Astra from beads with photos and video: master class with weaving schemes


Astra from beads is a real home decoration that every hostess can make. Astra is one of the most beautiful and bright flowers, a very diverse in its species solution. In addition, flowers can be of any color of the rainbow, so it is not necessary to buy a new beads, it is enough to use the remains of old.

This master class will like everyone who loves beading, flowers and not mind to make a beautiful accessory for the table.

Astra from beads with photos and video: master class with weaving schemes

Astra from beads with photos and video: master class with weaving schemes

Astra from beads with photos and video: master class with weaving schemes

Astra from beads with photos and video: master class with weaving schemes

Astra from beads with photos and video: master class with weaving schemes

Purple flower

Astra from beads with photos and video: master class with weaving schemes

To make such a beautiful product that will rejoice with the eyes, such materials will be necessary:

  • beads of purple color;
  • green beads;
  • White beads;
  • Yellow beads;
  • green tone threads;
  • Wire for beads in diameter 0.3 mm;
  • wire in diameter 1 mm;

Flower weaving scheme is very easy. Start work is necessary from weaving asters of beads. That is, take a length of the wire in length about 60 cm and rinse on it thirteen yellow beads. Then make a loop at a distance of five centimeters from the tip of the Wire. Repeat actions to form the next loop. After that, stripping 13 yellow beads, twist another loop next to the first. In the same way, tie another 18 loops.

For fastening the storing, the flower on the stem should be taken a segment of the copper wire with a diameter of 1 mm, 40 cm long and twisted in half. Then, near such a wire stem, crush the obtained loops, which will be the core.

Astra from beads with photos and video: master class with weaving schemes

Now it's time to proceed to weaving the next row of loops. Take a segment of a wire 70 cm long and stripped 21 white beverage on it, which are then twisted in the loop. Continue the formation of the same loops throughout the surface of the wire segment. There should be 20 white care wheels.

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Next, you should prepare a long segment of the wire about 1.2 meters long and make 32 loops from white beads, which consist of 23 beerin. The loops, which turned out, fasten around the core, starting with small and ending with large. Then to use another segment of the wire, additionally, the attached petals.

Astra from beads with photos and video: master class with weaving schemes

Long petals

The next stage is weaving the longest petals of purple color. Take a segment of the wire and form two types of looping. Initially make loops consisting of thirty-one bispers.

Note. The remaining loops form out of 37 beads in the amount of 15 pieces + the last row (15 loops of 43 bisperin).

Then one in one to attach all the purple loops, starting with small, and copold the tips of the wire with another segment. Then, personally straighten the petals and reach them up.

Astra from beads with photos and video: master class with weaving schemes

Astra from beads with photos and video: master class with weaving schemes

How to weave the leaves

Leaves for Astra from beads to weave different sizes. To do this, on a wire segment about 25 cm long, it is necessary to drive 51 green tone beads and form a loop from them so that a distance of 5 cm is obtained to one tip, and the second end seemed longer. Little tip Direct the book, and on the second ride the bispers of green and send up. Near the end of the leaf to make the coil with a wire, ride the beads and send down. Wire ends twisted with each other, as shown in the photo.

Astra from beads with photos and video: master class with weaving schemes

For the rest of the leaves, ride a different odd amount of beads (55, 47, 59, etc.). A total of 10 leaves should be weave, 8 copold near the base of the bud, and 2 on the stem.

After the leaves are fixed, wrap the whole skeleton of green thread, bottom-up.

Astra from beads with photos and video: master class with weaving schemes

Astra from beads with photos and video: master class with weaving schemes

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