Homemade fixtures and machine tools for cold forging


One of the ways to decorate the plots is to use forged products. Fences, benches, gazebos, railings for stairs and other similar structures are very decorative. Moreover, in most cases, these products are not a forging in its traditional understanding. Most often, this is not done in the forge and not with the help of a hammer and anvil, but using some devices that allow you to create a variety of patterns and products from metal strips and square rods. For the manufacture of such products, cold forging machines will be required. Some of them can be made with your own hands more easier to buy.

Homemade fixtures and machine tools for cold forging

Fences, railings for stairs and balconies - can also be made with your own hands

Homemade fixtures and machine tools for cold forging

Visor over the porch by the method of cold forging

Homemade fixtures and machine tools for cold forging

Railing for the porch - decoration, and not exclusively utilitarian device

Homemade fixtures and machine tools for cold forging

You can make a gazebo and forged furniture

Homemade fixtures and machine tools for cold forging

The gate looks wizard

What devices are used

For cold forging, various curls, bends, twisted rods, etc. are characterized. Almost under each species make on a separate device - a specific machine. The drive can be manual, and maybe electrical. For small volumes "for themselves" use manual machines for cold forging. Though they are not particularly productive, but much easier to manufacture. If it is necessary to put the production of "on stream" make similar devices, but already with electric motors. In this case, it is physically almost no need to work, but the complexity of the manufacture of the device increases at times. In our material we will talk about the handmade machines for cold forging.

What devices use:

  • Torsion. With their help, tetrahedral rods or metal strips are twisted in the longitudinal direction. It turns out twisted columns that are called still torsion.

    Homemade fixtures and machine tools for cold forging

    Sokees look like and the same machine

  • Flashlight. On this device, the rods in the longitudinal direction also twist, only further bend it in the transverse direction. It turns out something similar to the flashlight. Hence the name of the device.

    Homemade fixtures and machine tools for cold forging

    So make a "flashlight"

  • Twisters or snails. Form flat curls of different diameters.

    Homemade fixtures and machine tools for cold forging

    Device for cold forging snail - for the formation of curls

  • Bending machines or bent. Allow you to bend the rods or fittings at the desired angle anywhere.

    Homemade fixtures and machine tools for cold forging

    For bend anywhere and any angle - Bottics (bending machines)

  • Wave. In fact, it is also a bent, but a more complex design - it allows you to change the direction of bending, getting wave-like parts.

    Homemade fixtures and machine tools for cold forging

    Machine "Wave" - ​​to form an appropriate relief

  • Devices for the processing of the ends of parts - inertia-stamping machines or other self-made devices.

    Homemade fixtures and machine tools for cold forging

    Machines for registration of the ends of the rods. In this case, the goose paw

For a novice master, the most relevant machine for cold forging is snail. Only with it can make many interesting things - ranging from the fence and wicket and ending with a bench and other similar products. In second place in the degree of need torsion machine. He adds diversity to the details. All others can be purchased or done as the skill improves and set.

Homemade "snails"

In essence, it is an upgraded bending machine (pipe bender), but these improvements make it easy to make curls of rather thick rods (cross-section of up to 10-12 mm) and repeat them with a high degree of accuracy.

Homemade fixtures and machine tools for cold forging

One of the homemade machines for cold forging

Constructions These cold forging machines have several, but the easiest way to implement an option with a round table, which has a central leg. A lever with rollers on bearings on the end is moving towards the leg. They facilitate the process of bending.

The surface of the table can be made of a steel sheet with a thickness of 10 mm and more. For the leg, you can use any thick-walled round tube. It is important to make a stable design, since lateral efforts will be attached, therefore, the side racks, struts, as well as a steady base.

Homemade fixtures and machine tools for cold forging

Drawing of the machine for cold forging "Snail"

The lever is easier to do from a square tube with a thick wall - no less than 2-3 mm. Pipe section 25 * 40 mm or so. The fastening of the lever to the leg can be made on the bearing, and you can simply take a small piece of a thick-walled pipe of a larger diameter, put it on the leg, and the bottom of the strip is stopped below - so that the lever does not fall down. The option with the bearing gives a lighter movement, but if there is a lubricant and the second option.

Homemade fixtures and machine tools for cold forging

Fastening the lever

Another form of the lever is important. The lever is double, the upper part is the working, lower - reference. Wherever there are compounds, it is advisable to draw the gain, as significant efforts.

Homemade fixtures and machine tools for cold forging

The lever must be reliable, with amplification

A mandrel or conductor is fixed on the table - the form on which curls bend. Make them of different diameters - so that you can make different curls on the diameter. Such mandrels can be teams - to form a larger amount of bends. In each such sample, there must be rods that are installed in the holes in the table. So this template is fixed. Also, its form should be designed with such accounting so that the end of the rod in it is well fixed.

Homemade fixtures and machine tools for cold forging

Conductors for snail

Often, the mandrels are pulled out of a metal circle of a suitable diameter with the help of a grinder, but there are variants from a metal with steel on it with steel plates, curved accordingly.

How to make a similar machine for cold forging - in the next video. There, it is not bad for the method of bringing the ends of the workpiece to a decent state - ordinary raw edges look very rude. For their processing there are special equipment, but, as it turned out, you can cope without it.

Torsion machine

As already told these cold forged machines allow you to make longitudinal bends on the rod. This is a relatively simple design. The main task is to secure the stationary one end of the rod, to the second to attach the lever, with which it will be possible to twist the workpiece.

The base is suitable for a profiled pipe with a thick wall (at least 3 mm). The retainer can be welded from the same rods, leaving the square clearance of the desired diameter. You can use the clip for the cable of the appropriate size (you can find in the hardware store). Any of these stops are welded to the ground.

Homemade fixtures and machine tools for cold forging

Cable Holder - Excellent Lock for Rod

Next, it is necessary to somehow ensure the capture and twisting of the second part of the workpiece. You can do this with two bearing nodes. The pipe of a suitable diameter is inserted into the tube, on one side the handle is welded to it - the design resembles the letter "T". On the other hand, the plumbing is done in the pipe: the four holes are drilled, nuts under 12 or 14 bolts are screwed into them. As a result, it turns out a good retainer - the bolts are spinning after the bar inserted.

Homemade fixtures and machine tools for cold forging

Bearing knot

Homemade fixtures and machine tools for cold forging

Fixator for the workpiece

Homemade fixtures and machine tools for cold forging

This looks like the design in general

Further - the case of the technology - the lever we retard the right number of turns. It is impossible to say that this work is for weaknikov, but with a large lever, everything is not so difficult.

An even easier machine for making torsions by the method of cold forging in the next video.

Video about homemade fixtures and cold forging machines

Article on the topic: Original plastic bottle curtains

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