How to sew curtains with lambrequins do it yourself: patterns and cutting


To make the room beautifully, make it cozy and stylish, you can use a variety of methods and techniques. A special variety of space gives lambrequins, which are a special tissue design, which makes up the curtains along the upper part of them hiding the cornice. The lambrequins may be different: these are hard or soft forms, combined, intended for different premises and tissues of different quality. To sew the lambrequins, you must first decide on their future appearance, make a scheme of sewing. When everything is prepared, you can proceed to work.

How to sew curtains with lambrequins do it yourself: patterns and cutting

Curtains with lambrequins give the room a special style and charm.

The pattern should be selected in advance. It is drawn up on the basis of what curtains are already available, what features the overall furnishings of the room differs. For example, too luxurious lambrequins with brushes are not at all suitable for a small bedroom. It is better to use a soft shape with folds that emphasize the elegance of drapery, but will not visually take a space . But for a large and spacious living room you can use rigid lambrenes based on a bandage. They will make the situation more stylish and solid.

Types of lambrequins for decoration

The lambrequins help to overlap the curtains for curtains, adjust the proportions and shapes of the window opening. They make the room more attractive, the situation is finished and harmonious. You can use lambrequins for different rooms, not only for living rooms and bedrooms, but also for children's, kitchens. With the help of the curtain, you can make a small and narrow window wide, and too large - proportional to the overall setting. There are special forms of lambrequins that repeat the shape of the arches are used for window openings of non-traditional form.

Patterns Curtains can be different:

How to sew curtains with lambrequins do it yourself: patterns and cutting

Types of rigid lambrequins.

  1. Soft lambrequins. Such a kind is the easiest, it is possible to sew it with your own hands rather quickly, and the materials on it goes little. Most often it is a guise, which can be symmetric and one-sided, asymmetric. They fall at the edges of the window opening with soft folds, creating the necessary mood. The fabric for soft lambrequins is selected soft, rigid and very dense is not suitable, as it will not be formed. Adhesive lining for this option does not apply. The pattern of soft lambrequin is demonstrated in Fig. 1. The simplest example of soft lambrequins can be called a strip of fabric, which is cut off the desired length and width. After that, it is necessary to form beautiful folds, strain the upper edge, attach the velcro tape from above. After that, the lambrequen is attached to the cornice.
  2. Hard lambrequen is a more complex shape (Fig. 2). An adhesive base is used, a special tissue - a bandage, which gives the form the necessary density and rigidity. The folds are not going, the surface of the lambrequin remains smooth. The appearance of the design may be different. For fastening, a special system is usually applied, although simple varieties of rigid lambrequin can be fixed on the velcro tape. For sewing, the fabric of various colors can be used, the exhaust is different. Decorations use decorative cords and brushes beads strung on the threads.
  3. Combined lambrequen is the most attractive form. Usually the main is a rigid construction that completely overlaps the cornice. Soft beautifully streamlines the base, you can use symmetric and one-sided folds, sections of the tissue in the form of a scarf and other forms. When choosing a fabric, preference should be given to such that will not merge with the main cloth of curtains, and simply adds the necessary accent.

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Tailoring with your own hands of a rigid combination lambrequin based on a band

How to sew curtains with lambrequins do it yourself: patterns and cutting

Figure 1. Scheme of soft lambrequins.

A feature of the sewing of lambrequins is that it is necessary to choose a suitable form. Too big lambrequin will block the sole, the appearance of the drapery will not be so attractive. The too small and narrow lambrequen will seem absolutely alien, in which case it is better not to use it. The same applies to decoration and choice of color, the lambrene should be harmonized with a common interior, and not look too calm.

Bando is a special material with an adhesive basis. Its density may be different, a self-adhesive layer is usually applied, but a thermoclace base is also characterized by good qualities. The first option is used the easiest way, it is enough just to remove the protective film, after which the bandage is glued to the fabric. The second method requires stroking iron, after which glue during heating is glued to the surface of the fabric of the future lambrene. This simple method is obtained to create a tight base, the design after installation will be perfectly held. But it is difficult to clean such lambreques, care must be taken.

