Stone wallpaper with your own hands: wall mounting


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  • A few words about new-fashioned wallpaper
  • What do you need to do before sticking wallpapers on the wall?
  • How is the installation of gypsum wallpaper?

Most people want to make their home not only cozy and beautiful, but also modern, fashionable, therefore, learning about any new items of the building market, seeks to apply them faster to decorate their own apartments and houses. The originality of any house is given wallpaper, and many owners still prefer not to paint the walls in bright colors, but to have paper stripes. Currently, wallpaper of various shades and textures are produced, but the most unusual and stylish are stone wallpaper. What do they imagine and how to stick them on the walls?

Stone wallpaper with your own hands: wall mounting

Stone wallpapers are made of plaster and painted in a variety of colors.

A few words about new-fashioned wallpaper

Popular now finishing material is made of plaster painted with flowers close to natural shades, and in appearance and on the text path resembling a natural stone. It is produced in the form of a fine tile, from which, when sticking it to the walls of the room, and the stone wallpaper is obtained.

Gypsum tiles began to be widely used in the room decoration due to its wonderful characteristics.

So, it is very light, so it is easily mounted on any surface (drywall, plaster, wood, foam) and thin (10-15 mm), which allows you to stick it on the walls of even small rooms without fear of releasing their indoor space. Gypsum is an environmentally friendly material, it is strong enough and durable, not afraid of water (you can wipe the stone wallpaper with a damp cloth). There is such a tile inexpensive, and the premises trimmed by it acquire the original and beautiful view.

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What do you need to do before sticking wallpapers on the wall?

Stone wallpaper with your own hands: wall mounting

Tools for shook wallpaper.

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Deciding to decorate the walls with stone wallpaper, any owner should be desired for finishing with materials and tools. The most important material is the gypsum tile. The owner must decide what color and size it will be. Color is selected in accordance with the interior of the room. In size and texture, the tile may be the same or unequal, depending on the personal idea. It is not difficult to give some pieces of gypsum with their own hands, as they are easily cut with hacksaw. In order for the material to be taking into account the scrap during transportation and trimming, you will need to purchase a 15 percent of the tiles more. Also for work will be needed:

  • sheet of paper A4;
  • colour pencils;
  • roller;
  • conventional metal spatula;
  • Brush with a metal pile;
  • brush;
  • toothed spatula;
  • trowel;
  • building level;
  • roulette;
  • Water-acrylic primer;
  • Mastic from gypsum and glue PVA;
  • hydrophobic solution;
  • hacksaw;
  • wooden blade;
  • pouch for rusting of seams;
  • brush with a wool pile;
  • spray.

Stone wallpaper with your own hands: wall mounting

Before sticking the walls, they must be aligned with gypsum wallpaper.

The owners should be known that before gluing with their own hands glue on the wall, it will be necessary to work out their design, then prepare the surface of the wall and tile to work and only then begin directly to the installation.

At the preliminary stage of work, you will need to decide on the design of future wallpaper. To do this, you will need to make a pencil sketch on a sheet. The figure should mark the color scheme of wallpaper and the laying method on the wall of the tile. Next, it is recommended to practice laying gypsum pieces on the floor of the apartment (5-6 rows) to see how they will look on the wall. Thanks to these operations, you can find the best option for finishing the room.

The next step of work is the preparation of a wall surface to accommodate plaster tiles on it. If there is a retaining paint on the wall or old wallpaper, you will need to remove them with a brush with a metal pile or spatula. Next, on a clean and dry surface with a brush, and better roller, an acrylic primer on a water basis should be applied. Such a primer is desirable to cover the back surface of each piece of tiles: it will make it easier for the installation procedure for plaster on the wall and makes the tile more durable.

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How is the installation of gypsum wallpaper?

When the wall and tile are treated with acrylic, you can start the mounting of stone wallpaper. Tile must be placed on adhesive mastic, which should be sufficiently thick. Mastica with the help of a toothed spatula is applied to the surface of the wall with a layer of 2 mm. So that the glue did not have time to dry up the placing the tiles on it, you should not smear a large plot of wall in advance. Usually, the adhesive solution is placed on 0.5-1 sq. M of the vertical surface. Next, stoneware tiles are laid on it.

Stone wallpaper with your own hands: wall mounting

Tile laid on adhesive mastic, which should be very thick.

Installation can be made extended or seamless patterns. With an extended laying method, the tile pieces are glued to the wall at a short distance from each other. In a seamless method, a piece of gypsum should or tightly lay down one to another, or to connect with grooves. In the latter case, the work will be greater, as you need to constantly customize the pieces to each other, cutting out the knife of the groove. Sometimes the owners alternate the ranks of the gypsum stone: one row of tightly fitted tiles, the other is a slot connection. Such wallpapers look very interesting. Much more often people prefer glue stone wallpaper with an extended way.

Gypsum elements should be placed on the wall with horizontal rows or top down, or from the bottom up - as more convenient. Each row must be checked by level. The distance between the seams should not be strictly the same, it will give naturalness. Installation It is advisable to start with corners. In order to connect the gypsum pieces on the corner, the knife is neatly cut into the corner tile elements of the groove, and then combine them with each other "Castle".

Artificial stone is tight, but neatly pressed to the lubricated surface glue so that part of the mastic framing each tile from all sides. This will contribute to the excellent sealing of the seams. Surplus the solution can then be removed. However, it should not be allowed to make mastic on the front side of the tile, as it will be distinguished from there.

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Stone wallpaper with your own hands: wall mounting

To protect the surface from water and external influences, it is necessary to cover the stone wallpaper with a hydrophobic composition.

When the gypsum wallpaper is glued to the wall and the mastic itself on the seams hardens a little, it will be necessary to make the rush of the seams to give them a more accurate look. For this purpose, a wooden blade of a certain shape is suitable. It is carefully carried out by a stuffed mixture of the seam, moving it. But if there was little adhesive solution and it does not protrude from under the tile, it will be needed to fill the seams with mastic additionally.

Make such an operation using a special bag, in which the adhesive mixture is placed, and then neatly squeeze out of the hole mastic into the space between the gypsum tiles. After rushing and drying the adhesive solution with the front surface of stone wallpaper, it will be necessary to remove the mastic on them with a dry brush.

In order to protect the surface of the facing from water and mechanical effects, it is necessary to additionally cover the stone wallpaper with a hydrophobic composition based on the solvent. It is applied to the wall by a household pulverizer. Such a measure is needed in houses with high humidity and rooms in which homemade pets or children are often in contact with the walls. Thus, stick the stone wallpaper on the wall is simple, and the result will delight not only the owners, but also their guests.

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