Ideas for the interior of a wooden veranda (50 photos)


Ideas for the interior of a wooden veranda (50 photos)

Interior of a wooden veranda in the country

It is difficult to imagine a large private house without a spacious wooden veranda. It is on the veranda that it is nice to take guests in the summer and spend free evenings. The main purpose of this part of the house is a holiday in a comfortable setting.

Read also: Ideas for the interior of the summer country veranda.

Times when the veranda was used as a kind of storage room to store various trash on it, long ago passed. Now this place where you can relax and enjoy the view of nature outside the window. Wooden verandas are particularly popular. And it is not surprising, because in addition to a beautiful appearance, a tree is an environmentally friendly building material.

Interior depending on the type of country veranda

The design of the interior of a wooden veranda can be performed in any style, the main thing that the veranda is harmoniously combined with the interior of the whole house, as well as with the design of the landscape of the household site. The design of the veranda depends on the type of veranda: closed or open.

It is possible to use an open veranda only in the warm period of the year. The closed veranda is easy to turn into a favorite place of rest and in a cold time. To do this, it is necessary to insulate the walls of the room and spend heating.

Ideas for the interior of a wooden veranda (50 photos)

Ideas for the interior of a wooden veranda (50 photos)

Ideas for the interior of a wooden veranda (50 photos)

Ideas for the interior of a wooden veranda (50 photos)

Ideas for the interior of a wooden veranda (50 photos)

The closed veranda has a number of benefits, the main of which is that from the veranda of this type you can make a full-fledged rest room, installing soft chairs, a sofa, a fireplace, a tea table, from bright rays of the Sun, if necessary, can protect blinds or dense curtains . Lovers of indoor plants can use a wooden veranda as a winter garden.

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Ideas for the interior of a wooden veranda (50 photos)

Ideas for the interior of a wooden veranda (50 photos)

Ideas for the interior of a wooden veranda (50 photos)

Ideas for the interior of a wooden veranda (50 photos)

Ideas for the interior of a wooden veranda (50 photos)

Wall and floor decoration on a wooden veranda

As a rule, on the veranda, finishing works are carried out only on the floor and one adjacent wall. Since the rest of the design is a wood frame and panoramic large windows. It is this feature that distinguishes the veranda from all other premises of the private house.

To finish the floor it is best to use high-quality finishing materials that can be used when finishing on the street. For the summer version, the veranda is perfect for a wooden board from cedar or teak, mosaic or tile, artificial stone. For a wooden warmed veranda, it is better to use laminate, linoleum or any other materials that can be used for finishing work in the house.

Ideas for the interior of a wooden veranda (50 photos)

Ideas for the interior of a wooden veranda (50 photos)

Ideas for the interior of a wooden veranda (50 photos)

Ideas for the interior of a wooden veranda (50 photos)

Ideas for the interior of a wooden veranda (50 photos)

When choosing a floor covering for a wooden veranda, it is necessary to pay special attention to the wear resistance of the material, since in addition to the floor on the veranda, it will be subject to not only mechanical exposure, but also must withstand weather conditions: strong frosts, air humidity, direct sunlight. Also, the determining factor when choosing finishing materials for the wooden veranda is the stylistic design of the whole house. Thus, for finishing the veranda in the style of Country, it is better to use a board, an artificial stone or mosaic will look harmoniously when the style of Provence or Mediterranean style is cleaned, the paving slabs will appropriately look in a modern style.

The decor of the walls of a wooden veranda must match the flooring. Walls can be seen with wooden panels, or bind the surface with an artificial stone.

Ceiling design on a veranda of wood

No need to try to make a ceiling of a wooden veranda exquisite. A real decoration of such a ceiling will be wooden beams protruding inside the veranda. In case the floor of the wooden veranda is finished with an artificial stone, curb will look great on the ceiling, passing throughout the perimeter of the room. Such borders will be excellent base for panoramic windows.

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Exactly linked veranda ceiling can shrink most of the room. In order for the wooden veranda to become spacious, the ceiling must repeat the shape of the inner roof arch.

Ideas for the interior of a wooden veranda (50 photos)

Ideas for the interior of a wooden veranda (50 photos)

Ideas for the interior of a wooden veranda (50 photos)

Ideas for the interior of a wooden veranda (50 photos)

Ideas for the interior of a wooden veranda (50 photos)

Functional and decorative elements of a wooden veranda

The main advantage of decorative elements from natural materials is that they are easily combined with each other. In the interior of a wooden veranda perfectly fit the fireplace, with a finish from a natural stone. In addition to its main function, the fireplace makes the interior of the veranda colorful.

Ideas for the interior of a wooden veranda (50 photos)

Ideas for the interior of a wooden veranda (50 photos)

Ideas for the interior of a wooden veranda (50 photos)

Ideas for the interior of a wooden veranda (50 photos)

Ideas for the interior of a wooden veranda (50 photos)

The fashion trend in the design of the veranda was the use of burzhuyki, which is customary to establish in the most prominent place of the room.

Ideas for the interior of a wooden veranda (50 photos)

Ideas for the interior of a wooden veranda (50 photos)

Ideas for the interior of a wooden veranda (50 photos)

Ideas for the interior of a wooden veranda (50 photos)

Ideas for the interior of a wooden veranda (50 photos)

Any interior can revive beautiful indoor plants. The veranda is an ideal place, for the design of the winter garden, as there is always an abundance required for normal plant growth, sunlight.

Ideas for the interior of a wooden veranda (50 photos)

Ideas for the interior of a wooden veranda (50 photos)

Ideas for the interior of a wooden veranda (50 photos)

Ideas for the interior of a wooden veranda (50 photos)

Ideas for the interior of a wooden veranda (50 photos)

Furniture in the interior of the veranda in the country and in the house

The veranda can be considered the second living room. Therefore, the compulsory furniture objects for this premises are a comfortable sofa, several chairs, a small table and chairs. If the size of the room allows, on the veranda, even a dining area can be equipped. As a rule, in the interior, the verandas use wooden or wicker furniture with soft pillows or mattresses that are perfect for recreation in the summer. But it will be relevant to the use of comfortable upholstered furniture, which will make comfortable rest on the veranda in winter.

Ideas for the interior of a wooden veranda (50 photos)

Ideas for the interior of a wooden veranda (50 photos)

Ideas for the interior of a wooden veranda (50 photos)

Ideas for the interior of a wooden veranda (50 photos)

Ideas for the interior of a wooden veranda (50 photos)

Wooden veranda: photo

Ideas for the interior of a wooden veranda (50 photos)

Ideas for the interior of a wooden veranda (50 photos)

Ideas for the interior of a wooden veranda (50 photos)

Ideas for the interior of a wooden veranda (50 photos)

Ideas for the interior of a wooden veranda (50 photos)

Ideas for the interior of a wooden veranda (50 photos)

Ideas for the interior of a wooden veranda (50 photos)

Ideas for the interior of a wooden veranda (50 photos)

Ideas for the interior of a wooden veranda (50 photos)

Ideas for the interior of a wooden veranda (50 photos)

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