How and how to close the crack in the wall - effective ways


The appearance of cracks in the walls is a problem. Both for multi-storey houses and private. It contributes to sinking paint, dug wallpaper and other troubles that would like to avoid any owner. It is not particularly scared, just solve the problem as it appears and do not tighten - there is still nothing eternal. The main thing is that a small crack does not lead to serious damage, otherwise you will have to spend more forces, time and money. Here I will tell you how to close the crack in the wall with my own hands.

Why cracks appear

The causes of the occurrence are quite diverse. If you saw the cracks of no more than a millimeter in your home, then there are no reasons for panic. Experts call it a completely permissible phenomenon at which it is not necessary to take a construction store and acquire materials for repair.

How and how to close the crack in the wall - effective ways

The appearance can cause a change in the ground under the house itself plus the lack of carrying ability of the walls. Such a crack can be reappeted using a mirror. But here it is necessary to pay special attention to the material from which the building is completed. If the brick and concrete are one, then the crack in the wall of foam blocks is already a big danger to all construction. But the panel house is not too troublesome for repair.

Non-last role play swelling and shrinkage - behavior of material at moisture and different weather conditions. This also includes the purpose of using the building and the loads rendered on it.

Permanent vibrations, wind, reinforced traffic, high temperatures - also important factors that affect the appearance of cracks in one or another element of the house.

What is dangerous crack?

Danger appears if the reason for the appearance of the split is defects of construction after major repairs or restructuring. To make sure, apply a plaster label or control strip on a crack. Take a little specially prepared gypsum and apply for a cracked place somewhere on the width of the palm. If during three or four weeks the crack does not appear - not so scary.

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If it appears - wait eight weeks (experts allow an increase in this period to twelve weeks). When she becomes more - contact the expert. With it, it will be possible to determine how deep the problem is and how it is better to solve it. You can monitor the declining changes using special beacons for walls. They will help to keep track of both vertical and horizontal changes.

Crack in plaster

In order to get rid of such a "guest" in the plaster, you will need such tools:

  1. brush,
  2. putty knife,
  3. brush,
  4. gypsum
  5. sandpaper.

Repair consists of the following steps:

First of all, clean the site from the construction trash and dust. If there is, remove the adhesive paint. This is done like this: wetted the surface with a brush, and then scrapes the spatula. Remove the dust with a brush, and then rinse the place with water.

Make a liquid gypsum solution. Do not forget that the inner walls are suitable for the use of plaster on a lime solution. Gently squeeze the slot with a solution with a spatula.

The filled gap must dry well. Next, use sandpaper and align the wall.

Separately, we consider how to cope with the cracks "web", which appear in the plaster on the inner and outer walls. They may not be as great, but their weighty danger lies in the fact that the web can be "spread" throughout the wall, justifying their name. The reason for their appearance is usually disturbed technology in the process of preparing the solution.

How and how to close the crack in the wall - effective ways

To get rid of them on the interior walls, you will need materials and tools of the following plan:

  • Fiberglass mesh or glass - glassballs called "Pautinca";
  • putty knife;
  • brush;
  • sandpaper;
  • Putty.

Repair is performed so:

  1. Clean the plot where the splits appeared;
  2. Carefully load the surface;
  3. Stick the grid on the applied layer of putty. Please note that the grid should cover the entire putty;
  4. On top of the grid of fiberglass again apply the shplanyol and wait for it when it will dry well;
  5. Treat the sector of sandpaper;
  6. After that, you can paint the wall or stick wallpaper.

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Now let's turn to work with the elimination of "web" on the outer walls. Usually they are made in private houses. In order to make repairs, you will need:

  • Mixture Ceresit CT-29,
  • Reinforced grid.

How and how to close the crack in the wall - effective ways

Next, do this: the grid is glued to the mixture, which is required for exterior walls. Such a putty will well withstand any natural conditions and does not need to be sick.

Crack in brickwork

Required tools, materials:

  1. brush;
  2. putty knife;
  3. sealant;
  4. primer.

Stages of repair:

  • Expand the crack in the brick wall (clearing and deepen the cramped piece of the wall);
  • Gently apply a layer of soil.

Using a building gun, make a sealant for seams.

How and how to close the crack in the wall - effective ways

Important! Working with a sealant, pay attention to its composition! If it is a silicone type sealant, it is impossible to use it, because it is not suitable for further work with paint and plaster.

  • Eliminate all excess the material applied.

Crack in plasterboard

You will need:

  1. fiberglass tape;
  2. putty;
  3. putty knife.

Stages of repair:

  • Carefully apply a layer of putty on the resulting fracture. Treat both angular sides of the split;
  • Attach fiberglass ribbon to the plot treated with putty.
  • Excess ribbon can be removed;

How and how to close the crack in the wall - effective ways

  • Then, with the spatula, apply a smooth layer of putty on the tape. Act like this: start from the middle and gently move to the edges. Press the ribbon with a spatula in such a way that a little shttelke performs from under the tape itself.

All of the above is suitable for small cracks. The situation is a bit bigger. But since the major splits are much more dangerous, I will tell you how to close them and in the inner and external walls.

When embelling a large crack inside you need:

  • Little spatula;
  • big spatula (go for decorating);
  • sponge;
  • brush;
  • gypsum solution;
  • Reinforced tape (but comes and march).

The repair process is as follows:

  1. Plot clearly clean with a wet sponge.

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Make a gypsum liquid solution (exactly that is described in the point about small cracks), but at the same time add more vinegar or joinery glue. These additives will help slow down the soloation of the solution.

How and how to close the crack in the wall - effective ways

  1. With the help of a chisel and hammer hang the borders of the crack.

Apply a neat layer of putty. You need to trace so that not only the crack is closed, but also part of the wall around it. In this case, you will have a guarantee that cracking will not go further.

  1. After that, cover the processed segment of gauze or reinforced ribbon.

Getting Started with places. Your goal is to sharpen so that there is no glued tape (gauze).

  1. Next, you can safely glue the wallpaper (painting walls).

Large splits in the outer walls can also be close independently. To do this, prepare:

  • lime-cement mortar;
  • putty knife;
  • Stucco.

Steps in the following work:

  1. Clean the plot with a split;
  2. Make a lime-cement solution. Provided that the crack is very large and through, you can add a piece of brick to the solution;
  3. The finished solution is applied to the crack. Expect until it dries;
  4. Carefully attach a renovated place.

It happens that whole areas can move. Then it is necessary to make a screed from steel stripes and brackets.

In the above methods, you can easily and quickly embed the cracks that have arisen in your walls. The main thing is to carefully read the advice and act in stages, then the success and worthy type of walls are guaranteed!

Video "Cracks in the walls of the house. How to avoid "

Video about the causes of cracks in the walls of the house and their elimination methods.

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