Table setting for new year


Table setting for new year

The setting of the New Year's table plays a big role, because people make an impression and raises the mood appearance and interior design.

Everyone wants to celebrate the New Year behind a beautiful table, which is rich not only with a variety of goodies, but also decorated decorated.

New Year's decor is also needed, so do not deprive yourself and your guests of such pleasure.

It is not necessary to run to buy expensive jewelry, you can use what nature gives. Cones, twigs, fir branches, pebbles and other elements.

Basic rules for serving a New Year's table

Table setting for new year

Any table should be decorated according to the rules that are better not to ignore, because it is a sign of bad tone. Let's look through Read more:

  • The first thing you need to do is put a tablecloth. It should not be throwing and stand out. Select the tablecloth is necessary under cutlery, plates and decor. Of course, there must be clean and sobble. Sweep the tablecloth should be at least 20 cm long, but not more than 40 cm;
  • Serving the New Year's table does not exclude serving with napkins. They must be festive and correspond to the New Year. Putting tissue napkins should be on a plate, and paper near it;
  • to serve the table for the new year follows from the plates, then put appliances, glass and crystal;
  • Forks put on the left, and the knives and spoons on the right convex side. The knife should be directed by the edge to the plate, and the glasses should stand ahead of the place of the right side;
  • Do not mix styles and colors;
  • Do not use a lot of decor, colors and decorations.

Decorative standards for serving a table for the new year

Table setting for new year

Everyone has its own taste and decorate the table, focusing on it. Use such items as:

  • tablecloth;
  • Candles;
  • tinsel and garlands;
  • fruits;
  • natural materials;
  • Christmas decorations.

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The tablecloth is selected gentle tones. White, beige, gently blue. You can choose a red tablecloth, but then the rest of the decoration should be soft, so that the serving of the New Year's table does not look soften.

Table setting for new year

Candles better choose red or white. Candles give warmly and attract success, giving a cozy holiday atmosphere.

If the table is large, then the candles should also be large. If the place allows you to choose thick candles. Main comply with the rules of security.

Table setting for new year

You can make your own hand garlands or purchased in the store. Red and gold colors will be like nothing in vain.

Table setting for new year

Spread Mishur around the plates or around the dishes - it will look very impressive.

Table setting for new year

Do not forget that fruit can also participate in the table serving for the new year. It will become not only a decor, but also edible dish.

Table setting for new year

Oranges and bananas are best suited. Decorate them with chopsticks or stars cinnamon. You can also put the rings of oranges in advance and use them for decoration.

Table setting for new year

It will be not only beautiful, but also aroma!

Natural materials are the most affordable and sure way. Make crafts from cones or just paint them in different colors and put in a vase. Just and excellent!

Table setting for new year

Also use branches. With the help of an aerosol can be created an unforgettable serving of the New Year's table.

Table setting for new year

No less interesting way to use beautiful flat stones on which Santa Claus can be depicted, snowflakes and so on. How to do it you will find here.

Christmas toys can simply decompose on the whole table. They should not be very big.

Table setting for new year

You can take fir branches and rave toys on them. Here turn on your fantasy and create!

Styles for serving a New Year's table

Table setting for new year

The table, like the interior, has its own style. It can be:

  • classical;
  • eco;
  • Scandinavian;
  • buffet.

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Classic New Year's table setting

The classic for the new year does not imply bright colors. Even the red here will be superfluous. Use white, beige or gold color.

In this style, special attention should be paid to the instruments and dishes. They should be expensive. Crystal, porcelain and gilding - what is needed.

Devices must match dishes:

Table setting for new year

Ideal for serving a New Year's table in a classic style. Fresh flowers or fresh branches. Arrange them in the vase, and your room will be filled with aroma.

Table setting for new year

Table setting for new year in ecostel

Materials for decor in ecosyl should be natural. Wooden table, candles, burlap or tablecloth napkins, gingerbread and cookies - the best thing you can come up with.

Table setting for new year

Prefer beige and brown colors.

Table setting for new year

Do not forget about cones, dried berries, wreaths wooden toys. It will not look ridiculous, even on the contrary, fabulously and on New Year's.

Table setting for new year

Serving New Year's Table in Scandinavian style

Elegance and simplicity is the essence of this style. Do not be afraid that your table will look around the rustic.

Table setting for new year

New Year's decoupage dishes will bring their bright colors, and you will hit guests with beauty and your talent.

You can make small balls from threads, as well as wrapped candles threads. Quite simple, but but as beautiful.

Table setting for new year

Small pumpkins (although it is not Halloween, but also relevant), cones, rowan branches and dried flowers, will bring their paints to serving the New Year's table.

Table setting for new year

Do not forget about the candlesticks. Richly, and definitely not in a rustic.

Table setting for the new year in the form of a buffet

Table setting for new year

I will say exactly that such an idea use units, so it is new and always fashionable.

If you like this idea, then take a few rules:

  • The buffet features a wall setting at the wall;
  • You can make several tiers using books, boxes or stands;
  • The tablecloth must reach the back of the table;
  • On the upper tiers, they put fish, vegetables and meat, sweets and fruits;
  • snacks located on the edge of the table;
  • filled with champagne glasses put on a tray;
  • The devices are laid out on two edges of the table;
  • Nearby place a separate table for dirty dishes.

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Table setting for new year

This setting of the New Year's table is suitable for a big noisy company, which decided to celebrate the New Year in a small apartment.

We wish you happiness and good luck in the new year!

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