beat all the fears away - if you need a high-quality, aesthetic and reliable door to the bath, then the most reasonable solution will stop your choice on the one that is made of glass.

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The glass door, for what would you not have purchased it - in the sauna, bath or bathroom, will become the best purchase, because it does not absorb moisture and is not deformed. In addition, the glass does not evaporate the harmful elements capable of harmful to health, therefore it is not worth worrying for the ecological safety of such products. Giving a preference to a glass door designed to the sauna, you can visually increase the space room. In addition, care for it does not cause any problems and difficulties - it is enough to wipe the glass with a detergent from time to time. A lot of time this procedure does not take you, and even more so it will not seem laborious.

Specificity of production

Glass doors for baths - Secrets of high quality selection

The production of glass doors began in the last century; Time is coming, the technology is improved, undergoing qualitative changes, and today is already used innovative high-quality materials and the latest techniques.

Currently, glass doors for the sauna are "born to light" as follows: the glass is subjected to a strongest temperature effect - heated to 700 degrees, after which they are cooled;

For cooling, an air blowing technique is used. As a result of such manipulations, engineers receive high-quality material with high characteristics of strength and resistance to mechanical influences; In addition, it makes it incredibly heat-resistant, which is also very important for exploiting rooms with a special microclimate, which are saunas and baths.

To break up modern glass doors installed in the sauna, you still need to try; But even when it happens, the glass is crumpled into a large number of small stupid fragments, and not as ordinary glass - large and sharp. That is, even if you want a lot, you will not succeed.

On sale there are both matte products made of glass and absolutely transparent - here the personal matter of every buyer, what he wants to see in his own bath. As for the thickness, it is usually 8 millimeters.

High humidity rooms create ideal conditions for the development of bacteria and harmful microorganisms, and if you use a door design from a tree, then you yourself understand what consequences it is fraught; A completely different business glass doors in the bathroom or bath - they are absolutely not susceptible to various sodes.

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So look - around one advantage; But in life, it does not happen so much, and we consider to tell our duty and about the cons of these products. They are a bit, but still they are.

What disadvantages have products from glass?

Glass doors for baths - Secrets of high quality selection


  • First of all, it is comparative high cost. A high-quality good door will cost you in a certain penny, but it's a profitable investment, since it will be very long.
  • The second negative point is sufficiently high thermal conductivity characteristics. Wood in this plan exceeds glass, and it is stupid to deny.

Let's compare the number and importance of the advantages and disadvantages of glass door structures in a visual table to understand what is more, benefits or negative, and whether to buy.

DurabilityHigh price
Modern stylish appearanceBig thermal conductivity
No "fear" in front of bacteria and fungi
Thermal resistance and moisture resistance
Easy care

Itself suggests that the glass door is a profitable investment of funds and a better option in a bath or bathroom.

How to install?

Glass doors for baths - Secrets of high quality selection

First of all, you should make a small reservation for those who are not informed - the glass doors are put in the Parin itself; As an entrance such a decision, of course, it is not suitable - for this, this is just the same to buy a wooden door;

In the kit there is a box made of wood; Such boxes in the overwhelming number of cases are very high-quality and do not have bitch; They can boast excellent moisture resistance, which is achieved due to lacquer processing;

Another distinguishing property of the box is the preservation of the original beautiful outdoor view during the entire period of operation.

Mounting the glass doors in the bath or sauna, in principle, it is difficult to call a challenging procedure.

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For its implementation, no specific skills are needed - a regular man-owner, whose hands and legs grow from the right place to cope on their own. However, if you are still unsure in your abilities, it makes sense to call for help professionals.

To implement installation, you need to call a partner, which will support the door, because it is not at all the "empty". Conducting installation, it is important to leave below the lumen of up to 5 millimeters.

The door design should perform the function of maintaining heat, so it is necessary to pay attention to the seal around the perimeter. For this task, you will have to purchase a silicone seal (you can buy in every construction store); At the same time, do not forget that installing glass doors in your personal sauna, you need to leave holes intended for the influx of clean air.

Although the modern glass door in such a room, like a bathroom or a bath, strong enough, some owners decide to resort to additional measures to protect the edges of the glass;

They find suitable on the design of the plank and filled with the glass through screws; Not the most difficult process, but any doubts about the safety of glass once and forever dispel.

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