How to make a podium with a drawn bed with your own hands?


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  • Podium Device - Japanese Tradition
  • Podium in the Russian version
  • Materials and tools to create a podium
  • Installation work on the installation of the podium frame with a pull-out bed
  • Installation and finishing of floor covering

The choice of furniture for apartments with a small area is always challenging. If there are several children in the family, but only one room can be highlighted for them, create a comfortable sleeping place for each of them acquisition of ordinary beds is almost impossible. In addition to the beds, the children's room should be provided for the placement of the closet for clothing, place for study and for the game. Each family is looking for a solution to the problem in your way.

How to make a podium with a drawn bed with your own hands?

Podium bed assembly scheme.

Some acquire bunk beds, some are not too useful for the health of the children of clamshells, and the most skillful mount the drawn bed from the podium with their own hands.

Podium Device - Japanese Tradition

The idea of ​​such an interior device came to us from Japan. In this country, it was published to use a special elevation to sleep, built above the floor surface. It was made in such a way that the inner space could be used for storing dishes and clothing. Later, the mounted podium was provided with nominating boxes installed on the guides, and sometimes it was even easier: fastened the rollers to them and the drawers were rolled out from under construction.

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Podium in the Russian version

How to make a podium with a drawn bed with your own hands?

Drawing of the podium.

Our home masters found this idea very useful for a sleeping place in a small room or a convenient organization of the children's room. The design began to have such a height so that the retractable bed could hide under it. From the podium, it turned out not only sleeping, but also the working, and the game zone.

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If necessary, there could be two breeding beds, and if the children's room was wide, it was also possible to post a third bed. It was also possible to use the surface of the podium in the role of an extra bed, setting a small sofa.

The finished podium is equally suitable for any room, it is impossible to find. This design will have to be manufactured to order, as its size is always individual. However, making the podium is quite accessible and independently. For such a job, you need a little imagination and accuracy, as well as the ability to work with the most common tools for wood processing and installation of the structure.

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Materials and tools to create a podium

How to make a podium with a drawn bed with your own hands?

Drawing of a retractable corner bed-podium.

Before making a podium, you should thoroughly think about how it will look like in a finished form. Then make all the necessary measurements and with their account to perform a detailed drawing.

With it, it will be easy to determine the required amount of materials. The drawing must be indicated by the location of the transverse timber intended for the ribs of stiffness. Stiffeners must be located so that the drawing bed can move without interference. If there are two beds, it is better to break them on the edges of the podium, and its middle to use to accommodate additional ribs of hardness.

The following main tools and materials will be required for work:

  • electrolovik;
  • electric drill;
  • screwdriver;
  • Screwdriver Set;
  • furniture stapler;
  • roulette;
  • Wooden bars 50x50;
  • Chipboard or plywood having a thickness of at least 12 mm;
  • Carpet for finishing the surface of the podium;
  • Bed mattress;
  • Furniture rollers and guides for them;
  • Self-tapping screws and furniture Euro Shrews.

The height of the podium is made up of the height of the mattress, roller mechanism, the base thickness of the bed. It should be added to the resulting number of approximately 15-20 cm. Then the height of the podium will be sufficient to move the retractable bed along with the blanket and the pillow. For lifting to the surface of the podium, it is necessary to provide steps.

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Installation work on the installation of the podium frame with a pull-out bed

How to make a podium with a drawn bed with your own hands?

Drawing of retractable bed on wheels.

Before starting the installation, it is necessary to make sure that the floor indoors has a smooth surface. If the floor in different places differs significantly in terms of the level, it should be previously aligned. Otherwise, difficulties may occur not only in the installation process, but also when using a pull-out bed.

The installation process begins with the mounting of the bars on the wall on the marked line, a certain laser level. If the podium with a pull-out bed is mounted at the wall where the heating battery is placed, then when installed, you should provide a technological window device for access to it.

Installation of subsequent bars is carried out precisely in size specified in the drawing. Places of connection of BRUSIV should be paved with a noise absorbing material. This must be done in order to avoid a violep, which is possible when the wooden surfaces are touched after their complete drying. By readiness of the frame, you should install guides for the rollers, which will be equipped with a retractable bed from the podium. For them, it will be extended without difficulty.

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Installation and finishing of floor covering

After graduating from the first stage of the installation work, the turn of the floor covering occurs. Plywood or chipboard sheets should be cut off so that the joints are on frame bars. Then attach them to the bars by self-drawing.

If the sheets used to mount the surface of the podium, quite large, then the attachment points should be noted in advance. If desired, it is possible to obtain a more durable surface of the podium, you can use the laying of the coating material in two layers. The most convenient material of the finishing of the podium is carpet. It is attached to the surface with special glue and staplers.

The last step will be the installation of the rollers on the base of the bed and installing the mattress on it. After the end of work in the room there will be comfortable sleeping places and enough free space.

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