How to make woodcut


The workpiece of firewood requires considerable effort: they need to cut, pour out, fold into the woodwood for drying. Most of all the forces goes to make firewood. Easy and speed up the process can wood cutter. They are presented in sufficient quantities, but there are solid money. At the same time, you can make the simplest wood cutter with your own hands from scrap metal - pipes, corners, etc. Everyone will need literally a few thousand - if there is no metal, it will have to buy it.

Mechanical woodcuts

If the volume of wood harvesting is small, mechanical wood cutter can easily cope with them. They differ in the simplicity of construction, the minimum number of complex nodes, as well as the fact that the cost is minimal, even if there are no suitable hardware in the farm.

How to make woodcut

The easiest and safest option. It is a pity only the performance is low. But safely

Simple woodcut with your own hands: Mechanics

The simplest mechanical woodcut resembles a well caravel. The design one to one, only instead of a bucket, a cutter and handles are fixed. The connection of the rack (racks) and the crossbar can be made the simplest - hinged. It will only require good lubricant.

The principle of work is probably understood everything. The chumbach put on the stand, sharply pull down the lever, due to the power of inertia, the cutter is gaining significant strength and splits the chumbach. The process is repeated until the lamps of the required thickness are obtained.

How to make woodcut

You can collect the easiest wood cutter from several pipes

Such a mechanical rover with your own hands is simply assembled, and, literally, from the fact that there are pipes, a corner of any size, even an ax can be used as a cutter. In addition, such a design can be made collapsible - to transfer it to it.

Minuses a lot. The rod of firewood requires considerable effort. And more effort is applied to stop the progress of the columa after it falls apart. The second minus - such a woodwood occupies a solid square, because the longer the lever, the less effort to apply. However, even such a primitive mechanical adaptation is much reduced by the complexity of the process.

One of the options - colun is welded to a square tube, filled with concrete

In this design, the colon must be heavy. Because the blade itself is welded to a all-metal blank. A more affordable option is to weld to the pipe (round or square) and pour it with concrete. Agree, make such a woodcut with your own hands by anyone who can handle the welding machine.

Spring carving

There is a modified design of a manual mechanical woodcover, which, with smaller sizes, rolling firewood better, requires less effort. In this model, the main working unit is a spring, which is fixed on the bed, and its upper part rests on the stationary crossbar on which the column is fixed.

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How to make woodcut

Spring cutter design

In this design, the main effort is to hold the column after it splits it - it takes on the spring. Accordingly, the main thing is to choose a spring and emphasis so that minimal efforts are attached, but they were sufficient to split even complex, drowned chumbas. The focus on the spring can be made movable. Then you can adjust the parameters for specific conditions. Really, the "reconfiguration" is required under a specific person. If one person is working with an instrument, then you can do everything inpatient, picking up the height of the experiment.

It is equally important to make the rolling articulation of the frame and the lever on which the column is fixed. Best option - bearings. They must be high quality, preferably - self-leveling.

How to make woodcut

Ready homemade spring wood

The minimum height of the homemade woodcover is about 800 mm. But then or have to work leaning, or install the machine on the table / bed. A more comfortable option requiring minimal effort is made under your height. Determine at what height it is convenient for it to stand it to be fully, add the height of the whole Churbak itself, get the height of the bed. In this case, they will also have to bend, but only when you install a chock on the stand, and not every time the column is lowered.

How to make woodcut

Already ready homemade woodwood with spring with specified sizes

How to make woodcut

The crossbar carries a large bent because it is not superfluous to strengthen it, it is also nice to strengthen the platform under the spring

How to make woodcut

Spring and colongs for woodcover

How to make woodcut

Spring Drovcolt Scheme for Independent Manufacture

How to make woodcut

The basis is made as a triangle. This is a stationary option

How to make woodcut

A node of the rolling joint and the fastening of the spring - options somewhat

To add mobility designs, boil the bed, on one side of which the wheels are fixed, the seconds are welded. Make such a woodcut with their own hands is somewhat more complicated, but if there is a spring and bearings - this is such a difficult task.

Drovokol inertial vertical

Another simple option for self-making. To make such a woodcut, with your own hands, you need two pipes of a greater and smaller diameter. It still takes a heavy plate - the base, and, in fact, the stitching part is cutter / colon.

The design is one of the easiest, efforts are required small. A thick-walled pipe is fixed on a massive platform, and better - pin. Height - about a meter. This is a leading pipe. It freely moves the column, which is welded to the pipe rings a little more diameter than the leading pipe. Holts firewood it as follows: Raise up the column and let go. You can give a little acceleration down. Due to the strength of gravity, it is split off.

