How to remove the window on the loggia do it yourself


Urban apartments in apartment buildings are not distinguished by large areas, so additional space can be obtained only using a balcony or loggia for this purpose. But how to do it? To begin, it is necessary to completely remove the inner windows and the balcony door, ensure proper insulation, glazing.

How to remove the window on the loggia do it yourself

The first thing to be done on the way of alteration of the loggia, install metal-plastic windows.

We find out how to dismantle the inner windows, which works can be required. More affect the topic of insulation, Caica materials can be required for this, which options for finishing finishes can be used for such extended balconies.

Design Plus Agreement

Installation without unpacking does not require removal of double-glazed windows and staps, as the frame is attached to the wall not throughout, but with the help of the fastening elements in advance on its outer surface.

Before you do internal windows, you should carefully plan all future work. This includes a project that is coordinated in the relevant authorities to obtain a permit for reconstruction. Before completely dismantling the balcony door and the window that leads to the loggia or balcony, you need to make sure that this reconstruction will not harm the wall of the house, will not cause destruction.

When drawing up a project, pay attention to such factors as:

  • Material of manufacturing partition between loggia and living room;
  • the ability to dismantle windows, balcony tubes, transfer of the heating battery;
  • Option of insulation, finishing works, glazing.

Dismantling windows on the loggia

How to remove the window on the loggia do it yourself

After removing the frame, the insulation will remain in the places of contact with the wall. It must be completely cleaned.

To add extra squares to the residential area, you can use the loggia. You will have to completely remove the inner window and the balcony door, which connect these two spaces. Sometimes, together with dismantling windows, it is necessary to completely remove the separating wall, transfer the heating batteries. But before performing dismantling and combine the loggia and the room, it is necessary to determine which amount of work is required.

The first thing you have to take care is to determine the bearing wall or not separates the living room and the loggia or balcony. In the first case, only a balcony door can be removed or a window, in the second - almost the entire partition, leaving only an attractive portal.

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How to remove the window on the loggia do it yourself

If you do not want to break the entire wall with the window, it is quite possible to install on the former window sill in the future countertop.

It is necessary to start disassembling the connecting window after the interior decoration is completely removed, it is desirable that work is completed on the installation of external windows on the loggia that come out. When performing work, it is necessary to consider from what material the partitions are made, the use of a specific tool will depend on it.

Most often, simple reinforced concrete panel septum leads to the loggia, but the usual brick (red or silicate) can be applied. If the brick structure, then you can remove the whole part under the windowsill, take the transfer of heating batteries, that is, work is obtained by costly and durable. But before dismantling such a partition to the loggia, it is necessary to consult with specialists, to obtain the approval of the relevant bodies for reconstruction.

For reinforced concrete partitions, the work requires the use of a more powerful tool, in this case it is required to create a reinforced design for the future opening in the form of a portal.

If the balcony fails to completely combine with a living room, then only one window and a balcony door is removed, it is not worth upset, in this case there are many options for creating an attractive and cozy space.

How to remove the window on the loggia do it yourself

From the balcony tube you can make a dining table, a stand for flower pots, shelves for books and baubles.

From the balcony tube can be a wonderful countertop, from which you can make a dining table, a stand for flower pots, shelves for books and baubles.

Remove the window is quite simple. With the help of a lomika, the frame is removed, further, using a perforator, remove the balance of the partition and the end. In the latter case, it is necessary to remove and transfer the heating battery. Work is quite complicated if you are not sure of your abilities, it is best to attract specialists to it. Instead of transferring the battery to the loggia, you can use this option as a warm flooring device.

In this case, it is best to apply special electrical systems that allow you to make a balcony warm and cozy, avoid heat loss.

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Warming loggia

Scheme of the insulation of the balcony walls

How to warm the balcony after dismantling the inner window? This is an important question, on which the future comfort of additional residential space depends. Before proceeding with insulation, it is necessary to finish all the works that are associated with the dismantling of the window, the inner old trim of the balcony or loggia, with external glazing.

After repair, the balcony will become a full-fledged continuation of the living space, so the materials need to choose high-quality. The fact is that the balcony or loggia is more than other interior premises are susceptible to strong and sharp temperature differences, the influence of negative weather conditions. Often, insulation work includes an additional brick wall device or the construction of a new metal frame.

How to remove the window on the loggia do it yourself

Thin insulation (5 mm thick) should be put along the entire surface of the floor, if necessary, cutting with a knife.

But we start working with a screed floor, insulation that is recommended using foam plates or genuine plug sheets. For additional thermal insulation on top of the insulation, it is best to install plywood sheets, the floor covering is better to use the one that will make a balcony warmer (for example, carpeting, wooden board). Decorative cork tiles are well suited for this, which provide not only thermal insulation, but also protection against noise.

For the insulation of the ceiling of the loggia or a balcony, a foam is also used, but the walls can be laid using mineral wool, which has perfectly proven itself for such work.

Before removing the inner windows between the room and the balcony, it is necessary to thoroughly think out for which this additional space will be used, which materials should be chosen.

Finishing work

Quite often, removing the windows on the loggias that connect it with the room, the owners of the apartment do not know what exactly can be done on the increased space. But options can be a great set, we offer only some of them that will help you show your own fantasy.

Summer bedroom or leisure place

How to remove the window on the loggia do it yourself

For interior decorations for recreation, it is better to use pastel, soft shades and not use plastic finishing materials

The loggia can be used as an unusually cozy holiday destination or summer bedroom. Make such a room is not so difficult. After the windows are removed, it is necessary to insulate the resulting space, glazed the loggia from the side of the street. Options for interior decoration can be different, but it is recommended to use pastel, soft shades, not to take plastic finishing materials for repair, but to give preference to a natural tree. The windows on the street should be sealed, you can install light rolled blinds to protect against the bright sun. Additionally, it is necessary to mount the heating battery section so that in the winter time the room was warm and cozy.

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For lighting space, low-grade lamps are used, better a spherical shape, it is enough to put a comfortable sofa as furniture, a low coffee table, use a variety of decorative colors shelves. On the floor it is recommended to sash the carpet, the walls of the loggia can be caught by wallpaper or paint with decorative paints.

Homemade Orangery

How to remove the window on the loggia do it yourself

When organizing a greenhouse, a lot of all kinds of conditions and requirements are required that relate to heating, ventilation, glazing, shading and many other things.

The balcony after dismantling the windows can be turned into a small greenhouse, which will completely transform your apartment. After the window is removed, you must glaze from the outside and insulate the balcony, think over the inner finish, the location of the shelves and coams for colors. Itself, the opening between the residential premises and the balcony in this case can not be removed, as it turns out an excellent shelf for home plants or various baubles.

You can make a dining table for the whole family on the site of the former window sill, turning any meal in a small holiday in the middle of the flowering garden. The outside window can be metal-plastic or wooden, the main thing is to have the possibility of normal ventilation.

The window itself is best to establish plastic blinds or fabric so that plants can be protected from the midday sunlight.

It offers only two options for how to make a cozy and comfortable space after dismantling the inner window between the living room and the loggia or the balcony. In fact, with the help of such repair work, you can create almost any interior, ranging from a great place to relax and ending with a convenient working office. The main thing is that the balcony is correctly insulated and glazed.

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