Wigwam for children do it yourself: materials and manufacture


Wigwam - The dwelling of America's indigenous people. This building has a very simple design and make it an easy task for children. Chalas can be installed on the country area either in the baby's bedroom. You can make your hands with your own hands, and your child will be delighted with such an exotic interior item. For him, there is little space in the room. Having made a folding version of a house for a child, it can be removed into a secluded place, easy to transport, moving around the apartment or disappear.

When making an unusual house for children, ask them how he will look, and add to the creative lesson.

Wigwam do it yourself in the nursery

When choosing an unusual style for children, use as much decorative elements as possible, firming materials. You can use bedspread with pillows: the pillows will become a soft floor, and the walls threw on the upper supports symuts the walls. Various pumps, paper and tissue garlands are suitable as decorative elements. Also, appliqués, beads, feathers, branches are also useful for the decoration.

Wigwam in children's hands

The advantages of Wigwam:

  1. Children's delight and joy - kids will be delighted with a small shala in the room.
  2. Comfort - If there is a need for this, you can easily fold and remove the house for children.
  3. Mobility - quickly installed in a convenient location.
  4. Universality - Children's Chaolash is comfortable both indoors and outdoor space (street).
  5. Easy cleaning - the tent is not afraid of dirt and stains: when contamination, you can remove the frame of the fabric and wipe it.
  6. Joint creativity - a shala design for a child is simple. The house can be made independently, attracting the Dither the process.

Vigvam rigid construction

If we install a tent in the house, then you need to prepare supports, the branches of trees are suitable (excellent alternative - bamboo rods). If you decide to do all the work yourself, then first of all determine the height of the structure. This value depends on the growth and age of the child, so that it was cozy in the house and the place was enough. It will take, at least four sticks so that the design is sustainable.

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Wigwam in children's hands

Chaolash for a baby manufacturing stages:

  1. First, we set the supports so that they do not press each other. Between them, the slope is about 25 degrees. It turns out sticks folded in the form of a flower.
  2. Tie support sticks with rope, skipping it several times between branches.
  3. To give stiffness of the design, attach additional horizontal branches along the lower and middle perimeters of the future at home.
  4. If there is a volumetric, high construction, use more solid wooden bars for supports. For fastening, use the rope, pre-drumped holes in wooden supports
  5. Determine which coating to use for the manufacture of a house. If you decide to make the whole building yourself, then you need to cover the design with cutting fabric or sew a special case.
  6. If you decide to make an option with a case, it must be cut out, decorated and sehered. The entire case consists of several pieces of triangular fabric. For their calculation, we measure the openings between the chopsticks, add several centimeters to the seam and sew the case.
  7. Finished design with decorating elements corresponding to the selected style of the shag. For greater security, use natural fabric.

Wigwam in Children's Hands

Suspended Vigvam or Tent

Chalas are installed on balconies, attics, in the room, on the household site - wherever there is a place for small Indians of their noble classes. It is important that you can screw the hook to which you can hang a big piece of fabric. It will be great if there are ceiling beams in the house - the chalas is configured instantly and also quickly removes.

Wigwam in children's hands

The dignity of the suspended type of a hut for the nursery is that the kids can play it all day, and you do not have to worry about their safety. But compared to the stationary version of the slag, it has a clear disadvantage - more space is needed for the suspension. If there is enough free space in the children's baby, you can calmly choose this option.

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For work it is necessary to prepare materials and tools:

  • multicolored fabric;
  • a pair of blankets and pillows;
  • hanging hook or beams;
  • roulette;
  • gymnastic hoop;
  • Scissors, threads, needle.

First, choose a place for the tent. We measure with the help of roulette the height of the support, screw the two hooks into the ceiling or beam. We take fabric, its length should be twice as bigger than the height from the floor to the hook. It is worth adding another twenty centimeters on each side so that the house is cooled roomy and comfortable. Now fasten the fabric cloth on the hook at the ceiling or overcoat through the ceiling beam.

For greater beauty and exotic, use several sections of the fabric - Wigwam will be multi-layered, large, comfortable.

Wigwam for children do it yourself

Fix the edges of the tissue walls, just pressing them to the floor with sweaty books and throwing the pillows from above. A more stationary approach implies the arrangement of the foundation of the house. To do this, take the gymnastic hoop and wrap the ends hanging on it hanging from the top support fabric. Do not too much so that the fabric does not stretch into the house to be folded toys, pillows, books and invite several friends, so the chalac must have a slightly sagging walls to all and accommodate everyone.

Wigwam suspended with their own hands

There are many more ways to make Wigwam, even great so that adults can buy in children in their possessions. In the house you can put a table and chairs, tea drinking, games will be cheerful.

Children's house do it yourself

Give the children joy, they grow quickly and need to have time to give them a maximum of impressions for the development of a full-fledged personality.

Mastery Vigvam for children's hands

Wigwam in children's hands

Mastery Vigvam for children's hands

Mastery Vigvam for children's hands

Mastery Vigvam for children's hands

Wigwam in Children's Hands

Mastery Vigvam for children's hands

Mastery Vigvam for children's hands

Wigwam for children do it yourself

Mastery Vigvam for children's hands

Mastery Vigvam for children's hands

Mastery Vigvam for children's hands

Mastery Vigvam for children's hands

Mastery Vigvam for children's hands

Mastery Vigvam for children's hands

Wigwam in children's hands

Mastery Vigvam for children's hands

Mastery Vigvam for children's hands

Mastery Vigvam for children's hands

Mastery Vigvam for children's hands

Children's house do it yourself

Mastery Vigvam for children's hands

Wigwam in children's hands

Mastery Vigvam for children's hands

Wigwam do it yourself in the nursery

Mastery Vigvam for children's hands

Wigwam suspended with their own hands

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