Wallpaper in a teenager room


Wallpaper in a teenager room

In adolescence, the formation of character ends. There are personal interests, hobbies, the views on the surrounding validity are becoming more mature. The development of the child is influenced by the situation, the environment: relatives, close friends, teachers. The room of the teenager should be bright, cheerful, spacious and functional. Let her adorn beautiful photographic walls.

Make up the interior of the bedroom for a teenager so that it is practical, beautiful, functional.

Think out where the work area will be resting, sleeping? Talk to your son or daughter, let the child take an active part in the preparation of the walls and design of the wall.

Offer son or daughter to choose the color of the wallpaper. Explain that bright visually expand the room will make lighter, raise the mood. If the child likes the wallpaper with a small or big pattern, let him choose such. Recommend to choose from detergents on a gross basis. If accidentally during the party with girlfriends, friends, someone blocked the wall - you can always wash.

Explain that the wallpaper needs such that harmoniously combined with curtains, soft and cabinet furniture, carpet, and even bedspreads on the bed. Although it can be covered later to buy others. Encourage the initiative, prompt optimal options for children's design.

A change of scenery

In modern conditions, the family changes not so much because they wear out how much due to the fact that a boy or a girl, and maybe the children grew up, they want to make a nursery to their taste. Walls are the first thing that guests are noted in the interior of the room. Beautiful, stylish wallpaper - decoration of the room.

When you choose a wallpaper for a boy or a girl, emphasize attention to psychological and practical nuances. On the life path of the parents there is a significant event - a child or children grow up, become independent and will soon "fly out of the nest", creating their family, families. For a boy, plush bears and bunnies are no longer important, and the girl is not interested in dolls. The views of the son or daughter are strongly changed under the influence of the media, peers. Clear personal tastes and preferences appear.

Parents are worried. How does it plan to arrange his bedroom? Is it too cardinal solutions in the interior preferred? The best thing you can do, agree with the fact that the room is the personal space of the child and it has the right to make it up as he wants, you can only give timely wise design tips.


First plan, how do you generally place the room? Think up design. A teenager stands at the turn between childhood and maturity - this is called youth. Let the design be mixed, in the taste of a boy or a girl. Often young men draw up the bedroom design is quite restrained, which approve of parents. Only merry details are added to the design of walls, gender, ceiling, furniture, accessories.

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For example, you have a son. Let him personally choose in which tone wants to be decorated the main design in the room. You can harmoniously combine two or three colors. If you see that a child has chosen too dark or some bright, screaming color, discuss the color range with it, unobtrusively recommend the lighter and calm.

Tell us that such colors do not affect the psyche. Dark - inhibit, screaming bright - quickly tired and bored. Both variants are bad - the nervous system is overloaded. The boy will have a bad mood without visible reasons. He will not be able to relax, relax in the wakefulness state, only in a dream.

Let the last word and the choice of color gamut for the design of a children's will be for a teenager. If you believe that another combination does not work better, offer to adjust then due to the selection of furniture, textiles of other colors. There is an option to make such as a teenager ("acid" or dark) wants one of the walls, for example, at the head of the bed, and the rest to arrange in restrained pleasant tones.

Wallpaper in a teenager room

Wallpaper in a teenager room

Choose color

For a teenager can be pleasant: gray different shade, blue, classic beige. Gray and blue traditionally male colors, and beige neutral. In such a tone, you can arrange a room if you have different children. Creative personalities are usually pleasant, gentle, gentle salad, orange. If the Son wants to combine a salad with yellow or orange with blue - this is quite acceptable options in the design of the walls.

Wallpaper in a teenager room

Remember that it is not necessary to purchase one-picture wallpaper of this or that color, you can take striped. For example, blue stripeds arrange a long wall, and orange - a short and rectangular room will seem more square in the format, look at harmony. In addition, the strips visually lifted the ceiling.

The blue striped wall is better to organize the work area, since this color soothes the nervous system, adjusts to the working way. Orange, organize the recreation area. In the head of the bed, the blue striped wallpaper will also fit better.

Gray wallpapers can be combined with beige or take half with salad, yellow, orange. It all depends on the taste and preferences of the boy. Maybe he likes to play a guitar? And on a yellow wall in a beautiful framework there will be tenderloin of magazines of favorite groups.

