Lighting the fence with your own hands


In this article we will tell you how to make the illumination of the fence, show some of the main options and look at what cases and which lamps should be used. Tell the installation stages and give some useful tips to use.

Lighting the fence with your own hands

How to choose lamps for fence

First of all, you need to choose street lamps on the fence, the main requirement is dust and moisture protection, others cannot be installed in any way! The defense must be at least IP 43, but also not recommended to take, their cost can be too high. What kind of appearance they will have depends on your preferences.

The cheapest and practical lamps on the fence with a plastic transparent flask. They protect perfectly and have a low cost. More beautiful species have lamps with a glass flask, they have a better light output and it does not absorb the light from the lamp.

Lighting the fence with your own hands

By the type of fastening, they can be two types that you choose for yourself, you need to think in advance.

  • Cap. They are installed on top of the fence, they look practical and protected, the method of attachment is the best. But it's not to approach all fences.
    Lighting the fence with your own hands
  • Wall. Mounted using fasteners (brackets), the species have chic, however, from the reverse side of the fence it is better not to install, they can damage them.
    Lighting the fence with your own hands

We recommend to draw your attention on solar panels, the method is truly chic. Of course, you will not get too bright, but you install once, and they shine all the time. There are no difficulties in the installation, at any moment you can replace. Here, the main thing to choose a good manufacturer, then there should be no problems.

Lighting the fence with your own hands

Before connecting, you should think about the scheme, the easiest way is to connect the lamps for the fence from the network in 220.. We will have to do it a little to connect everything, but the result will not make long wait.

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It is optimally connected through the transformer, in this case the lamps will work from 12 volts, but as you understand, you need to do, or buy a transformer, connect everything. Mulks for a few days, we do not recommend this option.

Answering how to choose a lamp for a fence, there are two councils here:

  • Choose LED - they differ in their good characteristics, serve will serve for a long time. Learn how to choose a LED lamp, then definitely do not make a mistake.
  • The second option is incandescent lamps, it is inexpensive, but there are many lights.

You can still try to make outdoor lanterns with your own hands, you can take an old plander and paint it. So get a modern solution for the low cost.

Lighting of the fence: preparatory stage

Here we have to make the most important things, take this seriously.

  1. Choose wires. We recommend using the PVA cable, it has the desired characteristics for such an installation.
  2. The cross section should be 1.5, read how to find out the cross section of the wire.
  3. We make a scheme, about this way.
    Lighting the fence with your own hands
  4. Choose a place for a street counter.
  5. Do not forget to install the RCD.
  6. The switch can be placed in the house or on the street, we recommend choosing a house.

Installation of lighting

When you prepared all the materials, invented the lighting scheme with your own hands, go to the main one. No difficulties, but effort will have to make. Such a connection of lamps for the fence is recommended to do at the stage of construction of the fence, if it is worth it, nothing terrible, in this case you just added yourrmoka.

  1. ROOM trench. See how to hold a cable under the ground, remember the pit on the fence. Not far away and make a small trench in width.
    Lighting the fence with your own hands
  2. We connect the lamps on the fence posts, do it carefully, it is impossible to use the isolent, when you first raid it will break down.
  3. We connect the UZO or DIF. machine.

Tip, you can set a motion sensor as soon as you come to the fence, the light will turn on automatically. Of course, the installation scheme in this case will take a long time, for the good result is guaranteed.

It will be interesting to know: lighting in the country with your own hands.

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