Improved double glazing on the balcony: how to choose and install


Improved double glazing on the balcony: how to choose and install

A glazed and insulated loggia can become an extra room in the domieticone or loggias structurally assumed as seats for recreation people. However, taking into account the domestic climatic conditions, the balcony and the loggia can be used "by appointment" only in the warm season, since the cold winters do not make a comfortable stay there. Also do not contribute to improving comfort, comfort and relaxation. Strong winds, precipitation, etc. Therefore, most people try to glash balcony or loggia and, if possible, make insulation.

Double-glazed windows for loggia: choice options

Recently, the glazing of loggias and balconies actively use double-glazed windows to which it is really installed in a set and insulation. Usually, in such versions, a monolithic frame is used in the entire width and height of the balcony opening, which allows you to install plates with insulation or glass in the bottom, and put a glass unit in the upper part, which will not only provide good visibility, but will not allow heat to leak out of the room in Cold season.

At the moment there is a fairly wide selection of various glazing options that differ significantly in price and quality.

In this case, often the price does not correspond to quality. In addition, the installation of the glass unit on the loggia or the balcony is often quite expensive, and is not included in the full cost of windows. Therefore, the question below will be considered how to mount double glazing to the balcony, as well as their types.

Improved double glazing on the balcony: how to choose and install

Cold glazing balconies and loggia allows even in winter to use a balcony in its main purpose

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At the moment, there are a significant number of different firms in the country's markets, for the production of plastic metal-plastic windows.

Standard double-glazed windows can have several glasses options, it can be:

  • Ordinary glass;
  • Glass with improved heat transfer rates (energy saving option);
  • Glasses with toning in the composition of the glass itself; Some refer to this separation also the presence of a tinting film, but this is not correct.

Another important point is the standard width that the glass can have. It can be 2.4 cm, 2.8 cm, 3.2 cm, 4.0 cm.

Improved double glazing on the balcony: how to choose and install

Individually manufactured double-glazed windows can have different sizes and shapes.

However, the most important indicator is the chamber of the glass package. Standard double-glazed windows can be 1 or 2 chamber.

Conditionally packets can be distinguished by the following advantages of one and another option.:

  1. Two-chamber options are more energy efficient. It includes 3 glasses that are separated by air hermetic layers, so this double-glazed glass will allow you to better save heat in the room than with a two-chamber version, however, they are sufficiently heavy, so install such a glass package to the balcony is problematic. However, for the loggia it will be the best option.
  2. The single-chamber option is less effective than double-chamber, however, when installing energy-saving glasses, you can significantly increase the efficiency of the glass package. The main advantage of this option is a small mass and low price. A smaller mass allows you to install this double-glazed glass on the balcony, since it has a smaller sailiness and has a smaller pressure on the design. It will also save a significant amount of financial resources in the glazing of large areas. Also, due to the smaller mass of the design, its life is significantly extended.

Select the glass in the number of cameras is the main indicator that double-glazed windows. Many companies and sellers use formulas, experiments and other marketing trays as advertising moves.

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Sunscreen windows on the balcony (video)

How is the installation of the glass package on the loggia

It should be noted in advance that in the description of the work will be omitted the process of performing measurements to order a glass package and a description of the dismantling of old structures (old glazing, railings, etc.), since it is assumed that by the time of installation, these works have already been fulfilled.

It is worth starting with the fact that quite often the windows come from the factory already in the collection (some firms are specifically collecting them before sending to the buyer to additionally earn on the installation work). Therefore, they often need to make out - remove accessories, pull out the glass and remove the sash. The accessories are easy enough to remove with a screwdriver or screwdriver. For the removal of the glass package, it should be removed from the inside frame of its planks, it is necessary to do it carefully, so as not to damage the glass and the planks themselves - plastic is used for their production, so they are rather fragile. Next, remove the sash with the loops. If sliding are selected, then rollers should be removed - it is also simple.

Ramam often attached plastic coaching profile during transportation (sometimes wooden bars) - they should also be removed.

Next, the mounting holes are drilled in the frame - they must be 18-20 cm at a distance from the outer angles, and the distance between the holes themselves should not exceed 70 cm. In the event that the distance between the holes extends with an exceed 70 cm (even 1 cm), That drill extra hole.

Improved double glazing on the balcony: how to choose and install

Regardless of the installation phase, all work must be made according to the level

The next step - the frame is neatly inserted into the opening. It is recommended to do with a partner, since the loggia frames are usually monolithic for the entire length of glazing. After the preliminary installation of the frame, it should be aligned horizontally and vertically using the level. When the frame is equal, an anchor is screwed into the drilled holes, which are fixed.

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After that, the cracks are bleached by mounting foam (with a properly prepared opening and dimensions, they are for more than 1-2 mm), and the window is collected.

Balcony glazing: glass unit (video)

Double-glazed windows on the balcony: Rules of choice and installation

If the balcony is replaced, it should include replacement and binder block (door and window between the balcony and room). This replacement will significantly increase the energy efficiency of the room. In this case, preference should be given to single-chamber windows, since a large mass of heavy two-chamber windows a balcony may not withstand (taking into account the wind load).

Improved double glazing on the balcony: how to choose and install

The process of installing double-glazed windows on balconies The first place includes the installation of power metal structures to which the windows should be attached

The appearance of this design is unified, which allows you to purchase it from another company (some companies sell it cheaper than competitors), since the frames, in principle, do not differ. Installing this frame is made on powerful anchor 10-16 mm in diameter. With an increased wind load, the number of anchors can be increased to 2 per one point of attachment. Fix anchor follows only to the wall of the house, and not to the stove.

Next, the installation is made, which is no different from the installation of the frame on the loggia.

Aluminum double-glazed windows on the balcony (video)

Is installation of double-glazed windows on a balcony with their own hands? Theoretically, yes, however, the complexity in calculating and selecting the power frame causes a probability to make an error that can lead to the demolition of the entire design in the future. Therefore, when conducting such works, it is recommended to refer to professionals.

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