How to make pig-iron dishes and prepare it for use


Cast iron frying pan is probably any mistress. This material is distinguished by durability, easy to use and does not require special care. In addition, when heating the cast iron does not highlight harmful substances and is considered absolutely safe.

The main advantages of pig-iron dishes

A frying pan or cast iron pan has a number of advantages compared to analogues from other materials. The main advantages of use of dishes from this material can be found:

  • No impurities of harmful substances;
  • high temperature conservation indicators;
  • Uniform heat supply to products in the cooking process;
  • strength and durability;
  • On pans that have a embossed bottom, you can prepare with a small amount of vegetable oil or animal fat.

In the cast iron dishes you can cook food on any plate, as well as in the oven. It is resistant to high temperatures, so you should not be afraid to overcome it.

In addition, from frequent use, the frying pan of its properties becomes better.

How to make pig-iron dishes and prepare it for use

As deficiencies, it is possible to note the impossibility of storing products in such a dishes and a tendency to the appearance of rust. In addition, iron products have a rather big weight.

If you have purchased such a dish, then it is impossible to use it. First, a new cast-iron frying pan must be carefully flushed, and then rolling. However, not all modern hostesses know how to do it right and what should be calcined for what.

For which crushing cast iron frying pan

The calcination of the cast-iron frying pan is necessary for several reasons:

Machine a new frying pan can be in several ways, they are equally effective.

How to properly roll the frying pan and protect the surface from the appearance of rust? Getting Started, you need to take into account the features of the material from which it is made. Methods of calcination of cast iron differ from how to rolling aluminum frying pan, and it must be remembered.

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The cast-iron frying pan can be calculated in the following ways.

Equipment of cast-iron frying pan with salt

How to make pig-iron dishes and prepare it for use

Each salt of the pan will not be difficult.

  • To do this, be filled with a salt of a salt with a layer of 1.5-2 cm to completely close the bottom.
  • Put the dishes on the mesmer fire and warm up for 15-20 minutes. Salt has good absorbent properties, and during this time it will "pull out" all harmful substances from the coating. Capacity should be calcined until the salt color changes to golden brown.
  • When the dishes cool down a bit after warming up, remove the salt from it and lubricate the surface with a tampon dipped in vegetable oil or fat, and warm again.

How to roll a cast-iron oil frying pan

This method is no less effective, but when calculating, caution will be taken, because oil ignition can occur. If you can do it on the street, it is better to use it.

Drying frying pan in the oven

How to make pig-iron dishes and prepare it for use

It is possible to hide dishes from cast iron not only on the stove, but also in the oven.

  • Wash the frying pan, and wipe the surface with vegetable oil with a tampon. Some hostesses prefer animal fat using for wiping saber or pork fat.
  • Heat the oven to a temperature of 180-200 degrees, and place the pan on the pan for 1 hour. After that, remove the dishes, let it cool naturally and re-soda with fat.

How to properly care for cast iron dishes

Despite the fact that cast-iron dishes are easy to use, durable and can serve decades, it needs the right care. Observe the following rules when operating frying pan:

Applying these tricks, you will keep the dishes in the perfect condition for many years.

Methods for calcining dishes from other materials

In the calcination you need not only products from cast iron, but also frying pans from other materials. The utensils made of stainless steel is calcined in the same way as cast iron. You can choose a method of calcining with salt, or use fat or vegetable oil. In both cases, the desired result will be achieved.

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Different methods of calcination for dishes made of aluminum. How to pump an aluminum frying pan and do it right? You can use one of these ways:

The calcination forms a protective layer on the surface that will not allow food to burn and protect the surface from burning fat spots.

If your frying dishes have a ceramic coating, then only applying vegetable oil can be hired. Ceramics - fragile and sensitive material, a delicate approach is needed here, and salt can not be calcined in a ceramic frying pan, it will spoil the coating.

The proposed method of calcination will allow to extend the service life and strengthen the non-stick properties of the dishes with a ceramic coating. The following advice will allow you for a long time to keep the container for frying in the "working" state and avoid unnecessary costs for the purchase of new dishes.

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