Bead jewelry with their own hands for beginners with photos and video


Bead allows you to create a variety of jewelry, which look expensive, bring a highlight to the image. The technique of manufacture is a lot, from the most simple to incredibly complex, however, which, with due diligence, can also be mastered. The article will give mini-master classes, photos and video to create various jewelry. Thus, jewelry from beads with their own hands will be a wonderful replenishment of your collection of jewelry.

Decoration on the neck.

For beginners it is recommended to try to make such a simple, but no less beautiful and stylish necklace.

Bead jewelry with their own hands for beginners with photos and video

For the master class, the following materials and tools will be needed:

  • beads, for the beginning of two colors;
  • Leske, mononium or simple thin, but durable synthetic thread;
  • caps, terminats;
  • a clasp, which, as a rule, consists of jewelry rings, carbine;
  • transparent glue that dries quickly;
  • pins with heads on the end in the form of a ball or hook;
  • scissors;
  • Pliers, to work with the lock;
  • Beaded needle;
  • Scotch.

Cut the twelve segments of the fishing line (or what they have chosen instead) 75 cm each each. Then we ride the beads, both colors should have 6 yarns.

Bead jewelry with their own hands for beginners with photos and video

Next, we divide and fix the resulting threads, as shown in the photo.

Bead jewelry with their own hands for beginners with photos and video

On the same image, it is demonstrated how to weave the thread.

Next, we work with the ends of the workpiece.

Bead jewelry with their own hands for beginners with photos and video

Bead jewelry with their own hands for beginners with photos and video

Bead jewelry with their own hands for beginners with photos and video

And here on your neck there is such a wonderful decoration.

Bead jewelry with their own hands for beginners with photos and video

You can create a bead necklace and beads.

Bead jewelry with their own hands for beginners with photos and video

The scheme of his weaving is quite simple.

Bead jewelry with their own hands for beginners with photos and video

If the glass can be used together with beads, then the following decoration will be.

Bead jewelry with their own hands for beginners with photos and video

Bead jewelry with their own hands for beginners with photos and video

Having read the schemes of the stages of its manufacture, even a beginner needlewoman will be able to create such beauty

Bead jewelry with their own hands for beginners with photos and video

The technique of knitting harness from bead will require patience and care.

For the first time, you can choose the easiest of its option to, as they say, fill your hand, and then find a variety of chart of weaving and try it.

Create a harness

Video with a more complex option and description, how to work according to the schemes.

Article on the topic: Astra of beads with photos and videos: master class with weaving schemes

Where to take the schemes themselves and how to create them.

Brooches from bead

They can be both wicker and embroidered on fetra. To begin with, we offer a photo master class of the first of the listed.

We fold the thread (mononium or kapron) twice, recruit 9 large beads alternating two large beads. Close the workpiece into the ring.

Bead jewelry with their own hands for beginners with photos and video

Bead jewelry with their own hands for beginners with photos and video

Bead jewelry with their own hands for beginners with photos and video

Bead jewelry with their own hands for beginners with photos and video

Bead jewelry with their own hands for beginners with photos and video

Bead jewelry with their own hands for beginners with photos and video

Bead jewelry with their own hands for beginners with photos and video

Bead jewelry with their own hands for beginners with photos and video

Bead jewelry with their own hands for beginners with photos and video

Bead jewelry with their own hands for beginners with photos and video

Bead jewelry with their own hands for beginners with photos and video

Bead jewelry with their own hands for beginners with photos and video

Bead jewelry with their own hands for beginners with photos and video

Bead jewelry with their own hands for beginners with photos and video

The second option is embroidered. Clearly demonstrates video.

Fashionable bracelets

First of all, it is all sorts of baubles, different in width and color solutions.

For example, these are tender flowers / daisies.

Bead jewelry with their own hands for beginners with photos and video

Bead jewelry with their own hands for beginners with photos and video

Bead jewelry with their own hands for beginners with photos and video

Bead jewelry with their own hands for beginners with photos and video

Bead jewelry with their own hands for beginners with photos and video

Bead jewelry with their own hands for beginners with photos and video

If you want the option just easier, then you should choose the next one.

