How to cut the curtains with lambrequins: calculation patterns and cutting parts


Now most owners try to make decorations for home with their own hands. It is considered not only fashionable, but also introduces a feeling of comfort, warmth. But here to sew self curtains for the bedroom, and even decorated with quite complex elements, it will be decided not every beginning master.

How to cut the curtains with lambrequins: calculation patterns and cutting parts

Image 1. If you are a beginner tailor, you should not be taken for complex species of lambrequin, you can sew simple but elegant.

But to cut the curtains with lambrequins and without the presence of special skills is quite easy. It is only necessary to know some nuances and the rules for the preliminary calculation of the grid. And if you are patient, it will not take much time to tailoring beautiful and very spectacular curtains.

Preliminary stages of work

Naturally, the selection of the model of the curtain depends only on the taste of the hostess and the general design of the bedroom. But if you are taking care of the cutter with lambrequin for the first time, then you should not immediately take for complex, multilayer products consisting of a variety of details. Pay attention to simpler curtains. For example, shown in the image 1.

Sew similar curtains with lambrequins and side cascades forces even novice dressmaker.

To compile ate and cutting fabrics, you will need the following tools:

How to cut the curtains with lambrequins: calculation patterns and cutting parts

Cascade pattern construction scheme.

Building the pattern of the cascade is very similar to the calculation pattern for the Swag. The length of this element depends on the length of the curtains themselves. Typically, this parameter is 1/3 of the length of the curtains. And the short side of the part is 1/3 of the long side. If the total curtain length is, for example, 240 cm, then the long side of the cascade will be 80 cm, and short - 26.5 cm.

The width of this element is usually equal to the width of the width of the Swag. But if the detail of this element of the lambrequin is too wide, it can be arbitrarily reduced. When preparing the pattern for the cascade, you need to take into account the depth of the folds. Their calculation is made in the same way as the folds of the Swag Lambrequin.

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After you have drawn the reduced diagram of all parts, they must be transferred to the paper in real size. The pattern of the curtains themselves do not need. All the necessary marking put directly on the fabric. But it is necessary to prepare the patterns of the elements of the lambrequin. Otherwise, it is easy to make a mistake.

Punches on the bending parts are usually placed directly on the tissue. But they can be foreseen in the main pattern. As a rule, they make up 0.7-1.5 cm.

It is convenient to build a pattern conveniently on the floor, or attaching a sheet of paper to the wall with painting tape or pins. But make sure that there is no soft coating under the sheet (for example, the palace). Otherwise, to draw the lines will be inconvenient.

Cutter with lambrequins

Before proceeding to Crow, fold the cloth for the curtains, aligning the vertical sections. Spread the material on the floor, noting and bent the one part of it, which will go to long curtains (do not forget about the bending allowances). Then decompose on the fabric all the patterns of the lambrene. Remember that the switch must be able to cut off at an angle of 450 to the equity thread. Cascades can also be placed parallel to cloth sections. But if you cut them on the diagonal, then these items will eventually lie to a beautiful draper.

Just making sure that the cloth is enough for all the elements of the curtains and lambrequin, proceed to Crow.

How to cut the curtains with lambrequins: calculation patterns and cutting parts

Curtain drawing with lambrequins.

First, the details are reusing the details of the long porter, leaving the allowance for the bending. From the sides of the curtains, they make up 1-2 cm, from the upper edge - 2.5-3.5 cm, and from the bottom - 7 cm.

When you mark, try not to pump and not "wrinkle" fabric. But it's not worth stretching. Otherwise, the details may turn out to be curves. The most reasonable to press the material in the corners with something heavy. Or ask for help from households.

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Next, the lambrequin and its individual parts. To do this, with the tissue with the help of portor pins, the pattern ripes and drive it along the contour with chalk or a piece of dry soap. Do not forget to put tags for the depths of the folds. If you have a good eye, then the details can be not painted separately, but to cut them together, from the folded twice. Then the bending allowances will turn out the same.

With Cascades, you make sure that these elements are symmetrical to each other. After overlooking one detail, the milestone must be flipped over to the wrong side. And only after that cut out the second element. Otherwise, the cascades will be rotated in one direction that the beauty of Lambreken will not add.

With the crop necessarily pay attention to the direction of the fabric pattern. In no case do not turn the material. Otherwise, on some elements, the ornament will be located below, and on the other from top to bottom. If there is a relief and drawing on the fabric, then it is necessary to paint the material from the front side.

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