In which direction should do the door to SNiP


A fundamentally any door can open both inside and out. However, common sense suggests that this parameter is defined not arbitrarily, and on the basis of some factors. In fact, the question is, in which direction the entrance door or in the room should be opened, regulates the SNiP.

In which direction should do the door to SNiP

How to open and right doors

Left and first sash

There are 4 installation options by the opening method. And in different countries, they have a different name. For example, the right and left door in Russia and Europe is determined in different ways.

In Europe, the position of the handle on the door canvase is determined by the side of the opening from itself, and in Russia - on itself. Accordingly, for the Russian left door - it is a web with the arrangement of the handle on the left, and the right - with the placement of the handle to the right. In Europe, the other way around, we should consider when ordering products in the online store, for example.

In which direction should do the door to SNiP

Opening options doors

To avoid this kind of confusion, manufacturers often make models with a universal location of the loop, which allows you to install the sash as convenient to the user. However, this is not always possible: for example, where the entrance door is unpacked, it should be determined in advance.

The direction of the opening of the sash is the second question that should be found out. Here the rules are much tougher. In which direction the door should open, regulates SNiP and fire safety rules. And the latter argue that any evacuation doors or capable of performing this function must open outward. In this way, the possibility of blocking the sash during fires or the destruction of the building is prevented.

Outdoor opening

Public and private buildings

For the implementation of the standards of SNiP and the requirements of the Ministry of Emergency Situations in public buildings, high-rise buildings, industrial structures are observed by the relevant services. Here Ignoring the rules is excluded, otherwise the violator faces a considerable fine.

  • Fire safety the doors open forever always. This is especially true for administrative non-residential structures. This option is safe, but in which direction the sash is rotated, is determined by other parameters - from convenience to a distance to architectural elements or furniture.
  • According to the rules, interior sash will also break off only, especially if there are a large number of people in the room - more than 15 people. However, there are exceptions: if the door leaf is degrading the room from a large hall, where a large number of people accumulates. In this case, there is a big risk of injury with a sharp opening of the sash outside. However, this provision should be coordinated with the relevant authorities. In the photo - installation of an interroom block in the office.

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The position of the sash and the side of the opening in a private house is not regulated. Common sense suggests that it is impossible to neglect the rules of security, so the input block almost always breaks out. But opening interroom models or sash to the toilet or bathroom is determined only by convenience.

In which direction should do the door to SNiP

Public building

By the way, for apartments, SNiP rules are also not mandatory.

Position of interior door

There are several quite effective recommendations that allow you to determine the optimal solution.

  • The sash leading from a smaller room into a large, swallowed out. This is especially true for a toilet and bathroom, where and so little space. But the entrance to the nursery is desirable to do inside, since with a random closure of the castle by a child, the sash is much easier to hack if it opens inside.
  • If it turns out that the flaps in 2 rooms are a toilet and a bathroom, for example, turn out to be nearby, their swaps need to be organized in such a way that they do not interfere with each other. That is, the option when both sash swallowed outwards, excluded.

In which direction should do the door to SNiP

Position of interior door

  • If the entrance to the room is located closer to one of the walls, the door must open toward the nearest wall. Thus, an incoming person immediately sees most of the room. This option is perceived as safer. If the input is located in the middle of the wall, then the sash swallows so that first of all the incoming access to the switch.

In which direction should do the door to SNiP

Another way to immediately ensure the lighting, organize smashes towards the window so that the light from it immediately illuminated the room.

In which direction should do the door to SNiP

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