Cardboard house do it yourself


Cardboard house do it yourself

The house of cardboard is originally and interesting, and most importantly, stylish for an unusual interior.

Cardboard house can find certain functions, for example, to be a real housing for the animal - cats, dogs, and sometimes even other pets.

In addition, the house can be done for the baby - children love to play where you can hide, retire with toys, and most importantly, feel the real and the only owner.

Decorative cardboard house

In order to decorate the apartment with cute houses that can imitate settlements, sufficiently stock with such materials:

  • Cardboard of different colors. You can buy a pack of monochrome cardboard, and then just paint it into different colors;
  • paints. Even if you decide to buy multicolored sheets of cardboard, the paints will certainly come up with you. You can take watercolor, it is practically in every home, in any case, where there are children;
  • New Year's garlands;
  • scissors;
  • Color paper, you can also cardboard;
  • glue.

How to make a house of cardboard

Actions will be as follows:

  • First, take the paper, make a box for a house of cardboard from it. It is better if the house is small because you will need to make such a few. Cutting the pattern for future crafts, it is better to pay special attention to the excavations that will be gripped by glue to fix the walls with each other;
  • The top of the box, which will serve as the basis for a house of cardboard, delete, and install the roof in its place. It is also necessary to attach it to the excavation, so that the product is not collapsed. If you plan to decorate the house with something else, you can make fasteners with a stapler, but the glue will look better, do not allow the cardboard to smell and create clearances;
  • The house of cardboard needs to be installed on the basic prepared paper. It should be dense to quickly laughed. Depending on how many houses you will have, you need to take a sheet of paper. You can select one major, and you can stop on the cut small. Glue a house to the base;
  • We make all the other houses, after which we attach them to the base material. Place the colors of houses follows how the garlands lamps are located (for example, if the first lamp is blue, and then red and yellow, also place at home). However, it is important to remember that the garlands most often contain too tightly adjacent lamps to each other, so this rule may be irrelevant;
  • In each house, depending on the size of the lamps and the cord, we do holes (if there is a large hole punch - it will be the best option);
  • Take the garland in each of the holes through the houses.

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That's all, now you can install in a semicircular range made of cardboard houses and turn on the garland into the outlet.

Cardboard house do it yourself

There will be a very beautiful glow inside. Of course, the number of windows and doors in such houses can be different, but it is better to do them multi-color - the effect of the glow will be strengthened.

Also allowed to excrete crafts from paper, which will perfectly look at the roofs, on the stand and as fixed elements of the walls of the houses. By the way, the fastening is performed, again, the stapler.

Cardboard house for children

Cardboard house do it yourself

The house of cardboard for the baby is easy, just like a house for a beloved pet.

The whole difference is that the houses will have a different size. For a child, of course, it is better to immediately make a larger house.

Still, the perfect option is not just an accessory for games, but the installation that can be folded and hidden for a while.

Buy too large and durable cardboard sheets is difficult, so you can try to find or close old boxes from home appliances. Remember what a refrigerator is packaged, it is this box that can become a new toy house for children.

Places enough? Of course, enough!

Cardboard house do it yourself

And if you take, say, the box from the refrigerator, television and microwaves, prices will not be such a house of cardboard for a child.

So, it will be possible to use the highest box to create a certain tower in which it will be cut with a stationery knife passage from the TV.

Cardboard house do it yourself

The baby will be allocated a lot of space, and most importantly, he will feel like the overall castle. The microwave box is suitable for creating a roof. What did you think?

The top of the box from the TV must be removed, and the L-shaped roof is fixed in its place. And the height of the "ceilings" will be higher, and the places are greater, and the kind of more original will be.

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Cardboard house do it yourself

By the way, the roof trim of a cardboard house can be performed using natural material, for which craft crafts will rise. But the walls are allowed to stick with small branches - such a house will take the type of brusade, or some toy forest structure.

The fastening of all elements is better to carry out with the help of a major stapler, since the glue does not always help in the construction of such serious structures that are being actively using children, and, as you know, the kids rarely remember that their "toy" can break.

Cardboard house do it yourself

The inner part of the house is better or decorated or placed by posters, pictures, stickers. And crafts from the branches will look great where the doors and windows are made.

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