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If the guy has a brittle sea. He loves ships, stories about pirates, collecting such soldiers as a child, then offer it to arrange a room in typical tones for this style:

  1. Blue or blue.
  2. White or dairy.
  3. Brown or beige.
  4. Dark red.
  5. Goldist.

It is in these tones that maritime adventurers are most often drawn up. On the wallpaper you can take both one color, for example, blue and several: blue with white, blue with beige, other combinations are possible. It all depends on your preferences and wishes of the boy.

Make sure that the design is practical, and not staged. Good marine accessories that can be placed on the rack, they decorate the room. If you find striped vertical blue-white wallpapers - it will be an interior highlight.

Wallpaper in a teenager room


Avangard is a peculiar challenge to the classic, standard, established. Functionality is valued here. Wallpapers Purchase with large geometric shapes or patterns, ornaments. Wallpaper in fine drawing is not that. Beautiful wallpapers are suitable with something abstract depicted on the canvas.

To create avant-garde style, clean the main colors are needed:

  1. The black.
  2. Green.
  3. Red.
  4. White.
  5. Yellow.

These are the main colors that emphasize the nature of the living teenager, expression and leadership qualities with good creative potential.

All walls or one, several can be performed, both in one and a few, contrasting each other colors. The main thing is that the colors are juicy. For example, all colors with white are perfectly combined. You can get a narrow wall of the rectangular bedroom to be covered with white wallpaper, and wide green. There are beautiful textured, not necessarily buy only smooth.

Red bright. Do not need to decorate a whole wall, except that the cherry tint. Better, if you finish red, for example, corners or some lane in the sports area.

Red is the color of active, strong guys, he will give the energetic son. For example, it is good to place a corner where a boxer pear is suspended. To train the sake of developing the will, self-discipline to protect those who are weaker - noble. Do not be afraid to experiment, for the avant-garde typically partially glue the wallpaper of different colors on one wall, something emphasizing.

Here for a teenager a large field of creative activity. You can hang a hammock in a bright wall, which is pleasantly reading a fashion magazine, a book. The son will like soft, comfortable chairs taking the form of the body. On such a convenient to sit, looking through a football match with friends. Convenient, rotating shelves over the desktop.

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Wallpaper in a teenager room


Among creatively gifted personalities, athletes, an extremely popular style, which came to us from America - "Loft". It arose in the 40s of the XX century. Picturesque. It is characterized by a wall of brickwork. For a teenager, wallpapers that imitate brick are suitable. It is possible orange that color or gray, white. Place a photo wallpaper on the wall with a city landscape.

Wallpaper imitating plaster, for example, light gray, "metallic", dairy, orange, are allowed. Metallic with orange or under the brick wall and can be glued wallpaper.

In the interior of the teenager, try to be a glass table, metal bases of chairs. The wall can be partially decorated with plastic plates, in addition to the design of the surface with wallpaper. Read about the features of this style and, at the request of the boy, help him embody this style in the design design.

He especially impresses a musician boy or actively engaged in some kind of sport. For example, fencing.

Wallpaper in a teenager room

High tech

This modern style is 60s many soul. He will like the boys with a logical warehouse of mind. If your son is passionate about the computer, he likes cosmic sagas, he often crashes something, loves cars and other technique, he is engaged in sports, he is teased by "Botany", then he will like the design in the style of Hai-tech. Offer such a design when one of the walls are stylish wallpapers (with the image of technology, for example).

Here are welcome monotonous wallpapers, especially bright shades of gray, and better "metallic", shiny. Wallpapers are needed without drawings. The net color and atmosphere of modernity, technical progress is welcome. In addition to gray and "metal" in the design of the walls, all cold colors can be used. These include: white, black, purple, blue, blue, others.

Since the bedroom is a teenager, you can arrange one or more walls, harmoniously combined colors. Upholstery of upholstered furniture here is welcomed from artificial leather, and instead of cabinets, they put racks. It comes out a distinctive style towards minimalism. Nothing extra. System block, computer screen, household appliances (electric kettle, vacuum cleaner, iron and other) let them be silver.

Wallpaper in a teenager room


African style is also called Safari. He will like those who love wild animals. Wallpaper can be all shades of brown from almost black Hungre to a light sandy. Welcome and yellow color in the design of the room. On one of the walls you can place the photo wallpaper with the image of one, several wild animals. Beautifully looks like a lion pride, which is glanced in the sun. Beautifully looks like a herd of zebras, running on safari.

Wallpaper in a teenager room

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