Glass curtains for the bathroom - all "for" and "against"


The ideal interior of the bathroom is a set of high-quality materials of the finish and the smallest details that create a pleasant, comfortable atmosphere. Special attention is paid to the soul zone. Solve the problem of water from entering the floor, glass curtain will be able to become a stylish element of the interior of the bathroom. Information on varieties, advantages and disadvantages of glass curtains will help to make the right choice.

Glass curtains for the bathroom - all


Resistance to constant moisture drops and temperatures make glass items indispensable to create interior bathrooms.

Glass curtains for the bathroom - all

Those who chose glass curtains can count on the following advantages of their operation in the bathroom:

  • Glass - practical, durable, wear-resistant material for which enough just to care for;
  • On the surface of glass curtains does not multiply the fungus;
  • The variety of shapes, sizes and colors of glass curtains allows you to bring the best option for any interior;
  • Glass Kalenoe curtains, very durable and resistant to mechanical damage. With a strong impact, the outer film does not allow to fly out pieces of glass, preventing cuts and deep damage.
    Glass curtains for the bathroom - all


There are practically no minuses of operation of glass curtains. The only thing to be ready to be ready to purchase - high cost, but it is full of paying for the quality and durability of this interior element.

What should pay attention to, buying a glass chart

Before you purchase this stylish interior element should pay attention to some points.

Glass curtains for the bathroom - all

Glass curtain design

According to the degrees of mobility, several models of glass curtains are distinguished:

  • Stationary transparent (help to hide a certain part of the bathroom);
    Glass curtains for the bathroom - all
  • sliding doors (implies the movement of the curtains along the sides of the bath or shower pallet, most relevant for a small room);
  • Swing doors (stylish bathroom element, most appropriate in large rooms);
  • Design "Garmoshka" (Universal version of glass curtains).

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Glass curtains for the bathroom - all

Features of fastening glass curtains

In most cases, glass partitions are attached by a single principle: the support on the floor and the bracket of durable fixation to the wall. The set of glass curtains necessarily includes assembly instructions. It is important to pay attention to the functioning of the mechanisms of sliding glass curtains. They should not make noise and screens. If the curtain is fixed on the frame, before buying it is necessary to check whether there are no consensses.

Glass curtains for the bathroom - all

ATTENTION: Before buying, be sure to check the full package, not forgetting the presence of pens, seals and connector.

Glass curtain in bathroom interior

Various shapes and decor of the soul glass partitions allow them to enter them in any interior of the bathroom.

So glass curtains add weightlessness, emphasize the ultra-modern style minimalism or high-tech.

I wonder the matte surfaces of the curtains. Smooth or with roughing, with a pattern and without them create a special mood, emphasize the style and tastes of the host house. Matte glass curtains are a good option to create a classic bathroom interior.

Glass curtains for the bathroom - all

Mirror surfaces of glass curtains are ideal for very little bathrooms. Mirrors help push the space, fill the room with air and light.

Colored glass curtains are an excellent solution to diversify the interior of the bathroom, add access to it individuality. Particularly advantageous colored curtains look in the bathroom, the interior of which is made in the eco-style.

Stress the luxury bathroom will help designs from tempered darkened glass. Such curtains give a special chic and atmosphere.

Properly chosen glass curtains in the bathroom for a long time solve the problem of water on the floor, emphasize the style of the interior.

Glass curtains for the bathroom - all

Bath curtain, what to choose? Bathroom interior design (1 video)

Glass curtain for bath (9 photos)

Glass curtains for the bathroom - all

Glass curtains for the bathroom - all

Glass curtains for the bathroom - all

Glass curtains for the bathroom - all

Glass curtains for the bathroom - all

Glass curtains for the bathroom - all

Glass curtains for the bathroom - all

Glass curtains for the bathroom - all

Glass curtains for the bathroom - all

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