Shower partitions and Shirma - what to choose better


For more comfortable adoption of hygienic procedures, it is worth a particularly careful approach to the issue of bathroom arrangement. If its dimensions are not high enough, you can stop your choice on an open shower or a special partition that looks very aesthetically. Such products will allow to make even compact space functional and practical. Consider what there are shower partitions and what tasks they allow you to solve.

Partitions for the shower - what is their feature?

Shower partitions and Shirma - what to choose better

Modern soul partitions are a design for which the minimum amount of materials is used. Total than one or several glass products can be obtained open, but at the same time a practical and functional zone for the adoption of water procedures, having an oval or rectangular shape.

There are structures in which the front part of the space is completely closed, and the sides remain open. You can also stop your choice on the same angular type partition, which closes the shower not completely, but it consists of several glass canvases.


The soul partitions presented in the modern market have different color execution and the form, which will allow you to choose the perfect option for any other interior. Thanks to such products, it is possible not only to correctly implement the available space, but also make it more comfortable and attractive.

The main advantages that showered sowers are worth include the following:

  • Compact design.
  • A simple and fast installation method.
  • Available product cost.
  • Practicality in use and care.
  • Beautiful external execution, which will allow to get aesthetic and unique design.

As a rule, such shower partitions do not require special skills when installed, so you can install them without special equipment with your own hands. Unlike classic shower cabins, separating structures from plastic or glass will be much cheaper, which makes them so popular and popular. As for raw materials, the most different materials can be used to produce such partitions, but polycarbonate, plastic, stable chipsert or glass are most often used.

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The main advantage of partitions is the ability to considerable saving space. They are very easy to operate, so they can be cleaned without much effort through various detergents.

What to pay attention to when choosing?

Deciding to acquire partitions for the shower, it will not be superfluous to find out what details to pay special attention to:

  • Choosing the shower partitions, it is necessary to pay attention to the fastening type, as well as the design features. As for the sash, they can be carried out in stationary, mobile either combined variations - in this matter everything will depend on the preferences of the owner itself and the size of the room.
  • When choosing a partition, you should pay special attention to the joints and compounds, on the quality of which will depend on the durability of the entire product.
  • Product dimensions also play a far from the last role, as it should most harmoniously fit the size of the bathroom.
  • Another important criterion for which you should pay attention to, picking up partitions for the shower, are their design. Depending on the overall style, you need to choose the appropriate design.

We draw a bathroom with a screen

Not only the shower partitions allow you to make even a small bathroom more practical and cozy. For these purposes, there is a special shirma that will enter a special atmosphere in the interior.

Such a bathroom screen has a variety of significant advantages:

  1. The process of taking the soul will not be the reason for splashing water onto the floor covering and walls, which will help protect them from damage and get rid of the need for cleaning.
  2. Since Shirma is created from transparent materials, the bathroom will not look clouded and too heavy.
  3. Like shower partitions, such products are very easy to clean. In most cases, we are talking about a glass structure, according to which water drops simply flow. It will remain only from time to time to disinfect the surface so that pathogenic microorganisms do not develop on it.
  4. The special design of such a screen makes it possible to access the bathroom without any problems. The product is a light movement of the hand shifts towards the wall.
  5. Shirma looks very aesthetically, which will only give the interior of some piquancy and uniqueness.

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What could be shirma?

Modern shirma can be presented in the following variations:

  • products having a frame;
  • Designs without framework;
  • Models of combined type.

The first type of Shirm is a design consisting of an aluminum frame, which is installed polycarbonate or glass web, having a thickness of 4 mm. Such a frame may have a single or dual frame.

The second type of Shirm is presented in the form of a barrier, for the production of which glass is used with a thickness of from 6 to 8 mm. Such a barrier has no aluminum frame. A motionless glass is used to produce the supporting structure. Such models are very similar to the shower partitions.

Relatively combined shirm, they can also be divided into the following types:

  • folding
  • sliding
  • opening.

Foldable shirma is a design that is closed by hinges. Sliding-type products for these goals use special guides, which makes it possible to move in any direction. Working shirma works as traditional doors - mounted mounted on the wall, and its discovery takes out.

Shirma can be produced from a wide variety of materials, as in the case of shower partitions:

  • Glass material, which can be matte, transparent, tinted, or with a pattern.
  • Polycarbonate, which is usually transparent performance.

Each of the listed materials has its own specific features and dignity, thanks to which the correctly selected Shirm will become a worthy addition of any bathroom.

Doors for the arrangement of the soul - what is their feature?

High-quality Timo showers will become not only a practical addition to the bathroom, but also its aesthetic element capable of giving a feeling of comfort and ease. Like showers, the door structures for the bathroom will become the easiest solution to the arrangement of a small space.

Depending on the design features, Timo showers can have the following variations:

  • swing
  • sliding
  • folding
  • Rotating.

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In this case, the choice will depend on the needs and preferences of the owners, as well as the stylistics of the room itself.

What can do door designs from?

Like shower partitions, door canvases can also be made from various materials:

  • The plastic material is the most practical and accessible variation. However, on such a surface, after a long use, the flight will begin to form, to get rid of which there will be no simple cleaning.
  • Timo showers made of tempered glass will become the most environmentally friendly solution for the bathroom. Such products can withstand a high level of humidity and significant temperature differences.
  • Triplex designs are very durable and durable. Thanks to a special method of production, glass canvas can withstand significant physical exertion, however, the price of such models is quite high.

High-quality Timo showers can have the most diverse design, which makes it possible to harmoniously enter them both in the classic bathroom interior and more stylish design. It can be like a canvas without unnecessary decor and products with patterns and appliqués. Timo showers are produced with a special photo printing, which makes them even more original and stylish.

As for the prices for showers, they may look like this:

Door manufacturing material for showerAverage price indicators
Polystyrene (plastic)$ 85.00- $ 256.00
Orcseklo$ 42.00- $ 68.00
Strained glass$ 220.00- $ 428,00
Triplex$ 520.00- $ 980.00

Thanks to properly selected shower partitions and doors, ordinary water procedures will become more comfortable and comfortable.

Shower partitions and Shirma - what to choose better

Shower partitions and Shirma - what to choose better

Shower partitions and Shirma - what to choose better

Shower partitions and Shirma - what to choose better

Shower partitions and Shirma - what to choose better

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Shower partitions and Shirma - what to choose better


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