Fronton Roof: Types and Options


The construction of any home involves the presence of a roof, which is the protection of walls and internal space. The roof structure can be very different, but in most cases, after the construction, two end walls are formed. This is the frontal roof, which is often facing the building. And naturally, it should be made attractive. At the same time, not only the color of the frontone must be chosen, but also to choose the optimal material that you need to sew the area of ​​the wall.

Fronton Roof: Types and Options

Roof of complex shape with triangular frontones

Options and forms

Builders are able to create any form of this element of the house. And yet it completely depends on the roof structure, since the fronton is immediately under it. There are a large number of diverse forms of this design, but it is worth noting the most popular of them, which are most often used in self-construction:

  1. Trapezoidal frontoth.
  2. Triangular fronton.

The fact is that the roof of the house can be a holm or broken, as well as a two-sheet. With the first version, the end resembles a tourist tent, which has a trapezoid form. The second type is similar to an equilibried triangle, on the space of which is sometimes located quite large window. Here is this obtained area and must be seduced by giving the frontout a qualitative view.

Fronton Roof: Types and Options

Roof of a broken shape with a complex trapezoidal fronton

Preparation of the foundation

How to make the front of the roof, if there is only airspace in its place? The answer is simple. It is necessary to install the frame and sew its finishing material. What? It completely depends on the preferences of the home owner. But this choice depends on the preparation of the foundation for such a finish. Therefore, before you sew the space of the front, you should decide on the material used for this process.

What can be used for independent work? The choice is large enough, as manufacturers are ready to offer customers a huge number of diverse building and finishing materials. At the same time, you should not forget about the rod of the roof, which is also needed to be asked to the fronton look more solid and harmoniously.

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Fronton Roof: Types and Options

Fronton brick house will be covered with siding

The color of materials and finite finishes is also sufficiently important. Since the house is built on the street of the village, he will always be in sight of passersby. And the foot of the house should look attractively and great.

For independent finishes, a wooden lining, siding or a house block is used. These are the most popular materials for the trim, with which it is quite convenient to work. The decoration of siding is used not only on the brusade and frame residential buildings, but also with the brick design of the walls. This material is suitable for both the front of the front, and the roof is required, which is required to create a finished type of structure. In this case, the color of the front will differ from the shadow of the binder, which will emphasize the beauty and shape of the entire structure.

Fronton Roof: Types and Options

The fronton of a wooden house is caught by clapboard

Lining and Block House are also able to turn a house into a beautiful palace. But in contrast to finishing siding, these materials will require additional paint or varnish. But in that and in another embodiment without a frame can not do. And it will be necessary to make before starting work on the finishing of the fronton siding, clapboard or other material.

To create the right foundation for future skin, a wooden timber or metal profile can serve. The latter is mainly used when the finishing of the frontones is made by vinyl siding. But the soles of the roof are always carcashes only with a tree. This allows you to perform work faster, as the bar is simply adjusted to the lumps installed on the extreme rafter foot.

Fronton Roof: Types and Options

To cover the facade and the front of the house used "Block House"

With future work with siding, Fronton and Swim Frames must be prepared for one time. The fact is that before mounting the panels, you must install the guides in which they are later inserted. But in the absence of a skeleton of SBES or FRONTON, they will not be able to become one whole. The color that will have a firm must also be defined in advance so that the work does not stop.

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Fronton Roof: Types and Options

Facade and Fronton Brick Houses

The distance between the racks should not be too large. It is allowed not more than 60 cm, which is quite enough to not get the deflection of the material. But Smel never exceeds this indicator, as it is rarely wider than 50 cm. In the case of a larger release between two bars, it is necessary to put the third, strictly in the center.

Square Square

When the plating the fronton siding begins, then it is necessary to prepare well. Without a suitable tool and device devices, do not work out. Therefore it is required to cook:

  • construction forests;
  • staircase;
  • screwdriver;
  • hacksaw or grinder with cutting circle;
  • building level;
  • Roulette and pencil.

All this should be prepared at the stage of the framework of the frame, so that the fronton roof is made beautiful and stylish. Yes, and simply perform work at an altitude without half of the list it will not be possible, as this is due not only to the danger, but also with certain skills that suggest the use of submitted means. Otherwise, the ride will be problematic, and the upper part of the front will also remain empty.

The finish begins with the installation of the guides. These planks have a groove in which the panels must be inserted. Sve must also have similar planks, only in the corner instead of the P-shaped, it is necessary to install a special for the inner corner. The color of the guides can coincide with siding, but sometimes it differs from it. With the difference between the color gamut, the planks usually choose a white color.

Fronton Roof: Types and Options

Fronton Siding Over Guide

Siding is cut with a simple hacksaw or grinder. The ends need to be treated with knife or sandpaper to remove existing burrs. The length of the panels should be 5 - 10 mm less accurate size between the guides. This is required for the possibility of siding to expand while increasing the temperature. If this is not done, then the lining can be deformed and gain damage. With the same purpose, the panels are not fixed to the end. Self-tapping screws should leave them not a big backlash, which will allow the items to move when the situation will require this.

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When the fondon area is sewed with siding, the starting panel must be installed exactly along the horizon. This is checked by the construction level applied to it. From this element will go to the liner of the whole area. In this case, each next panel should also be checked on the correct installation. If the finish is conducted by elements that have different color, then you should carefully follow the way they alternate so that you do not have to redo all the work.

Fronton Roof: Types and Options

Fronton Svet Roofs Walls

Svet roofs also begin to hedit from the starting panel. It should be monitored not only behind the horizon, but also the evenness of the elements themselves in relation to the plane of the fronton. On a two-tie roof it is quite simple, since the liner will go a continuous band. The color of the panels may differ from the selected colors of the frontmostone itself to emphasize the transition from the roof to the plane of the walls. Special panels that have perforation are also often used. It allows you to make a ride ventilated, which will give him the opportunity to serve as much as possible.

These simple actions will allow you to get a beautiful and attractive fronton at home, which can be sewn and siding and any other finishing material. The main thing is not to be mistaken and choose the optimal color of these elements, and then the building will delight the eye not only the owners, but also of any man passing by.

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