Crochet cushion with Popcorn pattern


Crochet cushion with Popcorn pattern

Good afternoon dear friends!

Imagine, for a whole year I did not have publications about my favorite sofa pillows! It doesn't look at me at all. And the ideas have accumulated a lot. Probably because I myself want to embody them yourself, and your hands do not reach, so I did not write anything. Today I want to show you very beautiful sofa pillows with crochet, whose photos I saw on the Internet. Well, I really liked them and not only me, judging by the reviews in groups.

Since there were no schemes for them, I decided to make a small master class and a description of knitting pillows on a sofa crochet.

Crochet cushion with Popcorn pattern

Crochet-knitted cushions, such cozy, and patterns and methods for their knitting are very diverse: from intricate openwork to simple knitted quadraticles. The main success is always in choosing a color.

In the presented models, a pattern with elements "Popcorn" was used. I have already told how such knitting in the description of the knitted rug spiral. But today I will show this technique again.

I tied one motive out of residual I have a medium thickness yarn. There was a whole metro station (50 grams / 70 m). And the size of the motive turned 20 x 20 cm.

So on a pillow of 40 x 40 cm in size, 400 grams of half-walled yarn will be required and it will be necessary to bind 4 motif for one side.

To make another version of the pillow (out of 9 motifs), the yarn will have to take a fond. Accordingly, if the length of the thread in the MOTK is larger, then the yarn flow will be less.

I do not give recommendations on the hook number, it should be selected for the selected yarn.

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How to connect a sofa pillow with a popcorn crochet pattern. Master Class

1. Camera from 6 VP closer into the ring.

2. In the first row, knit 3 VP and 15 C1N, introducing a hook in the ring. We connect the last loop from the first in the circle.

Crochet cushion with Popcorn pattern

3. The second row begins with 4 VP, further knit C1N in the column of the previous row, 1vP, 1C1N and so on in a circle.

4. In the third row, they begin knitting the Popcorn pattern - the main pattern of the cushion of the crochet. To do this, score 3 VPs, then knit 3 C1N under the air loop of the previous row.

I pull out the hook from the last looper and insert it into the 3rd air loop, scored at the beginning of the row, we grab the last loop from the 3rd column with Nakud and tie them together, pulling.

We get a small shishchka, or differently it is called Popcorn.

For the first sideways in a row, we first gained air hinges for lifting a row, all other bumps need to be knitted at 4 bills with Nakud.

Crochet cushion with Popcorn pattern

5. Before knit the next such chishechka, I made an air loop. And in subsequent rows - 2 air loops between them. You already regulate themselves how you will have it better so that the row is smooth, not pulled.

6. The fourth row knit the same pattern "Popcorn", introducing a hook under the air loops between the sideways of the previous row.

And in this row, you already begin to form the corners of the future square motive of our knitted sofa cushion. For this, after each fourth bubble, I knitted 9 air loops. (Adjust this amount under your knitting).

Crochet cushion with Popcorn pattern

7. In the fifth row of air hinge corners, we are taking the columns with Nakud: 6 C1N, 3 VP, 6 C1H.

On each side of the square in this row it turns out three bischers.

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8. In the sixth row - two shishchers on the sides, and in the corners of 8 C1H, 3 VP, 8 C1H.

9. In the seventh row, it remains to be born on one bid on each side, in the angles 10 C1N, 3 VP, 10 C1H.

Crochet cushion with Popcorn pattern

10. In the eighth row, knitting with the columns with one nakide throughout the perimeter of the square, in the corners knit 3 VP.

If necessary, before knitting the desired size, another 1-2 rows such can be associated.

11. For an option with a pink pillow, you will need to associate 5 motifs with a Popcorn pattern and 4 simple square motifs with one Nakud columns. The scheme can be viewed here >>.

Crochet cushion with Popcorn pattern

Connection of the motifs of the sofa cushion bound

To connect the motives, it is first better than their edges flying through a wet fabric or wet the motifs in warm water and decompose on a towel, giving a smooth form.

We fold the motifs in pairs of inside and connect with semi-brass (or connective loops, as they are called). With this connection method, there is a smooth minor seam.

If you want to make a beautiful seam with a ripple, as in the photo, connect the motifs on the front side of the columns without a Nakid.

Crochet cushion with Popcorn pattern

The reverse side of the sofa cushion with crochet can be associated from the same motifs or whole webbed bars without an inset.

Next, we connect two parts of the pillow, and rather the pillowcase for the sofa cushion with a crochet, from three sides.

We draw up the edges of the border with arches, you can this, which I knit for your pillow from openwork motifs, or border with pomponchiki.

It remains to wear this knitted crochet on a small sofa pillow and sew along the edge.

Did you like this pattern for the pillow? As soon as I buy a suitable yarn, I will definitely communicate. Crochet knitting cushions - this is a pleasure and time requires quite a bit. In the meantime, in the process I have other work, I will share when I finish.

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Have a good mood!

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