9 ways to make soap bubbles at home


Multicolored and balloons, smoothly flying in the air - this is soap bubbles. This fascinating game is known since ancient times. During the excavations of the ancient Pompey, images on the frescoes of people with the balls that they blew up were found.

Nowadays, soap bubbles are not less fond of people of all ages. No holiday can do without them. Today they are sold in the store. However, do not everyone know that it is possible to prepare them at home and is not difficult.

9 ways to make soap bubbles at home

The main is the solution, but the tubes and things used, used when blowing bubbles play not a small role. There are many options.

Those who want to know how to make soap bubbles at home, a number of tips:

Main ways to make a home solution:

Soap bubbles from liquid for dishes

  • 100 ml of dishwashing liquid;
  • 100 ml of distilled or boiled water;
  • 1 teaspoon sugar without a slide.

Mix well and fun ready to use.

9 ways to make soap bubbles at home

Bubbles from glycerin

  • 50 ml of dishwashing liquids;
  • 150 ml of distilled or boiled water;
  • 25 ml of glycerin.
Components mix and put on a 24th refrigerator.

Bubbles with odor

There is an option to make fluid itself at home, which is not dangerous to kids using a children's shampoo.

Recipe number 1

  • 50 ml of children's shampoo;
  • 200 ml of distilled or boiled water;
  • 1 tsp. Sahara.

Recipe number 1

  • 50 ml of children's shampoo;
  • 100 ml of distilled or boiled water;
  • 2 tbsp. l. Glycerin.

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Recipe with bath foam

Another unusual recipe is with a fragrant odor.

Takes in such proportions: 1 to 3, water - 1 part and foam for baths - 3 parts.

Bubbles like from the store

There is even the opportunity to prepare with the addition of syrup.

  • water - 3 parts;
  • dishwashing liquid - 1 part;
  • Corn syrup - 3/4 parts.

9 ways to make soap bubbles at home

Soap soap bubbles

Economic soap is an economical version of the preparation of bubbles.
  • water (spoons) - 10 parts;
  • Curious houses. soap (h. spoons) - 1 part;
  • Glycerin - 2 h. (Glycerin can be replaced with sugar, divorced in water or take gelatin).

Even easier, only with water and soap. Pour soap hot boiled water and thoroughly stir.

Do not hunt rub soap, replace it with liquid.

  • Liquid soap - 100 ml.;
  • water, better distilled 20 ml.;
  • Glycerin - 10 droplets, but only when the soap foam will fall, that is, wait 2 hours.

Recipe for strong soap bubbles

Strong bubbles are made as follows:

  • 200 ml of warm water;
  • 50 grams of grated household soap;
  • 3 tbsp. l. Sugar syrup (sugar and water 1: 1 cook on slow heat before thickening)
  • 100 ml of glycerin.

It turns out the solution is so strong that all sorts of figures are easy to do from it.

How to make big soap bubbles

A variant from which you can make large bubbles.

Components include:

  • water - 300 ml.;
  • glycerin - 50 ml.;
  • The liquid that is washing dishes is 100 ml.
  • Sugar - 4 h. Spoons.

The solution is done in the pelvis. And blow out large soap bubbles using a hoop that enjoy gymnasts. But it will not be able to blow, it is more like to wave a hoop or dip it into a liquid, pulling the ball.

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Recipe from the show of soap bubbles

This solution is the longest cooking time, but plus that at home the composition is made in quality, such as professionals enjoy. Bubbles durable and giant.


  • Water - hot boiled 600 ml.;
  • glycerin - 300 ml.;
  • detergent (powder) - 50 gr.;
  • Alcohol is amazing - the 20th of the droplets.

All mix and insist 72 hours. Further turning out, and it is still 12 hours in the refrigerator, and the composition is ready.

Bubbles with a color range at home are obtained by adding food dyes.

Fixtures for blowing bubbles

It's easier to purchase in the store, there they are diverse.

  • At home, you can take cocktail tubes, straws, frames. Better if the tip of the tube with petals or fringe.
  • You can even blow through your fingers.
  • Our people on the fiction of minor and large bubbles blow even from plastic bottles, cutting off the bottom.
  • Well, and if you want to arrange a holiday at home, you can make them yourself. We need a wire and beads, from one edge to carry beads to the wire, so that the wand, and the other wrap in the form of a triangle, square or a circle. It turns out beautiful and unusual.
  • Another way to make tools to get giant bubbles, it takes two sticks and a woolen thread. Tie one tip of the thread to one stick, and the second to another. Pulk thread into the solution, it should be soaked, then pushing and shifting sticks, make bubbles of any size.

As you can see, bubbles are easy to do yourself, quickly and economically. And please rare from multicolored bubbles yourself and your children. Baby's birthday, with fascinating soap bubbles. So that the show managed, do not forget to check the cooked solution for quality. High-quality bubble with a diameter of 30 mm. "Lives" seconds 30. Another way to mock your finger into the solution and touch them the bubble, if it does not burst, it means that it is done correctly.

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