What to treat a wooden house outside?


All wood breeds need additional protection, because the web is very susceptible to negative impacts, such as:

  • high humidity;
  • sharp change of temperature indicators;
  • Sun exposure, etc.

But, it is also worth protecting wood from insects and rodents, fungus and mold, which can be completely destroyed to completely destroy the structure of the tree.

What to treat a wooden house outside?

Treatment of the surface of a wooden house outside

So what is better to cover the house from the tree, so that he stood for many years? To date, it is easy to cope with such a problem, because the market you can find various impregnations for this. These include not only antiseptic substances and anti-epires, as well as paint materials, various waxes and other impregnations, which emphasize wood decorativeness and provide its protection and long service life.

Treatment of wood with specialized compositions allows:

  • Eliminate the tree from the penetration of moisture into the structure of the finish;
  • form a thin film on the surface of the material, which will pass the air, but will not allow moisture to be absorbed;
  • Recove the basis from the destructive effect of the rays of the sun;
  • Save the tree untouched insects and fungus;
  • prevent the growing flame in the fire;
  • add the external attractiveness of the structure, etc.

What are the means to handle the house of the tree?

What to treat a wooden house outside?

We process a wooden house on your own

And so, how to produce wood processing and what is better to use for this? The solution of this issue is not so difficult, as it seems at first glance.

The wax is used to extend the shelf life and transformation of the appearance of the construction. It is applied in a couple of layers, for which only liquid consistency of the substance is suitable.

Natural oil is best used to protect the surface from the effects of sun rays. Such a substance is odorless, covers the surface in 2 or 3 layers with an interval in ½ days. Full drying occurs in a day. It can be dissolved by turpentine, and the substance consumption is 1000g per 10m2.

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Danish resin oil is used only when working outside. After surface treatment, it is covered with a transparent film that originally smells a bit. Apply the substance is needed by two layers with an interval at noon. Dries out the surface after a day. Please note that before use the oil needs to be diluted with turpentine.

For the processing of a wooden surface, it is necessary:

  1. pick up the most suitable substance;
  2. to process the surface with antiseptic solution;
  3. cover with antipiren;
  4. protect against ultraviolet rays and moisture;
  5. Apply soil or varnish;
  6. Cove the product with wax.

Antiseptic substances

What to treat a wooden house outside?

Independent outdoor treatment

As a rule, upon completion of construction work, the wood house needs to be coated with antiseptics, both inside and from the street. This processing is better to produce in the factory conditions, but if there is no such possibility, you can perform work done by itself.

The classification of antiseptic substances is given in the table.

ClassificationVarieties of material
On localization processingExternal

Can protect the tree, are toxic.


Do not have a detrimental impact on the human body, act softly on microorganisms

By the nature of the current componentOrganicInorganic
By nature, solventWater

This substance is a solution of organic and inorganic salt, which penetrates deep into the structure of the tree.


Such compositions have additional ingredients or their whole complex.

Mostly antiseptics are made on a water basis that do not prevent air penetration. After such a finish, as a result of drying the surface, no smell remains.

So that the antiseptic substance covered the product is high quality and evenly, the coating should be performed in several steps. For this, the material is covered with a special substance in a pair of tier, and then apply anti-plow and water repellent substances. Such technology helps firmly protect the surface and can make a worthy competition of factory processing.

How to handle a tree?

What to treat a wooden house outside?

We process wooden house

And so how to handle the lining inside the house and outside? To do this, hold a certain technology.

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The processing process for all substances is similar, but working with antiseptics requires special care.

Work is better done in such a sequence:

  • Decide which means you will use. Mainly use substances that can protect wood from putrefactive changes and burning. The substance is applied with a tassel or a pulverizer in 2 or 3 layers. Starting the processing is outside, after which it starts to internal work. If you do not want to paint your handles, you can buy wood, which has already been processed properly in the factory conditions, but additional protection will not be superfluous.
  • Antiper, which will protect your web from burning, should be applied with two layers, after the surface is treated with antiseptic substances. Antipele is able to deeply penetrate the structure of the material, after which it does not suffer even direct contact with fire. To date, on the shelves of building stores, you can see different analogues of such a substance that are designed for specific purposes. But it is necessary to take into account that the material can be charred, but direct burning will not happen. Of course, not only wood can ignite from the long exposure of the fire, but it is the anti-epires that allows you to relieve the flame on time and prevent its distribution over the entire surface.
  • The third layer, which is processed by wood - protection against moisture impact, because the house should not absorb water. For such purposes, impregnation with water repellent feature are most suitable. Such a substance should be evenly and thoroughly cover the entire wooden surface, high attention should be paid to the ends. The sides of the log will sufficiently treat two layers of impregnation, but on the ends apply a substance in 4, and even in 5 layers. Such processing will allow the tree to dry quickly, and the moisture will evenly evaporate, which will not lead to the deformation of the wood.

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If the wooden structure inside and outside processed properly, in the future it will give a uniform shrinkage, as a result of which you will be able to avoid the appearance of cracks, skewing and large gaps.

Why use soil?

What to treat a wooden house outside?

What to treat a wooden house outside?

Upon completion of applying protective substances, the surface must be treated with a primer that serve as preparation for subsequent work. To this end, you can use alkyd-acrylic soil, which is able to deeply penetrate the gap and "seal" them. It is through the use of primer that you will get a high level of adhesion. Use the soil can be both outside and inside the house.

At the end of all the works, the construction of wood is to cover the bleaching mixture, which externally transform wooden materials.

If there is a need or even acute need, the tree can be treated with other materials, such as wax. Such a framing adds the wood of attractiveness and prolongs the service life. It is no longer necessary to apply paint, because the appearance turns out quite beautiful and does not hide the naturalness of the finish.

As you can see, the processing of a building from a tree requires the use of specialized substances that differ in different peculiarities. Particularly carefully approach the selection of impregnation, which can be removed from mold and fire.

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