Bath update Acryl


A few years ago, the restoration of the bath was carried out only in one way - by re-applying the enamel layer.

Bath update Acryl

The coating of liquid acrylic is an effective and easy-to-restoration for the restoration of steel and cast-iron baths.

To date, the renewal of the bath acrylic is becoming increasingly popular, as this method has many advantages.

The restoration of the bath with liquid acrylic also deserves attention also because it is not difficult to make this process, thanks to it, it is possible to upgrade the old plumbing for several hours at home without much difficulty. And then the appearance of the bathroom will be much more attractive, and you can not doubt, visiting such a room will always be accompanied by the most positive emotions.

Tools for painting: brush, roller, soft sponge, spatula.

The bath, which was updated with the help of acrylic, looks like a new one and it is confidently said that its service life can be extended at least 15 years. So how to update the bath acrylic with your own hands, what will you need to do this? Tools are needed:

  • brush;
  • roller;
  • soft sponge;
  • putty knife.

If everything is done accordingly, the old bath will look no worse, but maybe better than a new one that for this room is an important factor.

Liquid acrylic - its properties and why it is selected for the bathroom

Such material as liquid acrylic is unique in its properties of the coating, which can "replace" the old bath for a new one, does not need to disassemble the tiles and the bath itself.

Bath update Acryl

Acrylic is resistant to mechanical impacts, has excellent decorative qualities.

Such material is highly resistant to mechanical and chemical impacts, it has excellent decorative qualities. The surface covered with acrylic is never too slippery. When the bathroom update is planned, the liquid bulk acrylic is most often used before proceeding to the restoration of the bath, it is necessary to process the surface of a highly cute two-component enamel, which consists of the base and hardener. Such a liquid acrylic is superbly coping with its appointment, he has a whole set of positive qualities:

  1. The smoothness of the material is such that it exceeds the smoothness of the bath surface when the factory casting is carried out, thus, an increased resistance to external influences is provided.
  2. Due to the low thermal conductivity in the bath, the water temperature remains longer, so if the bath restoration is planned with acrylic, then in the future the adoption of the bath becomes much more comfortable. You can make a comparison - in an ordinary cast-iron bath, water loses 1 ° in about 3 minutes, and in the bath, which is updated acrylic, water cools at least 30 minutes.
  3. Easy to care is also an undoubted plus of such a finish, so spending a lot of time, laundering a bath, do not have to. It is enough just to wipe the acrylic bath with a soft sponge with soap solution, use abrasive tools.
  4. Among the advantages of acrylic should be noted and high strength, since it is practically not affected by wear, so the appearance of the bathroom will always be as new.

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Preparation for the application of liquid acrylic

Before restoring the old bath, you need to get rid of the old coating and prepare the surface. This is done as follows:

The entered rust and deep scratches are removed by drills with a grinding nozzle.

  1. If there are minor scratches and yellow spots, it will be enough to treat the surface with emery paper. If there are deep scratches and a rust in the old enamel, the coating is removed by drills with a grinding nozzle. It is necessary to take into account the fact that cleaning with the help of a drill will cause a large amount of dust in the bathroom, so if such works need to be sure to wear a protective mask.
  2. Dirt remaining after stripping is washed off.
  3. The surface of the bath must be determined by the solvent, you can use the drinking soda in this capacity. At the same time, the soda is divorced to the state of the Cashitz, and when the processing is completed, everything must be washed with hot water.
  4. If there are cracks and chips on the surface, then they need to be treated with an auto-suck, which instantly dries.
  5. Restoration of the bath with liquid acrylic implies the presence of a warm surface, otherwise the enamel will not fall smoothly. The bathhouse is filled with hot water, then it is left for 5 minutes and merge. After that, the surface must be dried (only very quickly), for this it uses a fabric that does not leave the villion.
  6. The upper and lower drain is dismantled, this is done so that the residues of the acrylic do not fall into the sewer. Special dishes are installed under the bath. If the dismantling does not work (this happens if the bath is covered with tiles), then the lower drain is stuck with a tape or a sticky ribbon, and the bottom of the plastic cup is inserted from above, so that the residues acrylic fall into it.
  7. After all this is done, you can proceed directly to the update of the bath.

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Technology "Bulk Bath"

One of the most common restoration technologies for the old bath is a "bulk bath", such a technology is carried out as follows.

In accordance with the instructions, it is necessary to prepare a mixture (it is a two-component), a small part of this mixture is overflowed into the container, from it will occur "in bulk" acrylic.

Bath update Acryl

The mixture is poured up to the formation of a layer of 4 - 6 cm.

  1. The thin band is poured onto the side, and the spatula substance is applied under the edge of the tile.
  2. The mixture is poured into a mesmer jet to the edge of the fibril in such a way that a layer of 4 to 6 cm is formed, and the fluid should flow to about the middle of the bath.
  3. After that, the jet is mixed along the side and moves around the perimeter of the bath until the ring is closed. It is not necessary to stop at the same time. If during this process there are losses and influx, it is not necessary to try to correct them, then they will disappear.
  4. Now you need to pour acrylic to the middle of the bath, it should be covered with the whole surface, while you need to move on the helix.

Such technology is very economical, if compared with the acquisition of new plumbing. In order to update the acrylic bath with a standard size, it will take about 3.4 kg acrylic. Bath Restoration Acrylic is not a rapid process, a master professional spends on average for 2 hours, and a person who does not have such skills can spend 2 times longer.

After the end of all works, the bath must be left to complete drying, it may take from 1 to 4 days, much in this regard depends on the specific properties of acrylic.

If it is necessary that the restoration has passed in a short time, it is recommended to use quick-drying acrylic, then the bathroom can be used already in a day. There is still a long-drying acrylic, he can dry it 4 days, but it forms a stronger surface, so it is recommended to stop its choice on such a material. As for the guarantee: if you carefully fulfill all the instructions for restoration of the bath with your own hands, then such an updated plumbing can be served at least 15 years, and if you provide proper care, then all 20 years. So updating the old bath is your work.

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