Coating for the porch on the street. We select suitable materials.


Tile is the easiest and most popular way to find the porch at home or cottage. But that the porch was not only externally attractive, but also safe, you need to carefully select all building materials.

Coating for the porch on the street. We select suitable materials.

Porch coating

Next, we will tell what material is worthy of attention, and which is better to bypass the party.

Features of the plates

Coating for the porch on the street. We select suitable materials.

Independent Facing Porch Tile

The stove is the most common finishing material that can be found everywhere:

  • in residential and non-residential buildings;
  • in public destinations;
  • in pools and shower;
  • For external finishing of the house or cottage;
  • on sidewalks and steps;
  • in kitchens, etc.

The porch lined with tiles looks well maintained, as well as well protected from the influence of destructive external factors, in contrast to the tree.

The porch tile must match such features :

  1. Be strong

The tile is considered a sufficiently strong material under the power to withstand even the hardest loads and cope with mechanical damage.

  1. Wear-resistant

The material for external work should easily cope with unfavorable factors that contribute to coating wear. If the plates are high-quality, they will not be stolen, burn out, they are not terrible, neither temperature differences nor the impact of chemical means than the wooden design does not boast.

  1. Waterproof

In contrast to the tree, the tile is considered a practically waterproof material, has a low porosity, due to which it does not collect moisture. This feature prevents the destruction and development of mold.

  1. Frost resistant

Since we are talking about material for outdoor work, the tile for the porch should not be afraid of frost and not crack from moving.

  1. Do not slide

So that the entrance to the house was safe, the tile should not be slippery. To do this, it is better to choose rough materials or use anti-slip coating.

  1. Have aesthetically attractive appearance

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In addition to all such advantages, the tile is still very easy to wash and it does not need additional processing.

To find the perfect option for your home or cottage will not be difficult, because the range is very diverse today.

Varieties of material

Coating for the porch on the street. We select suitable materials.

Porch Tile

To prevent injury on the steps and solve the problem with slippery coating, it is necessary to pick up high-quality coating. To do this, you need to consider all available options:

  • Outdoor ceramic

This is the most ordinary ceramics tile, which has improved indicators that make it available for external work. The color of the material is rich in its colors and structure.

  • Ceramographic

This is the most suitable facing for stairs and steps at home. Such a finishing material allows you to simulate a marble, stone or wooden surface. Such plates, as a rule, do not glue, because they have a rough coating.

  • Clinker tile

A good choice for brick buildings, and is also often used for external decorations of any surfaces. This is a sufficiently durable and wear-resistant building material.

  • Paving tile

This representative is an excellent analogue of ordinary finishing materials, because it easily copes with increased loads, practically does not slide and does not fade under the sunny beams. But, I immediately want to draw your attention that there is a fairly attendant sidewalk tile, to which risk of getting injury increases with the arrival of frosts or the beginning of thaw.

Buying plates, pay attention to the designations that are shown in the table.

Coating for the porch on the street. We select suitable materials.

Coating for the porch on the street. We select suitable materials.

Technical characteristics of plates

Tile as a coating for a porch

So as not to be mistaken with the choice of finishing material for the porch, pay attention to the specifications such as:

  • Structure

It is better to pick up matte materials, because they are not so slippery as a glossy coating. Do not buy relief plates, because they quickly pollute and complex in care.

  • Variety

Everything is simple here: the higher the material of the material, the better the quality is. For decoration from the street, use a coating with blue or red marks (this is 1 and 2 grades).

  • Frost resistance level and wear resistance

Considering the fact that the tiles on the steps all the time is exposed to loads, buy a coating with indicators not less than PEI-4. If you live in a region with low temperatures, pick up a snowflake tile - it says about her frost resistance.

  • Porosity

The smaller the porosity, the greater the level of waterproof. The brightest representative is a porcelain stoneware.

  • Slip protection

Well steps best put a tile that does not slip. It will make your movement more secure. But, if such a coating you did not find, use special protective gum.

We prepare the surface and put the tile

Coating for the porch on the street. We select suitable materials.

Tile for the porch

When arranging the porch, it is necessary not only to choose the desired color and texture of the material, but also to properly put the coating. Laying tiles on the stage does not have differences, from ordinary technology, but still it is necessary to follow some requirements:

  • Do not hold the web laying at temperatures below 5 ° C and above 30 ° C, otherwise the adhesive solution will lose the properties and dried prematurely;
  • Do not work in windy weather;
  • Do not let the sunshine affect the solution;
  • Work only on a clean and well dried base.

So that the tile lay smoothly and firmly, the base should be prepared, garbage and dust. Also should not be bypass and steps. They should be smooth, without defects and damage, with an ideal edge.

To protect the surface from fungi, the screed can be treated with antiseptic solutions and impregnate with soil, which increase the adhesion.

After the base is good, it will be possible to start the main work.

To set the ceramic coating, it is necessary to use glue masses.

Initially, all cladding work is carried out on the site, after which the steps are drawn up so that the whole tile is located closer to the stairs, and the cutting fragments were near the wall.

Do not try to save on an adhesive solution, because it needs to be able to form smooth joints in the corners and give the surface a certain bias to drain water, which will protect the coating from the accumulation of excess moisture and moving.

When the laying of the plates is completed, go to the grout of the seams. To do this, you can use a mass of Portland cement with the addition of polymer inclusions or the usual mixture of cement and sand. You can also use the resin mass that will not allow moisture to penetrate the gaps and seams.

How to make a tile safe?

Coating for the porch on the street. We select suitable materials.

Finishing the porch tiled do it yourself

If the porch coating has become too slippery, a special rug or rubber, silicone and polyurethane lining will help you solve the problem. Stickers for steps are very popular, which prevent slipping.

Anti-slip materials are presented in the form:

  • Rubber and polyurethane

These are carpets of small size, which are placed on the porch or steps. Also, they can be fixed with sticky ribbons. But, this is not the safest option, because on the wet foundation on it can still be slipped.

  • Aluminum with rubber

This is the most common way. Such protection can be in the form of a strip or a small rug, which is attached to the base by self-drawing.

  • Abrasives

This is a special variety of anti-slip material. For this, the ribbon is separated by a certain section of the steps, and the inner zone is lubricated with a liner based on the resin, after which the abrasive crumb is poured. When the surface dries, the tapes are removed. Such decoration of the steps is perfectly with facing under the stone.

So that the stove on the street for a long time remained beautiful and did not lose their color, they require constant care. To do this, it is enough to periodically remove dust and fit the large garbage.

By buying a tile, consider not only its individual features, and all the indicators together, just so your coverage will serve you for many years.

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