Children's room with his own hands, how to make a decor in the interior of the children's


Children's room with his own hands, how to make a decor in the interior of the children's

The child perceives the world is completely different as an adult. Accordingly, a room that would suit for an adult, a child will simply be incomprehensible. The toddler room is his personal space and it should contribute to its development. The perfect children's room with your own hands is real! Make such a gift for your child to demonstrate your love and care.

Color and temperament

Each child has its own temperament. From the earliest childhood, any mom, watching his baby, can determine its level activity, model of behavior. Stripping from this, you can decide and in what colors to make a room for crumbs. So the Sanguins and phlegmatic are preferred with warm tones, with the only difference that saturates are more like saturated shades, and phlegmatics are deep. Cold colors are suitable for two other temperament types: cholerics - blue and turquoise, melancholics - purple, purple, lilac.

If you start decoring the children's room with your own hands before deciding with the temperament of the baby or at all before his birth, try picking up the colors according to the general rules:

  1. Decor of stationary items in bright colors, mobile - in bright. This will help the baby to develop coordination of movements and attention.
  2. Any glitter and mirror surfaces should be avoided not to break the sleep of the child.
  3. The overall decor of the room is better to do with complex patterns.
  4. Use for walls neutral tones.
  5. For the design of the floor is best suited red, mustard and brown.
  6. No need to abuse with blue. Children do not distinguish him for a very long time.

Children's room with his own hands, how to make a decor in the interior of the children's

Zoning of the room

If you do not want the whole floor in the children's room to be planted with paints and toys rolled throughout, try split your child's room to zones: working, bedroom, dressing room, game. Of course, if the room is spacious, then it will be very simple, it is enough to put the mobile partitions, however, and the owners of miniature premises are not worth a despair, you can not be zoning with the correct placement of furniture.

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In the bedroom zone, be sure to make muffled lighting. In addition, close to the bed, for obvious reasons, should not be placed mirrors and shelves. In the working part of the room, the lighting should be bright, and the floor covering such that the baby will not be afraid to blur, spill the paint or dropping plasticine. The interior of the gaming zone must include a large toy box and a warm fluffy carpet on which you can sit.

Paul, ceiling, walls

The design of the children's room should be started with the preparation of walls, ceiling and floor. Make a ceiling in the nursery is easiest. Simple matte acrylic paint will be quite enough. The child is unlikely to find faults to the irregularities of the ceiling. However, if the room is created for an active boy or interior will include a bunk bed with which it is easy to reach the ceiling, it will still have to give him some attention. In this case, it is best to give preference to washing wallpaper, which will not be terrible children's games. But about the blades or water-level paint it is better to forget if you do not want to give your crumb allergies.

The walls of the children's room must withstand a lot: they will constantly throw something to something, draw, scratch. Whatever wall decor you have chosen, keep in mind that it will be intense. Therefore, the most correct decision will prefer something inexpensive that you can easily replace. The simplest solution is to choose the wallpaper. Under the wallpaper, it is best to see the walls of plywood sheets, so you can cross the wallpaper very quickly.

Well, of course, the interior of the children's room includes flooring. First, the floor should be smooth and elastic, to avoid injury. Parquet and laminate for children are not suitable. You can only imagine what will spill on this floor. Delete anything from the gap between the chambers of the parquet is very difficult. Durable and eco-friendly flooring for children - Marmoleum. A slightly more expensive solution - flooring from a whole tube.

Children's room with his own hands, how to make a decor in the interior of the children's

Decor of walls

The main aspect, which distinguishes the interior of the children's room from adult - the presence of many cute details. The fastest and easiest way to decorate the walls, turn the usual room into a fairy lock - use vinyl stickers. This thing is now very popular, so you can easily choose the option that you like and to you, and the baby. In addition, in the process of joint creativity, you can cut various figures from color cardboard and spend them on the walls.

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Children's room with his own hands, how to make a decor in the interior of the children's

Turn ordinary household things in the magical and interesting decor elements. Choose, for example, bright wall clocks, intricate pillows, funny lamps. On the ceiling throat the stickers that are glowing at night. Having created the starry sky with their help on the ceiling, you will give the child to the real delight.

Children's room with his own hands, how to make a decor in the interior of the children's

Children simply love to draw on the walls. Parents constantly scold their chad for spoiled wallpapers, thereby serving the craving for creativity. You should not deprive the child of this pleasure! Just hang on the walls of the sheets of paper, and let your baby grows in a real artist.

Window in the big world

For a child, a window is not just a window, this is a magic gap in a new world. That is why the window decor needs to be suitable with special attention. By creating the interior in the nursery, do not forget the small details and accessories for the window and the windowsill.

It is no secret that too gloomy room can negatively affect the child's psyche. That is why the curtains in the nursery should not be dark. Simple curtains are best suitable in light colors with uncompressed patterns. No less important and choice of cornice. The child can pull over the chart, while it is very important that the eaves can be safe.

If you can not trust the security of the cornice 100%, replace the curtains on the blinds. They are easy to manage and fully perform their functions. Ordinary and boring white blinds have long gone into the past. Now you can order an option, for example, with a funny children's pattern or with a hero from your favorite cartoon.

On the window sill, only unbreakable accessories. About pots with flowers better forget. No matter how you wanted to instill our crumb to gardening, broken the pot of the pot will bring only extra trouble.

Children's room with his own hands, how to make a decor in the interior of the children's

Choice of furniture

The room for the child ends with the selection and placement of furniture. Let's look at the most necessary elements of the room interior for a child:
  1. Bed. If you have several children and there is no possibility to put two separate beds, you should not immediately run for bunk. She has long gone to the past. Choose a full-fledged headset for kids, in which the second bed, though it will be located at the second level, but it will not hang over the lower bed.
  2. Table. This is one of the most important elements of the decor of the children's room. Make a children's table best of the natural wooden table top or from a material that mimics wood texture. The color of the table should be dark so that all accessories well on it are highlighted. In addition, the table surface should not be too smooth, otherwise the child will constantly inadvertently discharge all the necessary items.
  3. Sports Equipment. It is very important from childhood to instill a child love sports, give him the opportunity to show activity. Nothing intricate to add to the interior is not needed. There will be a fairly simple mat and a small horizontal bar.
  4. Chest of drawers. Another important decor element that returns to fashion again. In addition, it is convenient to store things in it, the chest can be used as a changing table, and when the child is growing up - put toys on it.

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Errors when making a children's

Many parents for ignorance allow various mistakes, creating an interior in a room for a child.

  1. The use of poisonous shades in the interior can lead to the development of hysteria at the kid.
  2. The most common mistake that parents allow is the predominance of pink colors in the girl's room. The use of pink in the nursery is a stereotype that needs to be destroyed. It is this color that is considered an original adult. Modern psychologists in one voice argue that the growing room in the "pink" room leads to early sexual development.
  3. Using the expensive beating decor is another mistake. With all the details that are in the room with the crumbs, he needs to play without fear.
  4. Do not make frequent repairs and permutations in the room at a small child. It is difficult for him to adapt each time to change. It is best to make a permutation when Kroch himself will ask for this.

Children's room with his own hands, how to make a decor in the interior of the children's

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