How to choose earrings, beads and other decorations for green dress


The color of greenery is one of the most popular in clothes, and the diversity of his shades allows you to choose an outfit to face any woman and for any occasion. However, this advantage often turns around and so difficult: what decorations and jewelry will decorate this or that green dress?

What is the green color?

How to choose earrings, beads and other decorations for green dress

The fact that green is a combination of two main colors - yellow and blue, children will be recognized in kindergarten. The degree of this mixing determines the diversity of shades from the Canary to Turquoise. And it is also the main criterion in which additional colors of accessories and jewelry should be selected, while stylists define several basic options:

  1. A win-win combination "Green dress and achromatic decorations", which is ideal for office or casual bow. It is better to select such jewelry on the principle of contrast: white for a dark green dress, and black - to light green.
  2. Evening toilets are often compiled based on monochrome bow. In this case, in the case of a large cutout, the decorations can be seamged tone - in tone. If the beads or necklace are located over the dress, then their color should be at least on the tone with a darker or lighter color of the fabric.
  3. The principle of contrasts to green color, which has recently been often present on the "star" photo and allows you to create a bright avant-garde image. However, the creation of such a bow requires an understanding of the basic rules of the combination of shades.

To determine which contrasting decorations fit to the green along, it is necessary to compare it with a color circle and determine which base color is predominant in this shade. If the dominant are shades of yellow, then contrasting decorations must be warm colors - from ivory to coral and red.

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Green dress with a predominance of a blue shade requires jewelry in the cold range - from blue to the dense-purple. Choosing as a contrasting fashion pink color, it should be borne in mind that it can also be either warm or cold. The color circle rule applies to the decorations for monochrome onions - as a rule, combinations of warm and cold shades of green look in harmonic.

If your green dress has a print or decorative finish, the decorations must coincide with them in color and style. The perfect addition is the jewelry, the color of which coincides with one of the shades of the print, and corresponds to the color of the shoe.

Green dress is a winning background for any metal, it will also be suitable beads of ceramics, wood, amber, jewelry from the skin "under Rektilia" or "under the snake". However, such decorations must correspond to the situation for which they are intended.

Jewelry for any situation

The overall criterion for choosing decorations to a green dress is minimalism: their total number should not exceed three, and all of them must be combined with each other by material and style.

The universal addition is gold products that will decorate both casual outfits and evening dresses "to the floor". Elegantly and noble looks on green decorations of silver, always beads from semi-precious stones of the corresponding shade.

The standard set of jewelry accessories to the green alongside are earrings, ring or bracelet, as well as a chain on the neck or beads . Any green dress - both in the floor and the sundress - well combined with a hoop or another decoration for green hair, in this case the earrings should be small and low.

Evening dresses are better supplemented by decorations made of precious metals, while it is necessary to pick up the color of the stones harmonizing with the main tone of the dress. Transparent stones (diamond, rhinestone), as well as white Swarovski crystals suit any green shade and matte fabric.

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How to choose earrings, beads and other decorations for green dress

To the emerald dress in the floor, it is possible to choose emeralds or other crystals of the same shade, however, if a large beautiful stone is in a large neckline, its color can be anyone (this concerns only precious stones).

If the decoration is located on the fabric, then ametists, hyacinths, sapphires, aquamarins are suitable for cold shades of green. For warm - citrines, yellow topaz, pink quartz, amber.

Spectacular decorations of contrasting colors are needed to green out in the club style. Photos of celebrities offer bold combinations of emerald and fuchsia, dark green and coral, light green and raspberry. Classic steel combinations of green with blue, purple, as well as additions in the form of red beads and shoes.

For a romantic bows, it is recommended to choose decoration of pink, pale blue, light-lilac shades, while contrasting combinations should be avoided.

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