What is the outside of the frame house outside?


It has long been the days when the tree was considered the warmest material for finishing. To avoid transmission of heat turn wall from wood, their thickness should be at least 5.5 cm.

What is the outside of the frame house outside?

Construction of a frame house

As a rule, their wood frames are erected, but sometimes resort to the use of a metal base, which only aggravates the problem.

It is the finishing of the house outside, in addition to external attractiveness, wears and technological function - isolates the wooden or metal frame, which in itself is a cold post.

Next, we will talk about what materials it is better to use if you decide to separate the frame house, and also give some recommendations that make your work facilitate.

Varieties of outdoor decoration

What is the outside of the frame house outside?

Construction of a frame house

According to experienced masters, there are no restrictions when choosing a material for designing the house outside, but, there are some subtleties in the work that we will tell you a little later.

To date, the covering of the frame house is possible from such materials:

  • brick;
  • wood;
  • vinyl siding;
  • thermopanels, etc.

Also popular with plastering and decoration of walls with paint materials outside, or the deposition of a polymer coating is also popular.

Determine what material it is better to choose, it is necessary at the stage of creating a construction project, since certain works will need to be performed during the creation of a foundation.

Finish house bricks

What is the outside of the frame house outside?

Decoration frame house brick

Well, did you decide what to see a frame house? If the outer finish is planned from the brick, one of the possible options is the finish of the house with natural brick blocks. An important requirement is the gap between the surface of the building and the inside of the brick laying should be about 50 mm. If there is no such a gap, condensate will accumulate in cold weather, which will speed up the process of material destruction. Such a destructive impact will not bypass and other materials, in most cases which are rals or plywood.

Tree when lining a frame house

What is the outside of the frame house outside?

We are wearing the walls of a frame house with a tree

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No one is news that the correct outer decoration of the building with wooden materials can give the structure of attractiveness.

If the wood bar is completely dried and processed by special impregnations, it can be fixed directly to the frame of the frame of the structure from the inside to the insulation, and also to be recorded by curvators or self-reversal after insulating material.

Not forgetting that wood creates a wonderful Cold Bridge, it is possible to separate the house in this way if the double framework is erected, in which the racks are shifted relative to each other.

It is still possible to separate the house with wooden material outside, it is possible on a crate with a recess for ventilation. But remember that such a facade needs constant care for which modern coloring materials and special impregnations are needed. And, I would like to note that the tree can crack somewhere, the slots on the joints of the canvas can increase from the exposure of sun rays - prepare for it.

Please note that today the building market is simply filled with composite materials that help to simulate wood structure. Their distinctive feature is that such material has no shortcomings that are known wood. But you can make sure that if you decide to lay out a round sum from your family budget for their purchase.

Siding finish

What is the outside of the frame house outside?

Siding skew house

Siding is the most affordable material for finishing the structure of the frame type outside. If your building is decorated with an OSP or plywood, siding can be mounted directly to these materials, additional design and finishing you will not need.

Siding stripes practically do not change their dimensions, nor when exposed to sunlight, nor at low temperatures. Also, profiles are capable of protecting the finish from moisture, and you do not have to additionally break your head over the appearance of the house. I also want to say that profiles are easy to screw up self-tapping screws, which allows you to produce high-quality and durable installation.

If you acquire a columnar siding, so you will relieve yourself from using an additional outer OSP, and you can mount a profile directly to the frame rack.

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To keep warmth in the house, it is better to fix the siding profiles on the vertical rack made, which is screwed to the horizontal crate with a small shift in relation to the main beam. In such a job, remember that outside the surface should be insulating material of increased thermal insulation, to prevent condensation at the joint of the materials.

The trim produced in this way gives the structure of greater maintainability than the use of similar materials.

Note that it is possible to sow a house not only by plastic siding. For such work, you can choose materials from metal, but such a finish is usually used to design non-residential premises.

A comparative table of advantages and disadvantages of wood and siding is shown below.

WoodThe high level of strength, sound and thermal insulation, can "breathe", is not heavily in processing and operation, you can choose the necessary shade and work with various installation work techniques.Needs constant processing with antiseptic compositions; expensive
Sidding panelsSustainably transfers the effect of high temperature and is not afraid of the rays of the Sun, it has a high level of strengthPoorly holds heat, needs additional insulation; has a high weight that the installation is awake

Housekeeping by thermopanels

What is the outside of the frame house outside?

We pour the walls of the frame house with thermopanels

Today, thermopanels can be seen absolutely in a variety of form, which differ in each other:

  • in appearance;
  • on fastener technology.

The only moment that combines all varieties is the presence of insulating material and outdoor decoration.

The outer layer can be pre-painted or put paint materials after installation work and filling the gaps and seams.

The use of thermopadals with external finishes helps isolate the framework of the building. For quality work, it is better to glue the panel to polyurethane foam adhesive mass or mounting foam, which is able to fill the entire area of ​​the surface, which is in contact with the wall.

Work on plastering

What is the outside of the frame house outside?

Plastering works on the walls of a frame house

If a conversation about plastering the frame of the house is coming, first of all it is about what is required to plaster OSP. I would like to note that such design is made as a temporary finish and requires some kind of logical completion.

If you, nevertheless, decided on such a finish, it is not worth spending precious time, strength and finance for gluing the sickle and filling it with an elastic sealant. Immediately apply deep penetration soil, fix (using a stapler) alkaline mesh and plaster. For such a work, it is worth choosing a special plastering lot of increased elasticity, which is designed specifically for the coverage of the OSP.

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After the manipulations done, the surface must be painted or covered with decorative plaster. You can also place seams with a decorative rail. If nothing listed is not made - prepare for cracks.

Other Outdoor Methods

What is the outside of the frame house outside?

Decoration of the walls of a frame house

At the level using plaster there is a thin layer coating, which is to apply paint or using polymer materials with a minor fraction of stone or without use.

As a paintwork, it is worth selecting funds that are designed for OSP work. Today, such materials are presented in a wide variety, to which, in addition, the instructions of the work technology are applied - it is not necessary to experiment.

Such substances are manufactured on an acrylate or polyurethane basis.

Acrylate masses are not so stable withstanding the prolonged exposure of moisture and need additional water-repellent processing. The aggregate in such a substance is quartz fine fraction. For application to the surface of an acrylate composition, it is worth using a pistol Hopper.

In the polyurethane mixture there is an inclusion of cement, and they apply to it with a thick layer using a spatula. You can also see the filler more large-phrase from marble crumb or GROTSEV.

With the help of such materials, you can qualitatively hide OSP and give solidity and completed the appearance of your design. But, the headache for the design of seams is still not bypassing you.

In conclusion, I would like to add:

  1. To avoid the occurrence of cracks and cracks, wait for a complete shrinkage of the construction, and only then proceed to performing work;
  2. As a wood material, use deciduous species of wood or oaks, processing them with special protective solutions;
  3. Using the lining or siding panels, to put mineral wool as insulation.

Remember, no matter what building materials you choose to work, warm and comfort in the house depends only on its inhabitants.

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