How to cut the lambrene with your own hands: options


It is the curtains that make a special style and charm to the room. They depends on how everything will look. After all, the interior due to the curtains changes radically and it turns out a room in the style of high-tech or baroque. Details in the curtains play a considerable role. If you use the right approach, the design of the room becomes perfect. To do this, closely look at the details of the decor, which is called Lambreken. With it, it turns out to create a unique design of the room. And making it with your own hands, there will be pride in the design of the room. There are many types of lambrequins. They are simple, soft, rigid, curly, combined.

How to cut the lambrene with your own hands: options

Lambrequin drawing.

All options are distinguished by the form and expended on their manufacture by the forces. The very word lambrene came from France. It merges 2 concepts. One of them means the upper part of the window drapery, and the other is a wooden carving over the windows. But if earlier the upper part of the windows of the windows were really draped by closed wooden parts, then in our time they were replaced by the dense or lightest fabrics. It became very fashionable to decorate the windows with lambrequins on a solid basis. They are called a band and completely cover the entire cornice. Some options can have curly corners. Labreken-Svag is no less in demand. He resembles a semicircle with folds. There may be several and different shades of such semicircles. Sometimes different options for lambrequins are combined for greater intimacy of the style in the interior. Consider how to cut the lambrequin of different species.

Elegant Labreken Swag

How to cut the lambrene with your own hands: options

Labreken classification.

Not everyone knows how to make a lambrequin, but with detailed instructions to do it easily. For the Swag option you will need:

  • the cloth;
  • kraft paper;
  • mounting board.

The height of the Svaga himself will be 1/6 of the height of the curtains. To build patterns, it is necessary to draw a vertically straight line on paper, which will be the height of the wagon. The lambrequin width will be the height of the eaves, divided into 7 and multiplied by 3. The resulting digit is width. On the mounting board, mark the width of the Swag, which turned out by calculating.

On paper, draw a horizontal line. In the middle, note the point 3 and to carry out a line, equal to the height of the lambrequin, putting point 4. From point 3 in both sides horizontally postpone 1/4 width of the width. These will be points 1 and 2.

How to cut the lambrene with your own hands: options

Curtain mounting schemes.

From point 4 in both sides, mark 1/2 from the length of the arc, which was used to be measured with a cradle, and mark points 5 and 6. From these points to postpone 1/3 of the wagon height and mark points 5a and 6a. After that, connect these points with points 1 and 2. Now it is necessary to gently connect the points 5a, 4 and 6a. They must compose a rounded connection.

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Alone to make folds at the same altitude will be difficult even for professional seats. Therefore, it is necessary to note all the folds along the edges of the cutting, retreating from the edge of about 12 cm. It will be the first fold. From the bottom it will be necessary to retreat 10 cm. This is the last fold. All other folds will be placed between them at the same distance. They must be the same width. To do this, simply split the gap between the first and the last fold on the required amount. It is this number that will be exactly the distance between each of the folds. Do not forget to celebrate these distances with a pencil. Then on the mounting board, it is to propose how the lambrequen-SWGA will look in the assembled form. Since all points of contact of the folds are marked, the assembly occurs simply enough. Although it seems that it is difficult to cut such a lambrequin, but everything is clear and accessible to every wishes.

Simple dense labell

Sometimes you need to decorate the window. But I want it to look simple and beautiful. For this there is an option how to cut the lambrequin simple type, without folds. This model is ideal for large and small windows, for doorways. For cutting it will take:

  • Dense cardboard;
  • knife;
  • Ruler and pencil;
  • the cloth;
  • wool for lining;
  • mounting board or garbin;
  • Building stapler.

First you need to measure the window. It will be a lambrequin width. The height will be the necessary length to close the upper stone part over the window opening, and drops to the opening itself about 30-20 cm. It depends on the form of the lambrequin itself.

How to cut the lambrene with your own hands: options

Scheme of sewing lambrequin.

The highest top of the top will be perfectly smooth. The part that will be in the opening window depends on your imagination. There are many options - from a simple semicircle to the most mysterious lines. But it must be remembered that the harder the form of Lambrequen, the longer the work will go on it.

In order for the pattern to be the same on both sides, it is necessary to draw 1/2 part on paper and then draw twice on cardboard. In this case, the right and left side of the lambrequen perfectly correspond to each other. On the fabric it is necessary to cut exactly by pattern, but with absoluses at least 5-7 cm. This is done to convert the fabric for cardboard and its fixing.

