Order in the country: methods for storing garden inventory and other things (26 photos)


Order in the country: methods for storing garden inventory and other things (26 photos)

Storage of garden inventory and other things in the country

As a rule, the country house, the territory around it and all the nozzles resemble the temporary storage warehouse of various tools, garden and sports accessories, seasonal things. In this case, the main task that arises to the hosts is the organization of space on the site in such a way that the situation on it has become functional, and the work brought only pleasure, without the extra cost of strength and time.

It is not worth littering a country house and a household stubborn things, because, most often, there is not enough time to fix them. Therefore, it will be appropriate if the place of broken things will take the necessary tools. First of all, you should get rid of the rusty inventory, broken boxes, old cans from paint and overdue fertilizers and various chemicals, old, rubbed gloves and broken techniques. This will help free an additional space for convenient storage of things and gardening in the country.

Arrangement of the working area in the country

Quite often, in the country, you have to repair the elements of the old furniture, transplant various flowers, clean a different inventory and tools. For these purposes, it is best to install in the garage, a shed or on the veranda of the country house, the desktop and chair.

For the table to be more functional, it is necessary to install several built-in boxes or shelves under its countertop. Wooden boxes can be attached to the wall next to the desktop. So all the necessary tools will always be at hand.

Order in the country: methods for storing garden inventory and other things (26 photos)

Order in the country: methods for storing garden inventory and other things (26 photos)

Order in the country: methods for storing garden inventory and other things (26 photos)

Order in the country: methods for storing garden inventory and other things (26 photos)

Order in the country: methods for storing garden inventory and other things (26 photos)

Suspended gardening tools storage systems

In order to free the floor from different things, on the walls around the perimeter of the shed can be attached to the pendant shelves. For storing sports equipment, acute items and seasonal things use suspended cabinets and containers that are located under the ceiling of the room.

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Also, the shelves can be used for storage buckets, boxes and small garden inventory. On ordinary hooks, located along the walls, you can place bags, boots, watering can, garlic, bow or dry herbs.

For storage of children's skeins, skis, skates or some types of orders, maken make the mezzanine cabinets. We will help save space on the floor and hooks on the ceiling, which can be suspended with sleigh, bicycles or garden furniture.

Order in the country: methods for storing garden inventory and other things (26 photos)

Order in the country: methods for storing garden inventory and other things (26 photos)

Order in the country: methods for storing garden inventory and other things (26 photos)

Order in the country: methods for storing garden inventory and other things (26 photos)

Order in the country: methods for storing garden inventory and other things (26 photos)

Spacious storage racks in the country

The furnishings in the room will look ordered if you place stationary or modular racks in it, where there is a place for each subject. Such storage systems perfectly cope with the task of a clear distribution of the various necessary in the farm, things.

In order to decompose all the things you need in the farm: dishes, inventory, building materials, billets for winter, clothes, tools, cheeks, baskets with vegetables and fruits, you need only one roomy rack, which will take place along the wall of a barge or garage.

Order in the country: methods for storing garden inventory and other things (26 photos)

Order in the country: methods for storing garden inventory and other things (26 photos)

Order in the country: methods for storing garden inventory and other things (26 photos)

Order in the country: methods for storing garden inventory and other things (26 photos)

Order in the country: methods for storing garden inventory and other things (26 photos)

Storage of Garden Inventory: Ideas

Throughout the year at the country area, it is necessary to care: loosen and equal to the soil, transplanting flowers, collect harvest, clean the fallen leaves. Therefore, the garden inventory should always be kept in good condition. The storage of garden inventory should be paid special attention. Each object of the garden inventory should occupy a special place for it.

For example, to store inventory, you can build a wall container from the boards, in which it makes several compartments of a suitable width and depths in order for the sharp parts of the tools to occupy a safe position.

Rake, shovels and forks can be stored on the wall of the garage or shed, if you attach special hook holders to it.

For gardening inventory, which is stored on the street, it is necessary to make a container with a canopy. This will prevent the moisture tools and the formation of rust on metal plots of inventory.

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Order in the country: methods for storing garden inventory and other things (26 photos)

Order in the country: methods for storing garden inventory and other things (26 photos)

Order in the country: methods for storing garden inventory and other things (26 photos)

Order in the country: methods for storing garden inventory and other things (26 photos)

Order in the country: methods for storing garden inventory and other things (26 photos)

Use containers and containers for storage in the country

At any dacha, you can find various cans with paint, chemical reagents, building materials, varnishes, sprayers, fertilizers and many other unsafe substances. For storage of such substances, special storage locations should be provided in the form of tightly closing plastic containers.

It is best to contain such containers, as well as fertilizers in factory packaging, closed sealants and cans with paints to arrange on the topmost shelves of racks or antlesol cabinets. So before poisonous substances and chemicals will not be able to get children and pets.

Order in the country: methods for storing garden inventory and other things (26 photos)

Order in the country: methods for storing garden inventory and other things (26 photos)

Order in the country: methods for storing garden inventory and other things (26 photos)

Order in the country: methods for storing garden inventory and other things (26 photos)

Order in the country: methods for storing garden inventory and other things (26 photos)

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