What to treat ends log logs after the construction of the house


Being a newcomer in the use of wooden buildings, I did not know what processing is necessary for the house from the cut. Everyone knows that, being natural and environmentally friendly, the material is susceptible to negative impacts of the atmosphere and different beetles. Therefore, the understanding of the fact that the house from the cut should be processed with me was, however, how and what processes I did not know at all. To help me came a huge amount of information and a familiar builder, an expert of building care from a log. Let's look at what to handle the ends log logs after the construction of the house and what time it should be made all the events.

What to treat ends log logs after the construction of the house

Process ends log logs do it yourself

What tree care should be held

What to treat ends log logs after the construction of the house

Torch processing log logs independently

Among users of many forums there are very popular opinions. Someone consider that the processing of facilities from the cut should be carried out in the shortest possible time. And someone proves that the house does not need emergency. For the answer, I turned to Valera, who has been engaged in the construction of wooden houses for no first year. And as it turned out, when erecting houses from solid log logs, full processing for the first couple of years is not required at all. Due to the fact that the log house is not sawn, it has natural protection against the manifestations of fungus and rotting. In this case, you only need to correctly handle cut ends.

Important! If negative manifestations appeared in the new house, it means that the log house was not completely succeeded before the installation works.

The protection of the ends from the outside should be carried out at the end of the construction of the house, as they are the most vulnerable. Since the tree completely enhances within a few years, the ends have a property of drying much faster. If the surface is not processed, then the ends begin to darken, losing the natural color of the cut and soon the fungus will appear on them.

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Materials for processing

What to treat ends log logs after the construction of the house

Process ends log logs yourself

Before you purchase a material with which the cut will be protected, you should know that it should not be an obstacle to air exchange and uniform wood drying.

When carrying out processing, you can use the classic method with your own hands, which implies the use of lime. It is still used in many villages. However, the modern building market is overflowing with possible mixtures, which, thanks to its components, provide good protection for the house from the church.

Let's consider the most common tools for processing the ends: on the example of a small table.

Senezh Tor.RussiaGood protection due to the penetration of the material into a slightly cm deep into the cut. It has a property of passing air, but it does not produce moisture from the material. This means that the log house will dry as much as possible. Environmentally safe means
Neomid Tor PlusRussiaForms a thin film on the surface of the log, which is water repellent. Protects wood from the manifestation of cracks and rotary processes
BiotorRussiaDue to the solution, the log will deform much less, since the tool protects against the dyed cracks

Important! Choosing the material should pay attention to Russian manufacturers, as their products are not inferior to modern imported brands. A huge advantage is in a good price, which is significantly lower than the cost of overseas mixtures.

Processing process with your own hands

What to treat ends log logs after the construction of the house

What to treat ends log logs

Fitting a cut is the very first process that is performed after the construction of the construction. Thanks to this, all logs become smooth and neat. Furgent is made by chainsaws. If you spend the ending yourself, then be extremely focused on an important process and are neat in operation. All processes must be performed in a certain order:

  • Grinding the log house with your own hands in myself a stripping, which is necessary to remove all irregularities. During this process, possible manifestations of mold and fungus on the material are also removed. In this process will help the ribbon grinding machine
  • Surface grinding must be performed correctly and only under conditions warm and dry weather. At the same time, the shed itself should be succeeded - if it remains wet, then the material fever will not allow you to conduct a planned process
  • Imprinting is the term, with which the log protection is performed outside the house from premature drying, fungal manifestation and cracks. You can use a wide brush as a tool, and the solution itself is quite abundant. Protection is applied in two layers, the second is applied after drying the first
  • Next, sealants are applied, which create a solid moisture-resistant coating. If painting is needed, then a special acrylic sealant is purchased

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When choosing a mixture with which the ends of the logs will be protected, you should give preference to environmentally friendly compositions. Do not forget that wood has a property to absorb water well, so the solution will be applied in several layers. As you can see the processing of ends of the logs is a mandatory event that should occur in the shortest possible time after assembling the design.

Sheathing logs Sruba

What to treat ends log logs after the construction of the house

How and how to handle ends log logs

Very often, the owners of old wooden buildings decide to see the facade with the help of inexpensive and modern materials. The fact is that the material is naturally subjected to negative impacts of atmospheric precipitation, ultraviolet radiation, fungal manifestations and invasion of beetles and rodents. At home, not only their primordial appearance is lost, but also the properties that possess in the first years of operation. Despite the huge number of all kinds of mixtures and impregnates, the actual option is to decide the facade of a wooden house by siding.

In order to place the structure outside, you can use such types of siding:

  1. Polymeric
  2. Metal
  3. Fibrocemental
  4. Wooden panels

Each of the materials have its own advantages and disadvantages, so let's make a small overview of each of them:

  • Polymer - cheap facade design option. There is enough number of imitation under a tree or brick. Their disadvantages: the material does not have the properties of thermal insulation and despite the certification of manufacturers about non-combustible, it is characteristic of melting
  • Metal - With it, you can shelter the independently large area. However, when it is arranged, it is necessary to carry out thermal insulation. During the rain or hail, the characteristic sound of the strikes will be created, so you will have to hear these sounds without proper noise insulation. Due to the exposure of the metal manifestation of corrosion, you will have to think about the use of solutions for processing fasteners
  • Fibro cement - out of the advantages: good properties of thermal insulation and noise insulation, not deformed and not subject to rotting. Of the minuses: waterproofing is necessary, and the panel is sufficiently heavy and working with them will not be quite easy
  • If you decide to strip your housing from a wooden siding bar, you should be prepared for the fact that this material will require the use of various impregnations. It is they who will protect the panels from rotting, fire and moisture. Despite this material it is easy to install with your own hands, it is environmentally friendly and looks very good

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