Appliques from beads for children do it yourself on paper


If you like the unusual application of various materials, try creating an applique of beads. This exciting occupation does not require special skills and even a child preschool age will cope with him.

Appliques from beads for children do it yourself on paper

History of material

People trying to transform their life, created decorations. Archaeological excavations proved that with the advent of each new material, beads were made from it. They were clay, wooden, bones and teeth of animals. The same trend is traced in the modern world - plastic appeared, plastic beads began to make, silicone beads were made on sale on sale and so on.

Appliques from beads for children do it yourself on paper

It is difficult to believe, but tiny glass beads for more than 5 thousand years. They were first manufactured by the Egyptians in the III century to our era. They were able to invent glass, which made it possible to create various products based on it. Since only residents of ancient Egypt have a secret, the price of material was very high. Beads used as money, which allowed tiny beads to spread through the light. With the onset of the Bronze Age, humanity has learned to create colored glass, but the beads made from it was far from the ideal. Beads were different shapes and possessed an uneven surface, the glass, although it was color, but remained rather muddy.

Get rid of impurities could only in the XV century in Venice. The secret of transparent colored glass was guarded so carefully that the plant for its production was moved to a particularly protected island Murano. The profession of glasswoman was the highest paid, but for the disclosure of secrets of production artisans threatened the death penalty.

Appliques from beads for children do it yourself on paper

But gradually the secret was distributed and glass plants appeared throughout Europe. Glass plant of Bohemia (the region of the Czech Republic) became the main competitor of Venice in the production of color beads. The Czechs have achieved special durability of colors and transparency of products through the use of fern ash.

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Nowadays, the main manufacturers of high-quality beads are the Czech Republic, Venice and Japan. Japanese beads are distinguished by a variety of forms, they are drowned, triangular, hexagon.

Appliques from beads for children do it yourself on paper

The material is valued with needlewomen for bright colors and high wear resistance. If a green bead was discovered during the excavations, the age of which is 4.5 thousand years old, then the masterpieces of modern needlewomen exist no less. And create various crafts and decorations from beads, which have unthinkable beauty.

Appliques from beads for children do it yourself on paper

Children's creativity

The little fidget will like the manufacture of beaded appliqué. It will give a lot of positive emotions and please the child with a bright and unusual result. This type of creativity is something similar to the applique of colored sand, which so fell in love with the kids. Only instead of painted sands are glued beads. You can use any, the craft is more interesting if you combine round beads, fiberglass and cutting.

For children of preschool and younger school age, working with caustic substances is unacceptable, so in the manufacture of crafts can only be used by PVA glue.

To make the simplest applique, you will need:

  • Various types of color beads;
  • PVA glue;
  • Brush;
  • Template.

As a template, you can use any image printed on a sheet of paper. The child you only need to arm a brush and smear the picture by glue. After that, you can upload beads. Older kids can post beads to the toothpick. The kids will fully settle down, pouring multicolored beads on glue.

Appliques from beads for children do it yourself on paper

Getting positive emotions from the result is guaranteed! Such a masterpiece can be made in the frame and decorate them a nursery.

Appliques from beads for children do it yourself on paper

Appliques from beads for children do it yourself on paper

Older children can be tried to create a picture. It will help a small master class.

Appliques from beads for children do it yourself on paper

To create a panel with fish you will need:

  • Dragon glue;
  • Multicolored beads;
  • Scissors;
  • Toothpick.

The principle of operation remains the same, only instead of PVA uses the "Dragon" glue, it is almost deprived of the smell and dry pretty quickly, so when working with it is needed. You will need a pattern pattern, you can draw it with your own hands or print out of the Internet. On a dense paper of blue color, draw a circle, cut it out and stick on a sheet of pink color.

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Appliques from beads for children do it yourself on paper

Appliques from beads for children do it yourself on paper

Appliques from beads for children do it yourself on paper

Make sketches, separately draw fish.

Appliques from beads for children do it yourself on paper

Appliques from beads for children do it yourself on paper

Cut them and stick to the base.

Appliques from beads for children do it yourself on paper

Appliques from beads for children do it yourself on paper

Lubricating small sections with glue, fill them with beads. Do not forget that glue dries very quickly. Try to spread beads tightly to each other, for this you can use tweezers.

Appliques from beads for children do it yourself on paper

Appliques from beads for children do it yourself on paper

Appliques from beads for children do it yourself on paper

Appliques from beads for children do it yourself on paper

Appliques from beads for children do it yourself on paper

Appliques from beads for children do it yourself on paper

Appliques from beads for children do it yourself on paper

Appliques from beads for children do it yourself on paper

Appliques from beads for children do it yourself on paper

Appliques from beads for children do it yourself on paper

Panel ready!

Appliques from beads for children do it yourself on paper

Interesting postcard

Make an unusual postcard with your own hands will help the technique of appliqués from beads. The principle of its creation is very simple, and the result will impress.

For work it will be necessary:

  • Tight paper sheet;
  • Simple pencil;
  • Transparent glue;
  • A mixture of beads of different colors.

Apply the desired inscription on paper.

Appliques from beads for children do it yourself on paper

Circuit contour glue.

Appliques from beads for children do it yourself on paper

Add beaded scratch.

Appliques from beads for children do it yourself on paper

Sweep beads into empty places. Card ready!

Appliques from beads for children do it yourself on paper

Wall composition

More time-consuming can be considered an application of beads on glass, but the principle of operation itself is so simple that the technique is suitable for beginner masters and children from 10 years.

To perform a bead applique, you will need:

  • Drawing or printing;
  • Frame with glass suitable format;
  • Dragon glue;
  • Brushes, paints;
  • Toothpick.

Prepared sketch coloring and paste in the frame.

Appliques from beads for children do it yourself on paper

Appliques from beads for children do it yourself on paper

Applying glue into small areas, inlay them with beads. Uniformly fill in all the details of the picture. Wait for the complete drying of the glue and decorate the wall composition.

Appliques from beads for children do it yourself on paper

Appliques from beads for children do it yourself on paper

Appliques from beads for children do it yourself on paper

Appliques from beads for children do it yourself on paper

Using a combination of various types of beads, you can achieve excellent results:

Appliques from beads for children do it yourself on paper

Video on the topic

In this section of the article you will find a selection of video lessons to perform a bead applique.

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