What and how to clean the palace at home


What and how to clean the palace at home

Palace uses many housewives to create a cozy interior in their apartment. It is very convenient to use and, unlike the carpet, does not have a long pile, which greatly facilitates care for it. However, if you do not care for this coating and not clean, its appearance suffers significantly, stains appear, the glossy pile, dust. How to clean the Palace, we will tell in our publication.

Homemade cleaning

Palace, in addition to creating comfort, keeps warmth in the house. There are many ways to clean, from folk remedies before using modern detergents. And folk ways show good results. For example, if you need to remove dirty spots from the track, you can use:

  • soda;
  • ammonia alcohol;
  • lemon juice;
  • economic soap;
  • vinegar;
  • snow;
  • numerous shampoos, powders for carpet cleaning, which are well destroyed traces of pollution;
  • various varieties of vacuum cleaners that will help not make not only dry, but also wet cleaning;
  • knocking out

Numerous folk methods are very effective to eliminate some spots. To begin with, it is necessary to remove all mechanical pollution from the palace, spending it. Now let's determine which stains can be removed by folk remedies:

  • Wine spots are removed by vinegar;
  • Mentals formed as a result of children's creativity from watercolor paints and ink, well remove lemon juice and vinegar;
  • Traces from coffee or juice helps to remove the ammonia alcohol;
  • Fat stains destroy starch or birch sawdust, pre-impregnated with gasoline;
  • Footprints from blood easily removes the economic soap.

Regular care for such products will allow to preserve the initial type of product and its color for many years. Unwanted fragrances are destroyed. Next, we will talk in more detail about how it is correct and in what proportions you need to use the estimated funds.

What and how to clean the palace at home

Cleaning folk remedies

Salt will help to return the color of the floor covering. This tool absorbs the formed pollution, makes the color brighter and rich. Before working, it is necessary to make a mechanical cleaning of the track, spending it, then sprinkle with water slightly and apply a layer of large salt. A little wait and remove the salt with a vacuum cleaner or brush.

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Sai cabbage will collect all pollution. Cabbage for cleaning the palace use the one that came out without adding vinegar. It must be squeezed and decomposed along the track. Next, brushing with bristle medium hardness must be cleaned with contaminated places, collect cabbage and rinse it. The procedure is repeated several times until the cabbage is clean. In conclusion, you need to spend the palass and dry it.

Cleaning coating soda. With this fund, you can remove odors, soda is well collecting dust and dirt. Just sprinkle a polluted place for about thirty minutes. Then collectively assemble with a vacuum cleaner. Instead of soda, you can use starch.

You can breed 3 tbsp. Spoons of soda in a liter of water. With the help of a sprayer to treat the surface. Wait a bit and speaking. The updated type of coating will delight you. Even light products are well refreshing to this way. The color of the track becomes bright, and it acquires a neat look.

You can clean the Palace at home from the dirt by ammonic alcohol. This tool works well as a stain pressure. In 0.5 liters of water, distribute 1 tsp. Ammonic alcohol and washing powder. Apply the resulting mixture to the track and sweeten the brush. Use soft bristles for work. Dry the surface.

Lemon juice well displays stains. This agent is used in pure, undiluted form. It needs to be applied to a polluted surface and leave for some time, about two hours. Next, using a brush and clean water to handle a plot and dry.

Wash the coating at home the household soap is also very easy. This method is well destroyed by stains of various origin, but be careful, applying it in practice, since excessive persistence can lead to stealing a pile. The solution prepared in the ratio of 5 g of grated soap on 500 ml of water, with the help of the brush, apply to the Palance. Cleaning with light movements. The most contaminated places are treated again. At the end of the procedure, wipe the Palace with a damp cloth. Dry.

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How to use vinegar covering for cleaning? Prepare the following solution: vinegar - 2 tbsp. Spoons, and water - 0.6 liters. Light movements with a brush, try to clean the track. After the procedure it is necessary to ventilate the room, and the scent of vinegar will disappear.

Important! You can use the air conditioner for linen to eliminate the smell, processing the surface of the palace on both sides. After that, the product must be dried! Your home is filled with a pleasant aroma.

And another useful advice.

To remove stains on the track, try to prepare the following composition:

  • 200 ml beer warm;
  • Dilute in it 25 g of salt and soda.

All mix and the resulting composition with a sponge, try to remove stains. Start with a small area, if everything is fine, continue.

What and how to clean the palace at home

Use of special drugs

Today it is not necessary to attribute outdoor coverage in the cleaning company. A wide range of champuneds offered for cleaning carpets will help you with it. Vanis is considered the most popular tool. The concentrated composition of this tool will help you easily remove all sorts of pollution, update the color, remove unpleasant odors. Convenient to use the tool will not deliver you extra hassle.

How to clean the Palace "Vanishe"?

Important! Before starting the procedure, perform mechanical cleaning of the coating, spending it. Otherwise, spots may form on the product.

For work, prepare the composition of the water and "Vanisha" in the proportion of 1:10. Water for work we use warm. Take the composition in the foam. Easily make foam on polluted areas with a sponge. Gently rub the foam into the floor covering. The whole secret is that bubbles together with mud rises to the surface of the track. If there are severely contaminated places, you can sprinkle a plot with a concentrated tool. Leave the Palace for a while to let him dry. It remains only to spend the clean surface. During the impact, try not to step onto the track. The room during the procedure should be well ventren. The other shampoos offered by domestic producers are similar qualities: "Cinderella", "radiance".

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Also for dry cleaning, you can use special powers. They are required to simply scatter on the surface of the carpet, wait 10 minutes and collect with the help of a vacuum cleaner. Dry cleaning helps to remove not only contamination, but also unpleasant odors.

What and how to clean the palace at home

Palace cleaning mechanical methods

If you do not fit the options described above, we propose to use mechanical cleaning. The most popular method is with the help of a vacuum cleaner. This way needs to be regularly cleaning, not less than once every ten days. Complete with a vacuum cleaner there are several brushes. Before starting, determine which fits you. If your palace has a cut-out pile, you will fit the nozzle with solid bristles. It will help remove contamination from the deepest places. In the completion of the procedure, pass the brush in the direction of the pile. To spend the coating most effectively, divide it mentally into several parts and treat each separately. Especially carefully treat places that are exposed to active contamination. If you want to remove unpleasant odors, add soda to the dust collector. At the end, you can use fresheners.

In winter, snow copes well with cleaning the palace. To do this, make a coverage on the street and put the front side of the snow. To knock him down, then turn the track and put it in a clean place. Clean pure snow on the palace, wait a while and sweep it. Repeat the procedure follows until the snow becomes clean.

Note! For work, only pure snow is needed. It will be nice if it will be frosty weather during work on the street, it will prevent excessive wetting of the product. This procedure will refresh the appearance of your palace, will remove unpleasant odors. If you leave it in the cold for a long time, it will help you get rid of various types of ticks.

In the summer in dry weather you can simply knock out the product, after having hung it on the crossbar.

What and how to clean the palace at home

How to clean the Palace at home, tells the video:

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