Repair School on TNT


Repair School on TNT

"School of Repair" is a well-known program on TNT, which tells how quickly and, most importantly, you can change your apartment. For example, what tells the rubric "School of Repair: Kitchens" will simply strike you. You can not even imagine what you can turn your kitchen. A special brigade, consisting of the most mastic decorators, designers and architects, arranges the fabulous transformations of ordinary rooms - in a bright unique style female.

Repair School on TNT

Fragment of one of the series

The new interior is an incredibly pleasant surprise that you can give your beloved people. The designer of the program has full creative freedom, his self-expression is not limiting any framework. Within 72 hours, the "School of Repair on TNT" transforms straightening. At the same time, all work is carried out at the expense of the television company, which is important, if you consider the current prices in the building materials market. The spectators of the television show falls the opportunity to survive with the household of the updated apartment, the entire flurry of emotions, which completes any transformation of familiar housing. However, it is important to note that the shooting of the TV shows only on the territory of Moscow, in houses equipped with a cargo elevator.

Kitchen repair features

In this article we will pay attention to repair kitchens. Going to the site "School of Repair" photo of the kitchen will give you ideas about the main difficulties in the process of their arrangement. As a rule, the kitchens have very small areas, which significantly limits the expanses for the flight of designer fantasy. Obviously, redevelopment of the existing kitchen (and even more so the purchase of a more spacious apartment) will fall into solid investments, such a decision will not be under most families. However, even in conditions of limited area, a small kitchen repair school will help you to choose a worthy decision that will delight you for many years.

Repair School on TNT

Screensaver "School of Repair"

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You may seem that the repair of small cuisine is a simple occupation. Believe me, it's far wrong. In addition to serious financial costs, small kitchen will require solid mental investment. After all, you want a really cozy kitchen?

First of all, even before the start of repair, consider the layout and the future design of your small kitchen. Immalibly losing the Santimeters of the Precious Square due to poor planning. Sometimes, it will be useful to invite a third-party specialist. Professional designer, because of his thinking, can see nontrivial solutions, will help you choose the furniture under the order.

Repair School on TNT

One of the transmission fragments

In accordance with the parameters adopted in the field of trade in real estate, the kitchen, the area of ​​which does not exceed eight meters, is considered small. In addition, this category is accepted to include kitchens with non-standard layout: having irregular angles, narrow, pass-through, M-shaped. What are the ways of saving the kitchen area?

Even if your kitchen has a g-shaped and small sizes, you can still hit your friends with her design. Of course, you will need a little more tools and time, the selection of design will use all your fantasy, but the final result will please you with pleasure. In the case of complex layout of the kitchen, its small size, the importance of the preliminary action plan increases even more. School of repair demonstrates how long it takes this process even from professional designers. You to present the end result, time will need much more.

Repair School on TNT

Setting a tile wall

Initially, make an accurate kitchen plan. Accuracy should reach centimeters, because because of the various flames during the construction and shrinkage of the structure itself, the geometric parameters of the kitchen may differ from ideal. After that, paper models of all furniture will be very helpful to you as a novice designer. Posing them on a composed of the kitchen plan, you can clearly modify the end result. Do not forget to leave the space required for the opening of the mezzanine. A visual model will allow you to immediately see the difference between what is now, and what you will see after repair. Believe me, it will give you just an unimaginable charge of motivation.

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In the program, the School of Repair Design Kitchen projects have always started to make up the installation of the refrigerator and the kitchen plate. In addition, close attention is paid to the arrangement of furniture and household appliances. Often we can observe many extra elements in the kitchens, repairs - a wonderful reason to clear the ruins, get rid of all too much. An important technical point considers the distance from the stove to the washing. Whatever small is your kitchen, there should always be any interval between them. Let it be just one bedside table, but the fulfillment of this condition is necessary for compliance with safety. Also, you should not have a slab next to the window. The space above it should take only the extractor and nothing more.

Repair School on TNT

Fragment of telecast "" School of repair "

Thinking in advance the location of all other electrical appliances in your kitchen, you can set the desired number of outlets in the required locations. It will relieve you from the need to introduce teary and extension in the interior. An excellent means of saving the kitchen space serve suspected lockers. There is simply an unimaginable amount of variations. Kitchen design School of repair that demonstrates, is largely based on the organic use of such elements, while all sizes, height and shape of the shelves are calculated in advance. Think out in advance what exactly you will be stored in each locker how much they will need to accommodate the entire kitchen inventory. If there are problems with the place, which is very likely in the case of small kitchens, then you can use beveled or rounded lockers. The lockers can have a different design of the door: they can turn inside, fold, climb up. The choice of one of these solutions will allow you to further save the precious space. In addition, there are lockers of a M-shaped form, they are most ergonomic. Use the place under the sink rationally - here you can store not only the garbage bin, but also various cleaning kitchen accessories.

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Starting the repair of a small kitchen, immediately take care of the working surfaces. These are the most diverse surfaces (tops of the tables, floor cabinets and cabinets) involved in cooking. Before starting repair work, it is necessary to compound the working surface in such a way that its surface is the most continuous. In addition, it should have sufficient strength, because it is on it that you will cut, prick and chop products. If your budget allows you to you, choose an artificial stone. It is strong, durable, easily cleaned, wearless. With a more modest budget, the ideal option will be a chipboard covered with a special plastic coating.

Repair School on TNT

San Sanych (actor Alexander Grishaev) - foreman

"School of Repair" Interior of the kitchen tries to be made as free as possible, for this, doors are modified. In case you do not scare the spread of kitchen smells, or powerful ventilation is installed in the kitchen, you can refuse the door. One of the series "School of Repair: Kitchens with a living room" tells exactly about this option. Thus, if you strive to repeat this option "Kitchen repair school" The living room will enter a single system with the kitchen. It will give you much more opportunities for fantasy, although it will require large financial injections. Finally, it is worth noting that the "School of Repair: The living" kitchen recommends combining the color with the hallway, while it is desirable to be both carried out in bright colors.

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