How to repair floors in Stalin's?


Stalin's houses are considered high-quality housing. The construction of such houses was carried out at about the 50s, but the buildings still remain durable and reliable. However, the time still takes its, the floors in such houses require repair. Why is this happening? The overlap of the buildings was made of wood, and this material is not eternal. Gradually, the boards are loosened, cracks are formed, lags rot. Floor repair in Stalinka involves the elimination of all these troubles. It is often carried out along with the alignment of the base under the selected floor finishing material.

How to repair floors in Stalin's?

Stalinkins are quite old buildings, which is why the floors in them require major repairs.

Such defects are caused by such reasons:

  1. Tree is sensitive to moisture drops, temperature.
  2. Installation of such floors time-consuming when fully lags are replaced by gender and lugs, not only time, but also physical efforts. For example, a cement screed is poured on the surface, after which it is necessary to wait for its drying.
  3. Boards and other wooden elements are susceptible to rotting. During the repair, all surfaces additionally require antiseptics processing.

How to repair floors in Stalin's?

The main advantage of the wooden floor is its rich appearance.

Everything is not so bad, wooden floors have numerous advantages:

  1. Their cost is much smaller than reinforced concrete plates and cement screeds.
  2. The weight of the wooden overlap is small, there are not such significant loads on the construction of the building.
  3. During the repair, only separate damaged elements can be replaced, and not all coverage.

Elimination of the gaps, getting rid of the screenshot

Floor repair in Stalinka may not be so global. In some cases, it is enough to close the cracks between the boards. It is recommended to purchase a special putty for wood or prepare a mixture yourself. It should include PVA and wood sawdust glue. The mixture is thoroughly mixed, after which it is filled with all the slots. Previously need to be cleaned.

Repair order Next:

  1. Flooring is removed, after which the base is inspected.
  2. The gaps are cleaned of dust, dirt. For this, brushes are used, a narrow metal spatula.
  3. Next is preparing a mixture for work, cracks will be filled.

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How to repair floors in Stalinka?

Lag laying scheme: 1- May lag; 2 intermediate lags; 3 - gaskets made of wood fiber plates; 4 - Pure floor level.

If the cracks are large, then you need to dismantle such boards and replace new ones. Otherwise, the coating will not last long, the repair will still have to do with the replacement of the base. Another problem is the elimination of the screenshot. This situation occurs due to the fact that the boards dissipate are covered by cracks. When walking, they begin to move, fade, becoming the reason for the appearance of an unpleasant and annoying screens. You can get rid of it if you perform the following set of actions:

  1. Outdoor coating is removed, after which the base of the floor is carefully examined.
  2. All boards that have traces of damage must be removed immediately, if necessary, remake others.
  3. If everything is in order with a pagan basis, then the creak can cause loosened lags, they also need to be reinstalled.

Stalinka is usually distinguished by high quality buildings, but the tree with long-term use still dissolve. Digitized lags and boards are removed, they are replaced with new ones. Pre-wood must be treated with antiseptic to protect against rotting and mold . It is important to ensure that the tree is dry, wet lags or boards will cause the defect and a new creaking.

Floor alignment: Features of using lag

During the repair of floors, work is performed at the same time. The process requires certain time costs. First you need to completely remove all the boards, remove the material that fills the space between the lags. Previously, instead of insulation, construction trash used. It is not at all suitable for reuse, so it is necessary to immediately prepare for the removal of a large amount of garbage.

How to repair floors in Stalin's?

When laying the lag, they need to be protected from moisture using polyethylene.

When the space between the lags is released, it is necessary to carefully examine their condition, check the surface horizontality by the construction level. If the lags are in order, then they can be used further. If there are numerous cracks, traces of rotting, then you will have to replace them. For flooring, wooden bars are acquired, they are mounted on the surface in a step of 60-100 cm. Section can be taken as previously used. With an independent selection, attention should be paid to what length is needed by the span:

  • Up to 1 m, it is necessary to use a bar, the cross section of which is 110 * 60 mm;
  • Up to 2 m, the cross section of the timber should be 150 * 80 mm;
  • When spanging up to 4 m, the cross section is 180 * 100 mm;
  • If the length of the span is up to 5 m, then the bar must be taken by 200 * 150 mm;
  • When you fly 6 m to use a 220 * 180 mm bracer.

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When repairing floors in Stalinka, attention should be paid to the step of lag. Today, in alignment, not only edged boards are applied, but also OSP slabs, plywood sheets. The step for the specified materials is required different.

For edged board:

How to repair floors in Stalin's?

So that there is no skew. It is necessary using the level to check the height of each lag.

  • With a thickness of 20 mm, the step is up to 30 cm;
  • With a thickness of 25 mm, the pitch of the lag is 40 cm;
  • For the board in 35 mm thick, a step of 60 cm is used;
  • For the board up to 40 mm, the step is 70 cm;
  • For the board in 45 mm, the pitch is 80 cm;
  • For the board up to 50 mm, the step of lag is 100 cm.

For plywood sheets and OSP plates:

  • For flooring with a thickness of 15-18 mm, the pitch of the lag is 40 cm;
  • For flooring at 22-24 mm, the step increases to 60 cm.

Installation of lag for base

Paul repair continues with the installation of the lag on the base. First you need to check the horizontal building level, on the walls to make the level of laying level of timber. If necessary, under the bars are placed pieces of plywood, they will provide proper alignment. First, the floor frame is assembled, i.e. the timber is mounted along the walls with a distance of 5 cm from the lag to the walls. Then it is necessary to start the installation of BRUSEV, observing the specified maximum distances. The lags are attached to the floor with anchors, it is important to constantly check the stability of the structure, its strength, stiffness during operation.

How to repair floors in Stalinka?

Wood floor insulation diagram.

When the lags are installed, work is performed on surface insulation. For Stalinik, it is best to use thermal insulators that have no greater weight. Perfectly fits cellulose insulation or mineral wool. During insulation, you should watch all the cavities filled so that no air pockets remain. If a bulk insulator is used, then the base of the floor is required to pre-put the film. The heat insulator should go to the level with the level of lag so that during the sewing no gaps remain.

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Wooden flooring

Floors in Staliny after installing lags need to be seduced, for this, boards or plywood sheets are used. The old edged board for the floor can be applied if it does not have traces of damage and rot. Boards are pre-processed by antiseptics. The floor covering board in Stalinke is carried out with the minimum temperature gaps. Self-tapping screws are purchased for fasteners, their heads are slightly taken into a tree.

If a plywood will be bought for work, then it is necessary to pre-cut a large sheet into squares with a smaller area, then to strip the surface. The temperature gap is observed between the plywood sheets, from the wall it is necessary to retreat approximately 1 cm.

Plywood is mounted in such a way that 4 sheet corners did not converge at one point.

The parties two sheets must necessarily come to lags. After the floors in Stalin's are ready, they need to polish them, the grinding machine is used to work. That is why all the heads of self-tapping screws should be recessed into the tree, otherwise the tool will be damaged.

Floor repair in Stalinke is a troublesome business, it may be necessary to complete the restoration and alignment of the coating or the elimination of cracks, the screenshot when walking. A feature of the repair work is that the floors in Stalin's buildings were performed from the tree, that is, the usual cement fill is no longer suitable. Insulation and other materials should not have heavy loads on the design.

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