What a bench to do in the country [5 interesting options]


Any area of ​​recreation in the garden, it is difficult to imagine without benches. You can sit, admire nature, communicate with friends or just relax after a working day. It is not necessary to buy such a desired thing in the store, you should try to make it easily.

What a bench to do in the country [5 interesting options]

Stone bench

A comfortable place to relax and decor for the plot can be made of stones. This is an eternal material, with sufficiently high strength. Stone design looks spectacular, suitable for any landscape. It is better to choose flat samples so that it is convenient to lay them.

What a bench to do in the country [5 interesting options]

The form for the future bench is chosen arbitrarily. It is fastened with cement mortar. Such structures look harmoniously on the background:

  • stone clubs;
  • steps;
  • reservoirs;
  • Tile tracks.

The bench is well combined with other buildings from a similar material. On the seat you need to put pillows or thick plaid, as the summer stones are very hot in the sun.

What a bench to do in the country [5 interesting options]

Bench of wooden chairs

In order to make such furniture, you need to remove the part on which the back is attached. In the future, it will be a sidewall bench. From the remaining design of chairs or suitable bars, collect the frame of the future shop. It should be in the form of a rectangle, any length. We must remember: the longer the product, the less the strength of the seat . To the base to attach Phaneur.

What a bench to do in the country [5 interesting options]

All elements are combined with suitable fasteners. To strengthen the strength, it is necessary to nourish the rails on the perimeter of the lower frame that the plywood strip will be seen from the material residues. Collect details, paint. The shop is ready, you can put something soft on the seat.

What a bench to do in the country [5 interesting options]

Pedones shop

Some homes are such cassettes. They can be adapted as a garden bench. First you need to make a grinding of blanks. You can only process the part that will be in contact with the human body. The seat is made a little more back. Pallet cut into this: to leave 3 jumpers to the upper part, for the bottom item - 4.

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What a bench to do in the country [5 interesting options]

Both billets are connected at an angle of 90 degrees. Bashed better with self-draws and metal corners. The design is well fixed by boards and nails. Cut the jumpers in the form of a trapezium, they will connect the details of the shop. The legs can be made of a bar or other items.

What a bench to do in the country [5 interesting options]

Important note: The finished product should be treated from dampness, insects. Initially, the bench is covered with an antiseptic, then water-repellent primer, concluding a varnish for wood or enamel.

What a bench to do in the country [5 interesting options]

Bench bench

Simple design, make it can be able to any dacket. It will take an ordinary log. Somehow it is not necessary to process it. If the billet is taken with a coniferous rock, then you have to mark with acetone. Remove extra branches, bunches. This design requires the use of 2 identical logs. The length of the trunks is about 2 meters.

What a bench to do in the country [5 interesting options]

One workpiece is divided in half, it will be legs. To the base of the bench well kept on the supporting elements, make cuttings for the size of the seat. With an accurate calculation, you will not need an additional fastening. Finished garden furniture Okrew, covered with varnish. Such a bench quickly disassembled, moves to the right place.

What a bench to do in the country [5 interesting options]

On a note! Long log with a large diameter can be cut and make 2 shops. Under the legs to adjust the timber, smaller in diameter.


Here you will need more time and certain skills. Select the location of the bench, carry out the necessary calculations. The middle bench is one and a half meters long. Bulgarian cut off 3 tubes 150 cm. It will be the seat. Eliminate cut parts on something smooth. Take a metal corner, cut off 2 two crossbars. Attach them to the tubes at an angle of 90 degrees. In this case, retreat from the edge of 10 cm.

What a bench to do in the country [5 interesting options]

Details copp welding. Next, spend the legs of arbitrary length. Then the transverse bar is welded to supports. Previously, you need to retreat the bottom of the seat - 20 cm. Crimping the corners will go to the transverse parts that are attached to the legs of the shop. At the end, painting and install construction.

Whatever the bench, the main thing that she is made with their own hands. This is a reason to praise the guests and incentive to other crafts.

Garden bench for giving with your own hands (1 video)

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Bench for the countryside (11 photos)

What a bench to do in the country [5 interesting options]

What a bench to do in the country [5 interesting options]

What a bench to do in the country [5 interesting options]

What a bench to do in the country [5 interesting options]

What a bench to do in the country [5 interesting options]

What a bench to do in the country [5 interesting options]

What a bench to do in the country [5 interesting options]

What a bench to do in the country [5 interesting options]

What a bench to do in the country [5 interesting options]

What a bench to do in the country [5 interesting options]

What a bench to do in the country [5 interesting options]

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