Installing the door to the bathroom and toilet with your own hands (video)


The bathroom is the place in the house where much time is paid to yourself. For this reason, setting the right door is an important point. From how high-quality the door is chosen and how it will be mounted, the atmosphere of the room and the absence of fungi in it. Therefore, it is recommended to choose the bathroom doors made of natural materials treated with drugs that make them resistant to moisture and temperature drops.

Installing the door to the bathroom and toilet with your own hands (video)

Door installation diagram in bathroom.

But the right choice of doors is just half of the success. After all, it is also necessary to establish it properly. Installing the door for the bathroom with your own hands can take a whole day. But if you do everything right and you will not hurry, you can be proud of the result of your work.

Materials and tools

How to install the door to the bathroom? Before you start installing doors with your own hands, you need to stock all necessary for this with materials and tools. Their set does not depend on what exactly you will use the door design and installation method. So acquire in advance:

Installing the door to the bathroom and toilet with your own hands (video)

Dog loop adjustment scheme.

  • a set of dowels;
  • a hammer;
  • assembly construction foam;
  • line and pencil for marking;
  • Set of self-tapping and anchors;
  • Construction level and plumb;
  • screwdriver;
  • Perforator;
  • Gypsum solution and spatula (trowel);
  • Lomik;
  • construction knife;
  • soft cloth;
  • Brush for dust smack.

5 tips before installing the door

But that's not all. Now you need to decide and design the installation of the door to the bathroom yourself. And to make it right and quickly, it is necessary to be guided by 5 universal advice. Following them will help install the installation as high quality.

Installing the door to the bathroom and toilet with your own hands (video)

Tools for mounting doors in the bathroom.

  1. It is advisable to call specialists to install the modern door to the type "coupe" in the event that next door to the bathroom there is another room in which the doors open close. It will give the opportunity to avoid large inconvenience during operation in the future.
  2. As a rule, for doors in the bathroom, it is necessary to provide for the mandatory availability of small ventilation. There are 2 options here: either buy doors with an already ready small lattice, which is located below the canvas, or install the door so that there is a very narrow slot between its bottom and threshold. The decorativeness and microclimate of other premises in the house will not affect the house, but it will create optimal conditions in the bathroom.
  3. It is very important to choose all the attachments and handles for the door. The main condition is the reliability and fortress. Therefore, it is not worth saving in this case. You still need to choose all metal parts and stainless steel fasteners, since in conditions with high humidity, ordinary iron can be very quickly corrosion.
  4. If you prefer even expensive natural wood, you will need to take care of additional protection. To do this, before or after installation, the door must be illented so that the moisture has fun as possible on the tree. You can also immediately purchase a laminated canvas.
  5. It is very important to take care that the width of the wall in the opening and width of the door canvases coincided as much as possible with each other. Not only a common aesthetic view of the room and doors, but also reliability will depend on it. Especially bad if the door canvas will be much wider than the wall.

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After the material with the tools purchased, and all the nuances are taken into account, you can safely begin to install the doors. Such work is carried out in several uncomplicated stages, in which it is extremely important to comply with the correct priority.

Preparation of the new opening and installation of the canvas

First you need to prepare the way. For this, the old canvas is dismantled along with the opening. Removed platbands and canvas. All metal fasteners are removed, after which, with the help of scrap, the old opening is removed - first the side parts, and then the top. If it fails to do this immediately, you can use the hacksaw. To do this, in the cross section, select the cloth, then again begin to dismantle.

When this will be finished, you can proceed to updating the opening. For this, the old layers of plaster are cleaned with a brush and spatula, after which a new layer of gypsum solution is applied. When the solution is completely dry, you need to check the plumb and level and, if necessary, to correct the available inconsistencies. At the end, everything you need to polish sandpaper.

Now you need to install the box. For this apply screws, anchors and mounting foam. But only first the box parts are installed alternately, fixing temporarily wedges to avoid deformation. After that, the evenness is checked with a level and plumb, and then fastening on the anchors and screws. When the side and upper parts of the boxes are ready, you need to make the mounting foam to close the gaps. After drying, the remnants of foam are cleaned, and these places are sealed with plaster and score.

Next, it is necessary to place places for fastening the door loops on the boxes, then cut down the recesses for them with the help of the chisel. After that, everything is once again checked carefully, as it will be difficult to correct the flaws. Then you can safely attach a loop to the box with screws.

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Then it is necessary to attach the loop in the same way and to the door canvase, if there are no on it. After you need to put the door to the hinges on the box: if everything matches, it just puts on a loop and fixed. After that, in the loop drip the machine oil.

The process of installing the door in the bathroom is finished with your own hands!

Following such simple steps and tips makes this process with simple and accessible to almost everyone. After all, the main thing in this business is to place everything and withstand the evenness of the lines.

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