Loggian glazing technology: Selection of glazing, installation steps


A balcony or loggia has not been perceived as an observation platform for a long time. For the overwhelming majority of apartment owners, this is a complete, but non-residential room. It is possible to fit it with glazing and insulation. Then this small space can be operated at any time of the year.

Loggian glazing technology: Selection of glazing, installation steps

Modern plastic modules and sliding aluminum systems are installed by professionals.

Modern plastic modules and sliding aluminum systems are as follows that it is easy to install them easily.

But for this you need to know exactly how to do this work.

The glazing technology of loggias and balconies includes:

  • Selection of glazing type;
  • Installation of the roof over the balcony;
  • strengthening design;
  • installation of double-glazed windows.

Types of glazing balconies and loggia

Loggian glazing technology: Selection of glazing, installation steps

Scheme of cold type of glazing.

  • cold;

It is performed by sliding aluminum structures or wooden windows with a single glass or a single-chamber double-glazed window. Designed to protect the room from wind, rain and snow. Carectly in terms of heat maintenance and noise insulation. This is the most inexpensive view of the beautification of balconies and loggia. But despite this, he makes it a small space more comfortable and modern.

  • warm;

This type of glazing of balconies and loggias involves the installation of plastic windows and in practice is used most often. Such improvement has significant advantages: in the cold season, it will provide a maximum temperature of 10 ° C higher than on the street; The apartment will be isolated from urban noise, dust, smog. Type of opening of sash can be any.

  • Frameless (panoramic);

Loggian glazing technology: Selection of glazing, installation steps

Finnish Frameless type of balcony improvement is aimed at maximum room lighting.

This type of landscaping of balconies and loggia is called Finnish. His goal is to give an apartment a full-fledged entry of light and create a special microclimate in it. With panoramic glazing, blinds are often installed, since the room overheating in hot weather. 6-8 mm are used as the main material. Glass treated with special composition. It has a property to retain heat due to its reflective surface. This material is durable, it is difficult to smash. Panoramic glazing gives good sound insulation.

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Balcony glazing technology modules made of metal plastic

Loggian glazing technology: Selection of glazing, installation steps

The glazing with plastic blocks gives the balcony comfort and heat.

No matter how many plastic windows, PVC, metal-plastic, all this is the same design. A window block is made of two main parts: a frame from a plastic profile and a glass package, which can have from 1 to 5 cameras. The balcony block consists of several "deaf" modules, 1-2 of which are shifted in parallel to the rest with the roller system. This type of window opening is called sliding. But you can set conventional windows with several "coarse".

If you wish to get a comfortable space on the balcony, it should be glazed with plastic blocks. If high-quality insulation and the corresponding finish are produced, then this small room can be operated on a par with residential. Regarding the number of cameras in double-glazed windows, recommendations are simple: than them are more, the higher the level of heat saving will provide glazing. It will noticeably increase and noise insulation.

What plastic profile choose?

Loggian glazing technology: Selection of glazing, installation steps

The most inexpensive and acceptable quality is the profile of the KBB.

Today, a huge number of firms are engaged in installing plastic windows. Each of them focuses on a certain brand's profile, talking about its advantages. But in order for you not to delust the advertising tricks, you should know that, no matter how much the profile is called: Rehau, eyelo, KBA, Tissren, Aluplast and others, all this is almost the same product. Each of them is reinforced with a metal frame hidden inside the plastic. It is from here that the names of the windows are metal-plastic.

The most inexpensive and acceptable quality is the profile of the KBB. He recently received widespread and enjoys constant popularity. There are profiles manufactured in Russia, China and Turkey. They are even lower in the price than the CBB, for the reason that they are produced from plastic recycling. Such products are quickly yellow and have an unpleasant smell. They do not have to speak about their environmental cleanliness. Even the highest quality finish of balconies or loggia can be spoiled by an unsightly type of yellow profile. Loggy glazing technology has a lot in common with the process of installing a plastic window.

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Stages of installation of glazing

Loggian glazing technology: Selection of glazing, installation steps

Stages of installation of glazing.

  • Make sure that the concrete slab and fence are working and able to withstand the estimated load. Cracks and chips in concrete must be absent. If necessary, they need to be selected by cement mortar;
  • We produce measurements in the height and width of the parapet. We order plastic windows with frames from the profile of the CBB;
  • Check the level of the horizontal view of the parapet. Even a small discrepancy in 1-2 cm will not allow to produce high-quality glazing of a balcony or loggia. Window manufacturers often do not trust independently made measurements and calculations and send their specialist. He will appreciate the situation from a professional point of view, will reveal the corner of the walls of the walls, will say whether the stove will withstand the load from the plastic window, whether to dismantle the parapet and build a new brick;
  • But if the glazing is installed on its own, we carry out the assessment yourself;
  • If the parapet is durable, closed the gap in it using galvanized or siding. We bring it outside and fix on a pre-mounted frame by self-drawing. At this stage of work, it is advisable to invite assistants;
  • If there is no confidence in the reliability of the parapet, dismantle and build a new brick. During masonry, withstand horizontal;
  • On the perimeter, fasten the contour from a metal corner 5/5 cm. We expect the correctness of the installation level;
  • We take out windows from the metal-plastic profile of the KBA. To do this, make a pipital and lush it out of the grooves. Frames without glass weigh a little, so the installation of the window will be fairly simple and rapid;
  • I turn over the frame and secure them on a special coaching profile. It must be brought by the customer with the windows. Insert it into the grooves and fix it with a rubber image;
  • turn the frame;
  • Having retreated 15 cm from each corner of the frame, secure the retainer. This is a special metal plate. She is deployed at right angles, as it will be attached to the concrete. After the module from the frames is assembled, we invite the assistant, since it is not installed alone;
  • Install the module on the parapet, align using a level;
  • Concrete to concrete all locking plates. We work a drill with a winning drill. Use anchors as fasteners;
  • Fill out all the slots by mounting foam and leave it for a day, then cut it over;
  • put on the place of the glass windasters, inspire the sash;
  • Check the performance of the mechanisms of opening of the sash;
  • Installation of windows is complete, now mounted from the side of the street, and inside the windowsill;

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Decoration of the balcony after its glazing

First of all, you need to warm the simpleness between windows and floors. This can be done with the help of foam, mineral wool or foam. The latter often has a sticky side, so it will be much easier to work with it. The trim of balconies can be made of different materials: lining, drywall, plastic panels, plywood, OSB sheets, vinyl or metal siding. Siding is mounted outside the balcony, and all other materials are indoors.

The easiest way is to strip the walls of the loggia or balcony with plasterboard. To do this, you need to mount the frame of wooden bars or metal profile with a step of no more than 60 cm. In the space between its vertical racks, the insulation is laid. Towing plasterboard. It is finished with any facing material: a tiled tile, wallpaper, etc. Glk can simply sharpen and paint and paint.

If you like the decoration of the balcony or loggia with clapboard or plastic panels, then also first need to mount the frame from wooden bars or metal products. But its racks, in contrast to the frame under drywall, should be located horizontally in 40 cm increments. After that, the inner room is made of the interior of the balconies with clapboard or plastic.

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