The lambrequin curtains will look perfect if you decorate the fabric with the front side with brushes, appliqué, decorative cords and brushes, champs.

Combined options are used. The basis is tough, and after decorated with elements of soft forms: jabot, swag, ties.

Materials for work

To sew a lambrene with your own hands, you need to prepare the following materials and tools:

How to sew curtains with lambrequins do it yourself: patterns and cutting

Figure 2. Scheme of curtains with rigid lambrene

  • The fabric of the selected type (for the facial, the wrong part, for soft forms, if they are used);
  • Bando with a 45 cm wide, one can replace it with Dublerin - it is a dense tissue with the adhesive basis;
  • threads and needles;
  • scissors;
  • Dense paper for pattern;
  • Simple pencil, ruler, circulation, if round forms will be used;
  • sewing machine;
  • Funds for decorative finish.

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The process begins with the fact that the fabric is erased, successed, after which it should be smoothed. Such a stage is necessary that after sewing the lambrequen does not start wrinkling, did not lose its forms during the stagnation of individual parts by iron. Next, it is necessary to decompose the facial tissue to the smooth, freed from the entire extension, to straighten. Bando is glued on top of the selected method.

The scheme of the future lambrequin is drawn up. Today you can find a large number of ready-made patterns, among which it is easy to choose your favorite, adapt it to your needs. The form first is best to draw on paper, then cut, try on the top of the curtains. In this case, it will be easy to fix something, but cutting the fabric, if something does not suit, it will be expensive. Often, beautiful fabrics that require significant financial resources are used for lambrequins.

Cutting and decorating

How to sew curtains with lambrequins do it yourself: patterns and cutting

Figure 3. Decorative elements of the lambrequin.

After the desired pattern is chosen, it is necessary to start cutting the fabric, the pattern for the curtain should be selected in advance. The fabric is required to put on the desktop with an invalid side up. Then place the pattern from above, with a piece of soap or a special chalk, the contour of the future form will be burned. Today on sale you can find tailoring chalk based on soap of various colors. All excess fabric are neatly clipped with scissors, 5.6 cm is left on each side for processing. After that, the lining tissue is cut in the same way. Pattern for curtains ready. Two pieces of fabric for curtains are folded by the front side, they are attached to pins around the perimeter. Returning from the edge, it is necessary to shoot the design around the perimeter, leaving a small part for the tranquil of the fabric on the front side. After that, it is necessary to cut the excess by about 1.5 cm. The resulting design is turned on the front side.

The pattern stacked on the table face, her upper edge should be turned to him. Velcro is attached to this edge, it is stitched in such a way that after installing the lambrequin, no fastener was noticeable. The fabric wocks, the velcro is embedded additionally, while the line should go as soon as possible and neatly.

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How to sew curtains with lambrequins do it yourself: patterns and cutting

Scheme - Double Swag Pattern.

If soft lambrequin molds are used to decorate, then the pattern is necessary for them. Usually apply only one-sided swagge, the folds of which are beautifully hanging from the same side. Used soft translucent fabric that will keep folds. The pattern itself is extremely simple, it is usually a trapezoid cut of the tissue for which you must first form the folds. They challenged on the top of the top pins, and then stand up on the sewing machine. A velcro tape sews to the top edge of the Swag, the edge is sewn, the second time is shot. The Swag is mounted in such a way that its fasteners are imperceptible. The lower edge of the Svaga should be arranged by baker, it can be used for this fringe, brushes, large beautiful beads. An example of decorative finishing is reflected in the scheme (Fig. 3).

The lambrequins are constructions from fabric that are used to decorate the porter and curtains. It is not so difficult to sew the lambrequins with your own hands, as it may seem, but you must first choose exactly the pattern that is most suitable for work. It is used for this hard or soft varieties, combined forms are well described, where the main lambrene will be the main way, and the side will hang up soft and elegant Swag folds.

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