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How to make woodcut

Heavy Colong - Here is the key to success in this model

How to make woodcut

Mechanical vertical cutter: drawing with dimensions

How to make woodcut

To increase efficiency, you can make a weight loss

But this mechanical woodwood immediately splits not all the chumbas. To increase its efficiency, you can make a cradle on the colon. It can be "added" if necessary. The second option is to hit a couple of times in a hammer column. This method is good if the cutter is stuck in the wood. Alternative - lift together a scrabble up and drop sharply. But the hammer smend easier.

Waterproofs with electric drive

Handwood cutting, of course, facilitates wood harvesting, but still requires solid physical efforts. Not as much as they spend their usual kolun, but still ... to make efforts even less helps the electric motor. On it, they make woodcuts of various designs. But make such a woodcut with their own hands more difficult. There is a more complex device, and it takes at least minimal knowledge of the electricians to connect the motor through the starter, and with the "Start" and "Start" buttons.

Screw (cone)

One of the most common models is a conical or screw rover. The difference between them only in the absence / presence of a thread on a stitching element, which in this model is made in the form of a cone.

How to make woodcut

Cone firing accelerates wood harvesting

Churbaki split due to the fact that the cone rotated by the engine is crashed into wood, gradually breaking into parts. Large chumbs chop out the edges first, then torn the middle.

Cones and thread parameters

First, the cutting part was pulled out in the form of a smooth cone. If you use a sleek cone, when working it is necessary to lie down quite badly on the chumbach, so that the cylinder "bits" into the wood. Much easier is the process, if a thread is cut on its surface. In this case, the chumbach is booned by the screw, and then splits.

How to make woodcut

Cone drawing with threads for screw rover

The main thing is to make a car thread cone. If there is a lathe and work experience, you can try to make yourself. If not - you have to order. The threads are made different, but such parameters are optimal as optimal: step 7 mm, the depth is 3 mm (minimum - 2 mm). Another important point is the depth of the landing place on the motor gearbox - not less than 70 mm.

How to make woodcut

Screw for woodcut

If there is a cone with a chopped carvings, make this woodwood with their own hands will not be much difficulty.

Electromotor and gear

Need an electric motor is quite powerful (2 kW and higher or 5-9 l / s), but with a small speed of rotation: 250-600 rpm. With 250 revolutions and below the roller is very slow, and if the revolutions are more than 500 - it is dangerous to work, that as it can snatch off the hand.

How to make woodcut

Water cutter with a screw, listed directly to the crankshaft

If you managed to find the engine with such parameters, you can put the peak (screw) directly to the crankshaft (in the photo above). If revolutions are greater, you need to put a lower reducer or make a chain or belt transmission to reduce the speed of rotation.

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The ratio is calculated depending on the rotation of the engine. For example, there is an engine for 900 revolutions. By making a gearbox 1: 2, we get 450 revolutions / min. Just the optimal option.

How to make woodcut

Strong reducer for screw rover

Translations can be belt or chain. Chains work at times louder, require a constant smear, and it is usually expensive to pull the stars with the desired parameters. Belt transmission is desirable double (as in the photo above). In this case, there will be less slippage.

How to make woodcut

Homemade screw rover with electric motor

How to make woodcut

Unsafe design. Preferably and chain and motor cover with a casing

How to make woodcut

Stop needed to keep the chain of the lady

How to make woodcut

Emphasis on the other side

How to make woodcut

This is such a thread rolls on a firing cylinder

How to make woodcut

"Extender" for the screw - so that the workspace is away from the motor or belts / chains

Where to position the motor

If the design provides for the presence of transmission, the motor is better put at the bottom, and the screw itself is fixed on the working surface. The height of the working surface is chosen under its growth so that you do not have to work in the slope.

How to make woodcut

More secure model. Make such a woodwood with your own hands - to make life easier to make life

There is still such a parameter as the height of the hole of the screw above the working surface. The gap from the table to the cylinder should be in the area of ​​8-20 cm. It is not necessary to position above - can rotate the shabby of small diameter. The optimal distance is 8-12 cm. Even small bulbies are not rotated.

Hydraulic woodcut

Hydraulic woodwood is the most powerful, but also the most complicated and expensive in the manufacture. In addition to the bed, engine and cutting knives, we need a hydraulic cylinder of sufficient power. They are not suiced. In addition, there is still an oil tank and pump.

How to make woodcut

Device of hydraulic kolo.

Hydraulic colongs for firewood develops solid efforts, because it uses a significant thickness metal with its manufacture - 6-10 mm depending on the drive power. Developed efforts are enough in order to break out a chock at 6-8 minutes. Therefore, knives are manufactured in the form of "asterisks".

How to make woodcut

The column with hydraulic drive is equipped with a complex cutter, which collapses a chumbach for several lanes immediately

In the manufacture of knives they will be dealt with several centimeters from each other. So that only one in the work. For example, first - horizontal, then - vertical, then right and at the end - left. At the same time, each of the knives increase, welding rear reinforcing plates. It is advisable to use steel to use hard, after it is sharpened by the same principle as on Kolun.

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