How to update wooden windows yourself


Restoration problems

Frequently, people want to update old wooden windows, but it can do it expensive. Do not be upset, because there are several ways to give them a fresh appearance, expressing in other words - to restore.

How to update wooden windows yourself

Frequently, people want to update old wooden windows, but it can do it expensive. Do not be upset because there are several ways to give them a fresh form, expressing in other words - to restore.

There is a number of specialized companies that not only provide their services for the installation and repair of Eurocon, but also engage in restoration of old. The work of the master who knows his work allows you to make new ones. It is worth noting that, having some experience in repair work, make it possible to try and independently.

Before you think about restoring structures, you need to know the problems with which it may come to encounter. You should pay attention to the following details:

  1. Aging. With the age of the design, it may dispel, in connection with which the integrity of the structures is disturbed. It will take to check the geometry - the frame can be saved, due to which the already large slots may increase.
  2. The next problem is rot, fungus. On the surfaces that are most subjected to cluster water (space between the frame, window sills), may start a fungus or some rotten places appear.
  3. Another problem is rust. It is worth checking the fittings - in case the window regularly clogs the rain, the curtains could crack. In addition, the cause of unsatisfactory work of the sashs can often serve as old paint sweels, which remained from poor quality painting.

Rama Update

The list of items that will be needed in order to renovate:

  • silicone sealant;

    How to update wooden windows yourself

    Restoration It is necessary to start with surface preparation: removal of old paint, identifying defects.

After information is obtained, with what problems can be encountered, you should move to the search for solutions. About how restoration occurs, there is a sufficiently large number of books and articles.

  • strokes;
  • chisel;
  • antiseptic;
  • PVA glue;
  • sawdust;
  • putty;
  • new fittings;
  • selected paint color (under the new interior);
  • primer;
  • Special sealing tape;
  • Special film that will be needed to reflect infrared rays.

After information is obtained, with what problems can be encountered, you should move to the search for solutions. About how the restoration of wood occurs, there is a sufficiently large number of books and articles. However, this material will consider the main stages.

Recovery process

  1. Start standing with inspection. It is necessary to carefully examine the window and decide whether there is an opportunity to update it whether the sash can serve, frames, not too structures are amazed by fungus.
  2. Next you need to check the geometry. If necessary, it will be necessary to smoke connections, giving the necessary shape to the windows, replace the headquarters and pour the seam with silicone sealant in order to fasten the glass well.
  3. The next step will be the removal of old paint, rot, as well as fungus. It is necessary to remove the old paint, rotting the places to cut off the chisel, if necessary, handle the antiseptic. In order to restore the surface, you will need to use the mixture of PVA glue and sawdust or use putty.
  4. Next checked fittings. It will be necessary to clean and smear the old one or simply replace it.
  5. The final stage will be painting. You should not stop in this process in detail despite the fact that this is a time-consuming. It will take to choose quality paint and in no case should be neglected with pre-priming.

Execution of insulation

How to update wooden windows yourself

Modern methods of insulation imply not only the frames of the frame by the self-adhesive sealant, which can be enough for only 1-2 seasons.

This item is the second most important for those people who plan to update old windows in their apartment. Modern methods of insulation imply not only the frames of the frame by the self-adhesive sealant, which can be enough for only 1-2 seasons.

New technologies offer to embed a special sealing tape directly in the sash. She is able to securely cover all the cracks and stop several decades.

Another or additional option may be a film that passes on the glass and reflects infrared rays. She can save warm inside, while completely does not miss the cold and at the same time does not allow penetrating the hot rays into the room, which can make it at the same time useful both in the summer and in winter.

The process of insulation is most often performed at one time with all repair work on the balcony. How will the update be happening, every owner of the apartment decides on its own. The choice must be made based on the state of the design and personal preferences.

Some people will be satisfied with simple insulation, while others will want to repaint wooden windows in color, which will be more suitable for the new interior.

It is worth understanding that this is a fairly responsible case, therefore, it is recommended to resort to the services of a professional master. It may be the best way out, rather than perform enough complex repair work without having an appropriate experience.

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