Bead jewelry with their own hands for beginners with photos and video

Bead jewelry with their own hands for beginners with photos and video

Bead jewelry with their own hands for beginners with photos and video

Bead jewelry with their own hands for beginners with photos and video

Openwork decoration will decorate any hand.

Bead jewelry with their own hands for beginners with photos and video

A wide bracelet only seems difficult, but the diagram shows that the execution is very simple.

Bead jewelry with their own hands for beginners with photos and video

Bead jewelry with their own hands for beginners with photos and video

Bracelets weave not only with your hands, but it is possible to use homemade or purchased in the appropriate machine store. This technique helps to create a dense knitting with various images, patterns, names, etc.

How to make the machine yourself, you can see in the video below.

Beading rings

All the same techniques that are used for the above decorations can be used in their creation.

Below are several options with schemes.

Bead jewelry with their own hands for beginners with photos and video

Bead jewelry with their own hands for beginners with photos and video

Bead jewelry with their own hands for beginners with photos and video

Bead jewelry with their own hands for beginners with photos and video

Bead jewelry with their own hands for beginners with photos and video

Bead jewelry with their own hands for beginners with photos and video

Bead jewelry with their own hands for beginners with photos and video

Big earrings

To create beads, threads or fishing racks, you will need fasteners for earrings, the so-called Swedza. It can be loops, an English lock or carnations.

The first proposed simple version of the product, which consists of a beaded threads. However, if you use unusual combination of colors, add glass or beads, you can embody all your most original ideas and at the output to get a unique decoration.

Bead jewelry with their own hands for beginners with photos and video

Tools and material that will need.

Bead jewelry with their own hands for beginners with photos and video

We ride on the thread 2 glass rubs in such a way that one end of the thread remains short. We pass through them again, thereby creating a rectangle. Leave one tip of the thread, we work a long segment. We ride on it the glass, we go to the previous one and again in just scored.

Article on the topic: Slippers from squares Crochet: Scheme with a description of the master class

Bead jewelry with their own hands for beginners with photos and video

Bead jewelry with their own hands for beginners with photos and video

Bead jewelry with their own hands for beginners with photos and video

Bead jewelry with their own hands for beginners with photos and video

And so four more glass stakes.

Bead jewelry with their own hands for beginners with photos and video

Bead jewelry with their own hands for beginners with photos and video

On the needle, we recruit two beads and spend the thread through the fastening of the second and third glass. Then, once again permeate the second of the raged beads. And thus attach four more beads, each passing twice.

Bead jewelry with their own hands for beginners with photos and video

Bead jewelry with their own hands for beginners with photos and video

Bead jewelry with their own hands for beginners with photos and video

Bead jewelry with their own hands for beginners with photos and video

Bead jewelry with their own hands for beginners with photos and video

So there are still four rows, each of which is less than one bead. We form a triangle.

Bead jewelry with their own hands for beginners with photos and video

Bead jewelry with their own hands for beginners with photos and video

We form a loop for Schwenza. And through the extreme bead and the side glass, we go to the opposite side to create a fringe.

Bead jewelry with their own hands for beginners with photos and video

Bead jewelry with their own hands for beginners with photos and video

The first thread of the fringe consists of five beads, a glass and eight bisper. Fixed recruited, passing back in ten beads and glass.

Bead jewelry with their own hands for beginners with photos and video

Bead jewelry with their own hands for beginners with photos and video

Next thread come through the second glass of the top. The kit is almost the first, but add two to the initial 5 bispers. And so two more threads with adding two bisper at the beginning.

Bead jewelry with their own hands for beginners with photos and video

Then three end threads are descending two beads.

Bead jewelry with their own hands for beginners with photos and video

Video with a similar option.

These earrings will decorate the evening outfit.

Monochrome geometrics are suitable for everyday image.

As it is clear from the article, the bijouterie from beads is not something unattainable and complex. To master the manufacture of one or another decoration can any needlewoman, regardless of age and the level of skill, it is only worth attaching a little effort and patience.

Video on the topic

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