How to spend the light in the barn and the chicken coop do it yourself


There are no complexity in the coverage of the economic buildings, there are certain nuances and features that should be taken into account. In this article, we will tell you how to spend the light in a barn or a chicken coop, we will tell the main features and show step-by-step instructions for connecting. Immediately we note, the light should be safe and economical - these are the main points for which we will pay attention to this article.

What you need to know before starting

  1. Increased humidity or not heated. In this case, the wiring must be carried out in the pipes, they protect against moisture and severe frosts. From this option, you can also refuse if you wish to save, but remember: "I pay twice," may turn out that everything will have to change over time.
  2. Shed heated and dry. In this case, you can choose any wiring, both open and closed, there is no special difference.
  3. Very raw room, here can be attributed: greenhouses and greenhouses. In this case, the wiring must have double insulation, and all lamps are IP 65 and above. The switch is better to be out of the limits, we also do not forget to make a safe voltage of 12 volts.

To conduct wiring from the shed, look like this photo.

How to spend the light in the barn and the chicken coop do it yourself

We recommend conducting a wire underground, in this case it will be completely protected. If it is believed that there are no obstacles on the way, see it through the air.

How to spend the light in the barn and the chicken coop do it yourself

How to spend light in the barn: necessary materials

Now go to the second stage and prepare all the necessary materials.

It will start with the wires, we recommend using the WEGNG, it has increased protection and will serve you for many years. The junction box should be moisture-proof - this is an important point.

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Do not forget that all devices must have good protection. And of course, we make the correct calculation of the cable cross section. We recommend installing the lamps, you can include: LED and ordinary housekeeping. Light in such buildings can burn for a long time, so it is important to save on it once again.

We carry out electrical work

Now let's talk about the main thing - how to spend the light in the barn from a private house. This stage is considered uncomfortable, here are the materials to choose - it is difficult. Here perform step-by-step instructions, then everything will be fine. We will tell the easiest way to make wires in the shed by air.

  1. Fix the wire on the hook, do not forget to turn off the RCD.
    How to spend the light in the barn and the chicken coop do it yourself
  2. The wire should be in a special pipe, it will protect it.
    How to spend the light in the barn and the chicken coop do it yourself
  3. Next, connect the wire to the distribution panel. For this it is necessary to start it in the house, or to another building, from which you have gathered to connect everything.
    How to spend the light in the barn and the chicken coop do it yourself
  4. We stretch the wire to the shed and install the circuit breaker.
    How to spend the light in the barn and the chicken coop do it yourself
    How to spend the light in the barn and the chicken coop do it yourself
  5. We carry out the wires of the wires in the junction box.
    How to spend the light in the barn and the chicken coop do it yourself
  6. From the junction box, connect the lamps for the barn and switch. You can connect the motion sensor, but here you see, it is worth it or not.
    How to spend the light in the barn and the chicken coop do it yourself
  7. Check how everything works.

Here you learned how to make the light in the barn with your own hands. We recommend installing several sockets, they may be needed at any time. You can install additionally and the transformer that will create a safe voltage, but we do not recommend this, for a shed, it is too much work.

It will be interesting to find out: how to spend the light in the barn and the chicken coop with your own hands.

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