What exhaust to choose for modern kitchen interior?


Almost everyone at least once came across the purchase of such a mechanism as a hood. But not everyone knows what modern ventilation devices are distinguished. What functions are needed, and which is not. Before buying a kitchen hood, we will give some tips that you will be useful.

What exhaust to choose for modern kitchen interior?

What are the kitchen hoods

Kitchen hood has several main parts. This includes a working panel, filters, pipes, control panel, fans and lighting.

What exhaust to choose for modern kitchen interior?

The working panel can be different. Manufacturers offer several types:

  1. Suspended (attached to the wall).
  2. Dome (attached to the wall or to the ceiling).
  3. Built-in (located in a hinged cabinet above the stove).
  4. Retractable (compact, combined with any interior).

What exhaust to choose for modern kitchen interior?

Each extract has a filter. It can be reusable or disposable. Before choosing the kitchen hood, do not forget to familiarize yourself with the control system. Here you can take the one that is fashionable, or - more practical. The control system may be sensory - here the modes are changed by touching the finger. There are models where each program has a specific button. There is also a slider panel, the adjustment is performed using a moving lever. You can purchase an exhaust with a remote control panel, change the mode using the remote control.

What exhaust to choose for modern kitchen interior?

Noise level

It is important that the hood is not too noisy while working. Each hostess knows that the slab has to spend a lot of time, and when something is noise or buzzing above your head, then cooking dishes for the family will be real flour. We advise you not to acquire the first favorite hood, even if it is expensive, it does not mean that - silent.

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What exhaust to choose for modern kitchen interior?

Many modern models have a low noise level and high power - this is achieved by using a special anti-vibration gasket separating the motor from the housing. The noise arises from the operation of the monotonous air movement, and not only from the motor operation. Modern drawers are equipped with such fans that have a special function, which is aimed to provide minimum noise at maximum device power. Therefore, be sure to consider this moment when you buy this device.

What exhaust to choose for modern kitchen interior?

Important! If you want your hood for a long time to serve, then definitely pay attention to the motor part.

Most of the manufacturers sell hoods in which the engine has several modes. The instructions may mark the average consumption and maximum.

What exhaust to choose for modern kitchen interior?


One of the wonderful engineering solutions is lighting in the hood. Of course, it is not related to the process of ventilation and air purification, however, the presence of this function is simply necessary. For source of light in hoods, halogen lamps or incandescent lamps are usually used. Do not think that the lamp will shine to your eyes and interfere with cooking this or that dish. For your comfort, there is a protective matte or light scattering glass. If the lamp fails, you can easily replace it, for this you do not need to disassemble the housing of the hood.

What exhaust to choose for modern kitchen interior?


The most basic consumer exhaust parameter is its performance. This allows you to see what volume of air passes per unit of time through the hood. It turns out that this information is very important, because according to sanitary standards, in the kitchen or in the room where food is preparing, the air should change at least 10 times a day. If you know the size of your kitchen, you will be easy to decide what productivity is necessary for your room.

What exhaust to choose for modern kitchen interior?

Also pay attention to the power of consumption. You are sure to know the amount of electricity spent on the work of lighting, electric motors and other electronic functions.

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Additional functions

Each extractor has a number of additional features. For someone they are needed, and someone believes that you can do without it . Here it is already worth each mistress individually approach. If you want you to have an extract hardly not the last model, then it can have:

  • timer;
  • humidity sensor;
  • electronic speed switch;
  • work in the interval mode;
  • Final air purification and others.

What exhaust to choose for modern kitchen interior?

Before use, carefully read the instructions, then the extract will serve you more than one year.

Now, when you know all the necessary information, the search for kitchen hood will not be a difficult thing for you. \

What exhaust to choose for modern kitchen interior?

Hood in the kitchen. Part 1. How to choose a model (1 video)

Hoods in a modern kitchen (11 photos)

What exhaust to choose for modern kitchen interior?

What exhaust to choose for modern kitchen interior?

What exhaust to choose for modern kitchen interior?

What exhaust to choose for modern kitchen interior?

What exhaust to choose for modern kitchen interior?

What exhaust to choose for modern kitchen interior?

What exhaust to choose for modern kitchen interior?

What exhaust to choose for modern kitchen interior?

What exhaust to choose for modern kitchen interior?

What exhaust to choose for modern kitchen interior?

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