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Make this model simply. At the carved cardboard stapler to attach lining cotton wool. On the top on the cotton the withdrawal side of the fabric, checking whether all parts of the pattern coincide. Now the cloth decompose on the table face down, and to put cardboard on top. Gradually, the edge of wrapping the edges of the fabric around the cardboard and fastened. This can be done with a plastic pistol.

If you want to close the side edges of the window, then the lambrene should be done with the calculation of this. Just for each edge you need to add the distance from Gardina to the wall. This part of the cardboard will bend perpendicular to the rest, and it is also necessary to calculate the fabric.

Seamless lambrenen

How to cut the lambrene with your own hands: options

Window measurement options for curtain sewing.

When there are no special skills in the cutting and sewing, but you really want to make the window beautifully, the seamless model is perfect. Make such a lambrequin with their own hands is quite simple. For this you need

  • the cloth;
  • lining fabric;
  • pins;
  • Decoration (beads, bows).

You don't need to cut anything difficult. Everything is simple enough and quickly. To begin with, measuring the width of the Gardina and on the sides to add another 1/4 of the part. The height of the lambrequin is approximately 1/3 of a part of the overall height of Gardina. If I want, the altitude will be the other digit. It all depends on the window itself and the effect of the lambrene on it.

How to cut the lambrene with your own hands: options

Option curtain with lambrequins with three identical swags.

Rectangle from fabric and lining. They will be completely identical in size. Dismix the fabric to the face on the table and turn out all the edges of 2 cm, swallowing them with an iron. The same need to do with lining and connect these 2 tissues with the invalid side.

If hard to sew fabric together, then use for this tissue or plastic gun. Gently cry all sides and give it well frozen glue or plastic. It turns out a rectangle of fabric, which will serve as a seamless lambrene. Now it is necessary to fix the fabric on the curtains. To do this, transfer part of the lambrequin through garardine. With the help of a pin from the back side, fasten the fabric drilled around the curtain. Enough pair of pins on the edges and several in the center.

Fasten them carefully without pulling the fabric. Then the pins will not be visible. From both sides at the same distance to measure 1/3 of the Lambrequin height. This point and the bottom to connect and pinch the pin. The entire tissue between these dots is neatly rolled out on the pin pin. Just do with the second diedy part. You can decorate pins by different bows, beads or stones.

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In order not to be seen the very place of consolidation, use metal clips with decorations glued on them. Such a lambrequen takes little time on its cutting and the manufacture itself. But the room is instantly transformed.

Labreken Sheck

How to cut the lambrene with your own hands: options

Lambrelin fan.

This option looks spectacular and somewhat fantastic. It seems that it cannot be created independently. But if you read everything carefully, then the lambrene will be even at beginners. Cut and collect will be easier, correctly calculating the size of the pattern. The length of the rectangular tissue will be the size that can be determined on the fitting board. For this cord, the weighting agent is placed on the board and determine the desired size with the help of provisions. This is exactly what will make the length of the fabric. A rectangle will be a seashell pattern. One of the long sides will be collected in assembly or folds.

The width will constitute the size of the lambrequin height in the finished form. Also add allowances. Therefore, the width on the cutting will be 2 times the height. If, for example, the finished version will be 60 cm of height, then the width will be 60 cm on both sides and plus the assembly inside (about 30 cm). It is advisable to use lightweight material. He will be careful to fall into the fold.

The number of seashells is different. It depends on the width of the window and curtains. Lambreken should be placed above the curtain. But some placed them only over the visible part of the Tulle. It is just necessary to calculate the size correctly. Otherwise, all shells will be different or widths. Then the window will turn out beautiful with the completed style.

Style and beauty using lambrequins

Using lambrequins in the interior, it is easy to achieve a certain style. They can be placed in an absolutely any room. Children's, bedroom, living room and even balcony will be transformed and become more elegant. Correctly pick up the color, size and style of lambrequin, to cut it simply.

Ready options for lambrequins in stores are not always the necessary size or shade.

Therefore, make them with your own hands and under the personal design of the room will be much more accurate. Perhaps at first it is difficult to understand what and how to do. To make it a bit easier and there was no need to spoil the cloth, you may need to check everything in a smaller scale. To do this, make a pattern on 1:10 scale. Then it will be spent less fabric, but the result will be visible immediately that can be corrected. Thus, you can make all kinds of lambrequin patterns.

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